[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Atari 2600 specs/instruction set/programming

tedi@mmintl.UUCP (ted ives) (08/10/87)

I am posting this for a friend.
This is all concerning the Atari 2600 VCS (you know, the old atari 
video game system).
Does anyone know where I can find information about:

a.)  The hardware (i.e. specs on the chips, instruction sets, etc.)

b.)  How to program it, i.e. is there any assembler, or do people just use
     eproms or what?

I am basically interested in finding out how the whole thing works, with an
eye to maybe writing a game for it.

		Thank you in advance for any pointers you might have,
				Chris Michael
P.S. You can reply to {seismo!ashtate,ihnp4!pwa-b}!mmintl!tedi, or
	maybe just post a reply, or call Chris at 203-633-8868 if you get the
		- Ted Ives
		  Ashton-Tate East Hartford Product Center
		  203-522-2116 ext. 297

dyer@atari.UUCP (Landon Dyer) (08/12/87)

In article <2296@mmintl.UUCP>, tedi@mmintl.UUCP (ted ives) writes:
> This is all concerning the Atari 2600 VCS (you know, the old atari 
> video game system).
> Does anyone know where I can find information about:
> a.)  The hardware (i.e. specs on the chips, instruction sets, etc.)
> b.)  How to program it, i.e. is there any assembler, or do people just use
>      eproms or what?
> I am basically interested in finding out how the whole thing works, with an
> eye to maybe writing a game for it.

I don't /know/ of any public documentation on 2600 internals, but that
doesn't mean there isn't any.  But most of the documentation was
'stolen' from Atari, or reverse-engineered, and was kept secret.  You
still need to sign a non-disclosure to get the official docs from Atari.

The machine is INCREDIBLY difficult to program.  It's a 6507 with 128
bytes of RAMa PIA, abaroque video chip, and next to nothing else.
The keyword here is PAIN.  But there are a lot of base units out there....

-Landon Dyer, Atari Corporation	       {sun,amdcad,lll-lcc,imagen}!atari!dyer
The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those	     BUSINESS
of Atari or the AI software that has taken over my brain.	     IS
Yow! I am waiting for my warranty-expired interrupt!		     HELL

cabbie@chinet.UUCP (Richard Andrews) (08/13/87)

In article <2296@mmintl.UUCP> tedi@mmintl.UUCP (ted ives) writes:
>Does anyone know where I can find information about:
>a.)  The hardware (i.e. specs on the chips, instruction sets, etc.)
>b.)  How to program it, i.e. is there any assembler, or do people just use
>     eproms or what?

The way to develop for the system is to use a 1200XL and a few odds and 
ends that you make yourself.  (a static ram chip on a cart board that the
2600 would see as a ROM is a good place to start.)  Use MAC-65.  
That is the only assembler that will cut it.

>I am basically interested in finding out how the whole thing works, with an
>eye to maybe writing a game for it.
>		Thank you in advance for any pointers you might have,
>				Chris Michael

I have successfully obtained a set of documents from Atari on programming the 
2600 game system.  It mostly covers programming the TIA but gives a general 
overview of the system.   Also you will find my notes on the 2600 helpful.
I will post these to the net.   The person that you want to talk to 
at Atari is Tom Sloper.  Hope this helps.  

					Rich A.

P.S. If you do write a game for it, Tom Sloper would be very interested in it.

Any opinions expressed above are my own.        Rich Andrews
 They can be yours too.  Please send $19.95 to.....ihnp4!chinet!cabbie

long@sask.UUCP (Warren Long) (08/20/87)

Once upon a time, about 1 yr. ago, someone posted a whole pile of
information about the 2600.  I believe it contained virtually
everything you could want to know about the machine (Ops, wiring,
and hints).  I had it saved for about 8 months, (for interests' sake)
but then decided that realistically, I was never going to look at it
again, so I deleted the file.  

However, I know it existed once, and therefore, someone must have a
copy, even if only the guy who posted it!!


=-=-=-=-=-Warren Long at University of Saskatchewan, Canada-=-=-=-=-
Home: 78 Carleton Dr.,Saskatoon, Sasakatchewan, S7H 3N6
Phone: (306)-955-1237
=-=-=-=-=-U-Email: ...!ihnp4!alberta!sask!long     -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-