[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Kermit-65 Posting. Part 1 of 4.

jrd@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.SYMBOLICS.COM (John R. Dunning) (08/06/87)

Ok, folks, here it is; the first release of Kermit-65 for 8-bitters.
Due to popular demand, the I am NOT ARC'ing the whole works up, as I'd
previously said I'd do.  The posting is in 4 parts, (including this
message) due to the size of the pieces.  The other parts are described

Misc bits:  These files were encoded on a Un*x that I had lying around,
so decoding them should probably be done with JHS's basic UUDECODE.
My experience is that it will decode files produced by Un*x utils
correctly, whereas the DBC version sometimes doesn't.

The DOC file is formatted for 80 columns; if anyone wants a version
justified differently, let me know.  The doc sources are in RUNOFF
format, I'll send them to anyone who's interested.

I've been thinking about the problem of getting this sucker bootstrapped
onto machines that don't already have some sort of text capture
facility; it's tricky, as a prime requirement is that it be something
that a novice user can do with good success.  The best idea I have so
far a primitive basic program that can capture data well enough to get
the uue file and the decoder there.  I'd be very interested in anyone's
experience/ideas about this issue.

Part 1: This message
Part 2: KERMIT.DOC.	This should be self-explanatory.  It runs to 
			about 36K bytes.
Part 3: KERMIT.UUE.	This is the 'regular' version of kermit, which
			includes the 850 RS232 driver autoloader.  
			Decoded byte count should be 24385.
Part 4: KERMITNR.UUE.	This is the 'bare' version, without the driver
			autoloader.  Decoded byte count should be 24171.

Have fun!