Here is an updated version of my UUDECODE program for the Atari 8-bitters. This version has worked correctly on the few cases I have tried. Bug reports will be cheerfully accepted, however. Version 1.1 differs from 1.0 chiefly in that it will accept a <RETURN> instead of a filename for the output file when decoding. In this case it will assume the device id D1: and will extract the filename, if possible from the "begin" header line of the file. If it can't figure out a valid filename, it will again prompt you for a filename, but since this happens after it has displayed the "begin" line on the screen, you will at least have a clue as to what might be a reasonable filename. (NOTE: I sidestepped the thorny problem of parsing filenames by letting the O/S do it: I used a TRAP statement to tell me that the O/S didn't like the filename.) This version will also skip header and trailer text. This means that you can uudecode from a message that contains explanatory comments before and/or after the actual uuencoded data, and uudecode will still produce a correct output file. The only requirements are that the uuencoded data must begin with a "begin" line and end with a line containing a space in the first character position, followed by a line beginning with "end". I still have not included the masking that Hans Breitenlohner suggested in the assembly language routine. I hope to get to that soon. Meanwhile, if $60 appears in a uuencoded file that you wish to decode, it will be necessary to map it into $20. This can be done for example on unix systems with a "tr" command. Also, if the network removes trailing blanks, that may cause problems. Sorry for the inconvenience. I suggest the name UUDECODF.LST rather than UUDECODE.LST ("F" for filename handling) at least until you decide that you don't need the older version. Here goes... -John S. ------------------c-u-t---h-e-r-e---f-o-r---UUDECODF.LST---------------------- 1 GOTO 100:REM jump around time-critical stuff to start up program. 2 M=USR(UUDADR) 10 IF M=0 THEN 2090 20 IF M>OBUFDIM THEN ? "Dimension error at line 20":GOTO 3000 30 PRINT #2;OBUF$;:BYTES=BYTES+M 40 INPUT #1,IBUF$:GOTO 2 100 ? "Uudecode Ver. 1.1":? "Report errors to John Sangster at" 101 ? "(617) 235-8753 or jhs@mitre-bedford.arpa":? 102 REM Modified to count bytes 1/14/86 - JHS 103 POKE 6,1:REM Temporary fix for improved OMNIVIEW/800 compatibility. 104 REM This version modified to take filename from header in .uue file. 105 DIM OBUF$(80),IBUF$(80),OFILE$(16),IFILE$(16),A$(1) 110 DIM UUDECODE$(400),UUENCODE$(400) 120 UUDADR=ADR(UUDECODE$):UUEADR=ADR(UUENCODE$):IBUF=ADR(IBUF$):OBUF=ADR(OBUF$) 130 OBUFDIM=80:UUDDIM=400 500 REM COMMAND DISPATCHER 520 ? "Encode (E) or Decode (D)";:INPUT A$ 521 IF A$<>"D" THEN ? "Sorry, Encode not implemented yet!":GOTO 570 530 ? "INPUT FILE";:INPUT IFILE$:IF LEN(IFILE$)=0 THEN 530 540 ? "OUTPUT FILE";:INPUT OFILE$:L=LEN(OFILE$):IF A$<>"D" AND L=0 THEN 540 550 IF A$="E" THEN 1000 555 IF A$="D" AND L=0 THEN OBUF$="D1:" 560 IF A$="D" THEN 2000 570 SOUND 1,25,12,15:FOR I=1 TO 60:NEXT I:SOUND 1,0,0,0:GOTO 520 1000 GOTO 520 2000 ? "Loading UUDECODE subroutine...":REM (general purpose DATA loader) 2001 RESTORE 4000:POKADR=UUDADR:MAXADR=POKADR+UUDDIM-1:PRGTOP=UUDADR-1 2002 READ X:IF X=255 THEN READ X:IF X=255 THEN 2004 2003 ? "BAD LOAD FILE FOR UUD":END 2004 READ LO1,HI1,LO2,HI2:BYTES=HI2*256+LO2-(HI1*256+LO1)+1:PRGTOP=PRGTOP+BYTES 2005 IF BYTES<0 OR BYTES>UUDDIM THEN ? "BYTE COUNT ERROR FOR UUD":END 2006 FOR I=1 TO BYTES:READ X:POKE POKADR,X:POKADR=POKADR+1:IF POKADR>MAXADR THEN ? "UUD STRG OVFLOW!":END 2007 NEXT I 2008 TRAP 2009:READ LO1,HI1,LO2,HI2:BYTES=256*HI2+LO2-(256*HI1+LO1)+1 2009 PRGTOP=PRGTOP+BYTES:IF LO1<>224 OR HI1<>2 THEN 2006 2010 ? "Beginning uudecode processing..." 2011 IBUF$(1,1)=" ":M=USR(UUDADR,IBUF,OBUF):IF M<>0 THEN ? "Error in initializing UUDECODE, line 2011; M=";M:? :END 2019 CLOSE #1:OPEN #1,4,0,IFILE$ 2030 INPUT #1,IBUF$:BYTES=0 2035 L=LEN(IBUF$):IF L>5 THEN L=5 2036 IF L=0 THEN L=1:IBUF$=" " 2040 TRAP 2095:IF IBUF$(1,L)<>"begin" THEN 2030:REM skip header 2042 ? IBUF$:REM Print "begin" line to screen & get OFILE$ if default case. 2044 TRAP 2050:IF LEN(OFILE$)<>0 THEN ? "Using ";OFILE$;" as output file.":CLOSE #2:OPEN #2,8,0,OFILE$:GOTO 40 2046 L=LEN(IBUF$):FOR I=L TO 1 STEP -1 2047 IF IBUF$(I,I)<>" " THEN 2049 2048 OFILE$(4)=IBUF$(I+1,L):GOTO 2044 2049 NEXT I 2050 ? "OUTPUT FILENAME":INPUT OFILE$:IF LEN(OFILE$)=0 THEN 2050 2052 GOTO 2044 2090 INPUT #1,IBUF$:IF IBUF$(1,3)="end" THEN PRINT IBUF$:GOTO 3000 2095 NERR=PEEK(195):IF NERR=136 THEN PRINT "EOF unexpected!":GOTO 3000 2097 ? "Error Code=";NERR 3000 ? "Done!":CLOSE #1:CLOSE #2:? "Output byte count = ";BYTES:END 4000 DATA 255,255,8,6,3,7 4010 DATA 104,240,67,170,56,233 4020 DATA 2,240,14,104,104,202 4030 DATA 208,251,169,254,133,212 4040 DATA 169,255,133,213,96,104 4050 DATA 141,1,6,104,141,0 4060 DATA 6,104,141,3,6,104 4070 DATA 141,2,6,165,6,240 4080 DATA 100,165,134,133,203,165 4090 DATA 135,133,204,173,2,6 4100 DATA 56,229,140,133,208,173 4110 DATA 3,6,229,141,133,209 4120 DATA 162,128,208,2,240,72 4130 DATA 160,0,177,203,201,129 4140 DATA 208,42,160,2,177,203 4150 DATA 56,229,208,208,33,200 4160 DATA 177,203,229,209,208,26 4170 DATA 165,203,141,6,6,165 4180 DATA 204,141,7,6,160,6 4190 DATA 177,203,141,4,6,200 4200 DATA 177,203,141,5,6,24 4210 DATA 144,22,24,165,203,105 4220 DATA 8,133,203,144,2,230 4230 DATA 204,202,208,192,169,255 4240 DATA 133,212,133,213,96,234 4250 DATA 173,0,6,133,204,173 4260 DATA 1,6,133,205,160,0 4270 DATA 132,213,177,204,56,233 4280 DATA 32,133,212,208,24,165 4290 DATA 6,240,19,173,6,6 4300 DATA 133,208,173,7,6,133 4310 DATA 209,160,4,169,0,145 4320 DATA 208,200,145,208,96,165 4330 DATA 6,240,43,173,4,6 4340 DATA 56,229,212,173,5,6 4350 DATA 229,213,16,9,169,255 4360 DATA 133,212,133,213,32,54 4370 DATA 185,173,6,6,133,208 4380 DATA 173,7,6,133,209,169 4390 DATA 0,160,5,145,208,136 4400 DATA 165,212,145,208,230,204 4410 DATA 208,2,230,205,173,2 4420 DATA 6,133,206,173,3,6 4430 DATA 4,7,102,7,133,207 4440 DATA 166,212,160,1,177,204 4450 DATA 56,233,32,133,203,6 4460 DATA 203,6,203,136,177,204 4470 DATA 56,233,32,6,203,42 4480 DATA 6,203,42,145,206,202 4490 DATA 240,64,169,0,133,208 4500 DATA 160,2,177,204,56,233 4510 DATA 32,74,102,208,74,102 4520 DATA 208,5,203,136,145,206 4530 DATA 202,240,39,160,3,177 4540 DATA 204,56,233,32,5,208 4550 DATA 136,145,206,202,240,24 4560 DATA 24,165,204,105,4,133 4570 DATA 204,144,2,230,205,24 4580 DATA 165,206,105,3,133,206 4590 DATA 144,166,230,207,176,162 4600 DATA 96,224,2,225,2,0