[comp.sys.atari.8bit] PD Vt100 in Antic


The PD VT100 emulator available for $10.00 through Antic is indeed
VT10SQ.  It's not bad but fairly inflexible and a bit tough on the
eyes at times.  It's not quite a full emulation, but it does in a
pinch when I can't tolerate Chameleon's horizontal scrolling.  Again,
the documentation is on the back side of the disk as it is with
Chameleon.  I also have the TEK4010 emulator, but have not used it
extensively yet... just a bit.  It does seem to work as advertised
but documentation is basically non-existent...
Regarding the problem with Chameleon not believing that it can dial
those numbers, I called Antic's service people...  (I had tried about
every switch setting I could think of)... They said that it probably
was just because the modem was 100% Hayes and I could exchange Chameleon
for something else if I wanted... (No way!)  Chameleon won't hang up
the phone for me either.  I can cope with both problems.  When it tells
you that it can't dial that number, <escape> into the main menu and
START communications.  Chances are it really is dialing (and you can
see it do so if you <esc>START fast enought).  It's just lied to itself
and won't start communications of its own accord.  Then when I'm done,
I simply do the +++ and ATH by myself instead of having Chameleon do it.
It's a small price to pay for Chameleon's flexibility...
Once again, if you have any questions that I might be able to answer,
feel free to contact me.
Holly Lee Stowe,
Faculty/Staff Consulting
    I've been beaten, kicked, lied to, cussed at, swindled, taken
    advantage of and laughed at, but the only reason I hang around
    this place is to see what happens next.
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      | @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   @@@         @@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@ |
      | Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis  |
      |                                                       |
      |  Holly Lee Stowe            Faculty/Staff Consulting  |
      |  (317) 274-0756 or 0754     IUPUI Computing Services  |
      |  BITNET:  IHLS400@INDYCMS   799 West Michigan Street  |
      |  BITNick: LoonyTunes        Indianapolis, IN  46202   |