[comp.sys.atari.8bit] PostScript for the Atari 8-bitters


Does anyone have an opinion on whether or not it would be feasible to
implement PostScript on the 8-bitters, especially one with expanded memory?
The availability of PostScript, especially with drivers for the various
popular dot-matrix printers, would go a long way toward keeping the 8-bitters
competitive in the "Desktop Publishing" age.  Should it be necessary, I would
be willing to build a 1 Mbyte memory expansion board for the purpose.  (I have
a functional spec and most of the logic design for such an expansion for the
800XL/65XE which would be 130XE compatible up to 128K and would allow adding
another full Mbyte if desired.  That ought to be enough to do a lot of bit
mapping for printer output!)

As an "Instant Expert" on PostScript, I recently learned that it is "very
similar to" Forth.  I read between the lines the conclusion that perhaps it
would be reasonable to implement PS using Forth as the starting point.  (In
fact I suspect that might be what Adobe did, since Forth is so extensible.
Does anybody know if this is true?)  If so, the availability of the PD Forth
Compiler mentioned in an accompanying message might facilitate such a project.

Comments would be appreciated.

-John Sangster / jhs@mitre-bedford.arpa