mark@lakesys.UUCP (Mark Storin) (08/16/87)
VT52EM Documentation Vt52em is a vt52 emulator for the Atari 8-bit computers with an RS232 interface and Hayes compatible modem. It was written in ACTION! and compiled with the run-time libraries, therefore the ACTION! cartridge is not necessary to run this program. I am unable to distribute the source code at this time as the code for the 80 column driver is copyrighted. The program emulates 80 columns by using the Graphics 8 mode. I find the font quite readable, more so than some other 80 column emulations I have seen. To use it I suggest you have either a monochrome monitor or a good B/W TV set. It is all but unreadable on a color set due to artifacting. The program has been tested on a 130XE using Atari DOS 2.0, 2.5 and SpartDOS 3.2 under both the XE/XL OS and the old 800 OS (version B) loaded in from a Translator disk. If you experience any compatibility problems please let me know. Vt52em supports a subset of the vt52 terminal capabilities. These include cursor positioning, most of the edit and erase funtions (insert line and delete line, erase to end of line, etc., etc.), and inverse video (standout mode). Some things it does not support are blinking and half-intensity text, graphics mode, and status/25th lines. It also does not support hard tabs or a DEL/Rubout key (ascii 127). These are slated for a future release. IF connected to a Unix/Xenix system do an 'stty -tabs' to have all tabs converted to spaces (soft tabs). The program also does not include any form of file transfer. I wrote it primarily as a means to use Unix/Xenix programs requiring terminal emulation. Included below is a Unix termcap entry that will supplement the standard vt52 entry and take advantage of the added features of vt52em: a1|atari|atari vt52em:\ :am:al=\EL:dl=\EM:so=\Ep:se=\Eq:tc=vt52: If using an Atari DOS (2.0 or 2.5) you must pre-append the program to an RS232 loader, rename it AUTORUN.SYS, and boot the disk with Basic disabled. With SpartaDOS you may run it from the command line as long as the RS232 handler has already been loaded in. Using the Program After booting the program, and passing the title screen, you are placed in a command mode. Typing a '?' followed by RETURN will display a list of all the commands and their usage. Most of the commands should be self explanatory. The program implements control-S/Q flow control to prevent buffer overflow at bauds of 1200 and 2400 (screen writing in Graphics 8 is SLOW, about 1200 baud max). This feature may be turned off or the start and stop characters may be changed if the system you are on uses different ones. Pressing <START> when in command mode will put you in Terminal mode. Pressing <SELECT> when in Terminal mode puts you back in command mode. Pressing <OPTION> in either mode will flip the screen colors (i.e. from black on white to white on black). The 'QUIT' command will do a Cold Start (reboot the machine). I will add a more graceful exit in a future release. The terminal mode supports generation of braces, tilda, and the grave accent. Key presses to generate them are as follows: (note: CNTL-SHIFT denotes holding both the CONTROL and SHIFT keys down simultaneously while pressing another key) CNTL-SHIFT t = tilda CNTL-SHIFT g = grave accent CNTL-SHIFT [ = left brace CNTL-SHIFT ] = right brace A final note: this program is released into the Public Domain. The author makes no quarentees implied or otherwise. The program may be freely distributed but remains the property of the author. The program may not be sold or in any way exchanged for profit. If any are aware of this happening I would appreciate them notifying me. Mark A. Storin 2955 N. Weil St. Milw., WI 52312 MilAtari BBS: (414)-781-5710 UUCP: {ihnp4,uwvax}!uwmcsd1!lakesys!mark Lake Systems: (414)-483-6607 SUE:(414)-762-6411 -- Mark A. Storin | These opinions are my own, Lake Systems, Milw., WI | you can't have them! UUCP: {ihnp4,uwvax}!uwmcsd1!lakesys!mark |