[comp.sys.atari.8bit] uuencoded uuencode for the 8-bits...

btb@ncoast.UUCP (02/02/87)

Hello, again,
	Well I have written a uuencode program in Deep Blue C, and here
is the executable uuencoded itself... there seems to be some problem with
John's uudecode program... it almost works to uudecode this, but it gets
lost at the end... I have sent this to John, so please don't use this to
uuencode yet (if you can get it working) until we/I hear more from John
on fixes to uudecode.bas (and this program, maybe?).

			Brad Banko
			Cleveland, Ohio

begin 700 uuencode.com
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			Brad Banko
			Cleveland, Ohio

"The only thing we have to fear on this planet is man."
			-- Carl Jung, 1875-1961

hans@umd5 (Hans Breitenlohner) (02/04/87)

In article <1991@ncoast.UUCP> btb@ncoast.UUCP (Brad Banko) writes:
>Hello, again,
>	Well I have written a uuencode program in Deep Blue C, and here
>is the executable uuencoded itself... there seems to be some problem with
>John's uudecode program... it almost works to uudecode this, but it gets
>lost at the end... I have sent this to John, so please don't use this to
>uuencode yet (if you can get it working) until we/I hear more from John
>on fixes to uudecode.bas (and this program, maybe?).
>			Brad Banko
>			Cleveland, Ohio
>			...!decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!btb
Actually, I think it is your uuencode which is not working correctly.  There
should be a line with a byte count of zero (i.e. starting with either a
space or an accent grave) between the last line of text and the 'end' line.
While some uudecodes may not enforce this, all the uuencoded files I have
looked at contain that line.


The difficulty that Brad has been having with my uudecode seems to be caused
by the format of his uuencode output, which does not include the final line
containing "zero bytes" to be uudecoded.  VAX implementations of uuencode seem
to include such a line.  This comes out as a line containing just a single
space before the <RETURN>.  A space is $20 (or decimal 32) in ASCII, so a
uudecoder subtracts $20 and gets a byte count of zero.  If it is written
correctly it decides that (a) there is nothing on that line to uudecode and
(b) there are no more lines, either.  The next line should contain "end".

I wrote the assembly language subroutine to determine that the byte count was
zero and return without doing any decoding.  It does however return a USR
value of 0, which gets put into the M in my BASIC calling program in the line
"M=USR(UUDADR)".  The next line tests for M=0 as the end condition and
returns control down below to the lines which handle finishing up and closing

In Atari BASIC, if you want high speed, you have to put the critical code
right at the beginning, because every time you ask BASIC to GOTO a line
number, it has to search through all the stored program steps until it finds a
line with that number.  If you are searching for a line right at the
beginning, the search takes the least possible time.  That is why I put the
"main loop" at the front, with just one line ahead of it to make the program
start up correctly on a RUN command.

I also used just the one test for a line with zero bytes in it as the end
condition.  I felt that this would be a fast test.  If you want to, you can
make it actually look for the "end" line instead by inserting the test
"IF (OBUF$(1,3)="end" THEN GOTO ..." instead of or in addition to the test
for M=0.

-John S.


Well, it sounds as though your efforts will prove of value to the net, by
allowing us to uuencode locally.  Since that is done once and decoding is done
many times (i.e. by many people), I guess it is not so bad if the encoder is
in Deep Blue C and is 5 times slower than the decoder.  (I am assuming that
encoding and decoding are about equal.  Actually encoding may be a little
worse because writing DOS files on 1050s is much slower than reading them, and
the output file is 33% longer for encoding than for decoding.)

Anyway, thanks for your benchmarking.  It is gratifying to learn that I
apparently did a reasonable job of structuring the thing for speed.

-John S.