[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Turbo BASIC's Public Domain status confirmed...

jhs@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (05/01/87)

Users of Turbo BASIC should be pleased to have confirmation of the fact that
Turbo BASIC is indeed a Public Domain package.  The following is the most
detailed reply I received from a recent query to the net on this point.
------- Forwarded Message
From: mcvax!nikhefh!n06@seismo.CSS.GOV (Jos Groenland)
To: jhs
Subject: Turbo basic
"Happy Computer" is a German montly magazine for home computing. The writer
of Turbo Basic is Frank Ostrowsky who won a competetion with it (Program of
the Year or something like that). Happy computer published the interpreter as
a "type-in" program for the XL/XE in 1985.  They have a 800 version as well,
it was possible to order it.  It was also possible to order the XL version of
the interpreter (and later the Compiler as well) for a minimal amount of
money, (i.e. disk & posting costs) in Germany. It was allowed to copy the
programs freely, so it is public domain.

The USA representative of "Markt und Technik" publishing is:
  M&T Publishing inc.
  501 Galveston Drive
  Redwood City   CA94063
  tel: (415) 366-3600
Perhaps you can ask them for more information.

- --Jos Groenland  Nikhef-H, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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