[comp.sys.atari.8bit] flame on!!


Date:          Sun, 26 Apr 87 16:44 EDT
From:          <DFLINT02@ULKYVX.BITNET>
Organization:  University of Louisville
Subject:       flame on!!
To:            info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
X-Original-To: info-atari8@score.stanford.edu


Why did 2 of the best micro ever made have to manufacuted and marketed by Atari
Inc? Tramiels don't take this to personal.  Atari must be a cursed company.
they usually have good ideas, but they fail to execute them effectively or on

The Atari stock bonanza pumped some capital into the struggling company,but to
no avail. Neil did you say that atari would no longer make promises they can't
deliver. What happen to the Atari PC 'GEM' bundle. Why is the FCC giving the
Mega-ST's such a hard time. I sure Atari did not do anything to add to the
FCC's red tape. The Amii chip Did NCR ever produce a working version?
Let's not talk about the 8-bit arena Atari has faired miserable in this area.
A large % of the Xm301 modems were slighty defective. About half of the 130XE
have inferior keyboards(ultra thin traces).

ST-blitter 1-1/2 yr's late,1040 ST heat problems, Need i say more.

ATARI get you act together!!!!!!

William M. Buford