[comp.sys.atari.8bit] ACTION ERROR HANDLING

curzon@kaoa01.dec.com (Richard Curzon KAO4-3/7A DTN 621-2196) (07/28/87)

Re Marc Appelbaum's question on error handling in Action,
here are 2 approaches at least:  I got them from Bruce
Langdon, who used to put lots of stuff in this newsgroup
last year on the Action! language.  If you want me to
mail "the works" to you, send me personal mail.  I don't 
normally receive the newsgroup mailings!

One approach:

BYTE OpOK ; flag for file opening error routinge

PROC SysError(BYTE errno) ;used to save error Routine 
                          ;pointer below

PROC MyError(BYTE errno)
  IF errno=$80 THEN Error=SysErr Error(errno) FI ; break quits
  PrintF("error %I. Try again%E",errno)

PROC Main()
  SysError = Error   ; save old error handler vector
  Error = MyError    ; replace it with MyError
  OpenFile()  ; prompts for filename, and opens file
              ; after OPEN command, use something like:
              ;"IF OpOK THEN [go ahead]
              ; ELSE [prompt for filename again] 
              ; FI"
  Error = SysError ;restore normal os error handler
another approach

; copyright (c) 1984
; by Action Computer Services
; All Rights Reserved

; This module provides two PROCs
; (Catch and Throw) which can be used
; for error trapping (and flow
; control, yeck!) in ACTION!.  To
; use them, you must call the Catch
; PROC to indicate where you want
; the program to continue when you
; call Throw.  When throw is called,
; execution will continue following
; the last call to Catch with the
; same index as the call to Throw.
; Calling Catch is similar (but not
; identical) to TRAP in BASIC.  It
; differs in that the actual trapping
; is generated by the user (by
; calling Throw) and that you can
; have multiple Catch'ers active at
; one time.  Also, you cannot Throw
; to a Catcher that is no longer 
; active (the PROC/FUNC containing
; it has RETURN to it's caller).  The
; Throw procedure tries to check for
; this error, but it is possible to
; fool it into thinking it's OK.  If
; you want to solve this problem, you
; can set 'c_t_sp(index)' to zero
; before you return from the PROC
; that contained the Catch(index).
; If index is greater than 24 or
; if there is no matching Catch index
; for the Throw, then Error will be
; called with a value of CTERR
; (defined below to be 71).  If you
; setup your own Error procedure and
; use Catch and Throw, your error
; procedure should handle this error
; as well or your program will most
; likely "go off the deep end".


BYTE ARRAY c_t_sp(25)=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
BYTE ARRAY c_t_hi(25), c_t_lo(25)

PROC Catch(BYTE index)
  DEFINE TSX="$BA", TXA="$8A",
         LDYA="$AC", STAY="$99",
         PLA="$68", LDAY="$B9",

  IF index>=25 THEN
    Error(CTERR,0,CTERR) FI 

    LDYA index  
    STAY c_t_hi
    STAY c_t_lo
    STAY c_t_sp
    LDAY c_t_lo
    LDAY c_t_hi

PROC Throw(BYTE index)
  DEFINE TXS="$9A", PHA="$48",
         LDYA="$AC", STX="$86",
         TSX="$BA", TAX="$AA",

  BYTE sp=$A2

; get current stack pointer
  [ TSX : STX sp ]

  IF index>=25 OR sp+2>c_t_sp(index)

    LDYA index  
    LDAY c_t_sp
    LDAY c_t_lo
    LDAY c_t_hi

MODULE ; for following code...