(Richard Curzon KAO4-3/7A DTN 621-2196) (10/30/87)
Some netters seem to have missed the recent posting of YAU, and others can't use it without having a UUdecoder to decode the UUdecoder. For those unhappy campers who are missing some of the parts, here is the complete 8 bitters all-in-one UUDECODING KIT =================================== You either get every thing you need, or you don't know you missed anything. Contents: 1) NEWUUDEC.BAS (bootstrap) John Sangster's ground breaking UUdecoder v1.2, not only - shows how fast BASIC can be with intelligent use of machine code subroutines, but also - has the virtue that it can be represented in ASCII here on the net. You can "ENTER" it directly into BASIC. If you always work in BASIC, this may be the only UUdecoder you need. Otherwise, you can use this program to decode YUA.COM, which is a standalone machine code program, which works with or without BASIC present. 2) YAU.COM John R Dunnings program is now the UUdecoder to beat for speed and ease of use. Must be itself UUdecoded (see 1 above). 3) YAUE.COM JRD's encoder program. 4) YAU.DOX abbreviated docs for YAU and YAUE (sorry JRD, hope you don't mind my editing). People prefer to find out how to use these things by effing around no matter what the risks ;-). ------------------------------newuudec.bas------------------------------------- 1 GOTO 100:REM jump around time-critical stuff to start up program. 2 M=USR(UUDADR) 10 IF M=0 THEN 2090 20 IF M>OBUFDIM THEN ? "Error at line 20, M=";M:GOTO 3000 30 PRINT #2;OBUF$;:BYTES=BYTES+M 40 INPUT #1,IBUF$:L=LEN(IBUF$)+1:IF L<62 THEN IBUF$(L)=" ":IBUF$(L+1)=IBUF$(L) 50 GOTO 2 100 ? "Uudecode Ver. 1.2a":? "Report errors to John Sangster at" 101 ? "(617) 235-8753/":? 102 POKE 6,1:REM Turn BASIC flag ON. 105 DIM OBUF$(80),IBUF$(62),OFILE$(16),IFILE$(16),A$(1) 110 DIM UUDECODE$(400) 120 UUDADR=ADR(UUDECODE$):IBUF=ADR(IBUF$):OBUF=ADR(OBUF$) 130 OBUFDIM=80:UUDDIM=400:BEEP=150:RETRY=500 140 GOTO 200 149 REM BEEP Subroutine: 150 SOUND 0,85,10,15:FOR I=1 TO 80:NEXT I:SOUND 0,0,0,0:RETURN 199 END 200 ? "Loading uudecode subroutine..." 201 RESTORE 4000:POKADR=UUDADR:MAXADR=POKADR+UUDDIM-1:PRGTOP=UUDADR-1 202 READ X:IF X=255 THEN READ X:IF X=255 THEN 204 203 ? "BAD LOAD FILE FOR UUD":END 204 READ LO1,HI1,LO2,HI2:BYTES=HI2*256+LO2-(HI1*256+LO1)+1:PRGTOP=PRGTOP+BYTES 205 IF BYTES<0 OR BYTES>UUDDIM THEN ? "BYTE COUNT ERROR FOR UUD":END 206 FOR I=1 TO BYTES:READ X:POKE POKADR,X:POKADR=POKADR+1:IF POKADR>MAXADR THEN ? "UUD STRG OVFLOW!":END 207 NEXT I 208 TRAP 209:READ LO1,HI1,LO2,HI2:BYTES=256*HI2+LO2-(256*HI1+LO1)+1 209 PRGTOP=PRGTOP+BYTES:IF LO1<>224 OR HI1<>2 THEN 206 500 REM COMMAND DISPATCHER 530 ? :? "INPUT FILE";:INPUT IFILE$:IF LEN(IFILE$)=0 THEN 530 540 ? :? "OUTPUT FILE SPEC OR":? "DEFAULT DEVICE ID";:INPUT OFILE$ 550 L=LEN(OFILE$):IF L=0 THEN OFILE$="D1:":? :? "Output to D1: assumed.":? 2000 ? "Beginning uudecode processing..." 2011 IBUF$(1,1)=" ":M=USR(UUDADR,IBUF,OBUF):IF M<>0 THEN ? "Error in initializing UUDECODE, line 2011; M=";M:? :END 2019 TRAP 2020:CLOSE #1:OPEN #1,4,0,IFILE$:GOTO 2030 2020 ? "INPUT FILE NOT FOUND":GOSUB BEEP:GOTO RETRY 2030 INPUT #1,IBUF$:BYTES=0 2035 L=LEN(IBUF$):IF L>5 THEN L=5 2036 IF L=0 THEN L=1:IBUF$=" " 2040 TRAP 2095:IF IBUF$(1,L)<>"begin" THEN 2030:REM skip header 2042 ? IBUF$:REM Print "begin" line to screen & get OFILE$ if default case. 2043 L=LEN(OFILE$):IF L<=0 OR OFILE$(L)=":" THEN 2046 2044 TRAP 2050:CLOSE #2:OPEN #2,8,0,OFILE$:TRAP 2095:GOTO 40 2046 L=LEN(IBUF$):FOR I=L TO 1 STEP -1 2047 IF IBUF$(I,I)<>" " THEN 2049 2048 OFILE$(4)=IBUF$(I+1,L):GOTO 2044 2049 NEXT I 2050 ? "OUTPUT FILESPEC":INPUT OFILE$:IF LEN(OFILE$)=0 THEN 2050 2052 GOTO 2044 2090 INPUT #1,IBUF$:IF IBUF$(1,3)="end" THEN PRINT IBUF$:GOTO 3000 2095 NERR=PEEK(195):IF NERR=136 THEN PRINT "EOF unexpected!":GOTO 3000 2097 ? "Error Code=";NERR 3000 ? "Done!":CLOSE #1:CLOSE #2:? "Output byte count = ";BYTES:? :? 3010 ? "More files to decode (Y/N)";:INPUT A$:IF A$="Y" OR A$="y" THEN 500 3020 DOS 4000 DATA 255,255,8,6,3,7 4010 DATA 104,240,67,170,56,233 4020 DATA 2,240,14,104,104,202 4030 DATA 208,251,169,254,133,212 4040 DATA 169,255,133,213,96,104 4050 DATA 141,1,6,104,141,0 4060 DATA 6,104,141,3,6,104 4070 DATA 141,2,6,165,6,240 4080 DATA 100,165,134,133,203,165 4090 DATA 135,133,204,173,2,6 4100 DATA 56,229,140,133,208,173 4110 DATA 3,6,229,141,133,209 4120 DATA 162,128,208,2,240,72 4130 DATA 160,0,177,203,201,129 4140 DATA 208,42,160,2,177,203 4150 DATA 56,229,208,208,33,200 4160 DATA 177,203,229,209,208,26 4170 DATA 165,203,141,6,6,165 4180 DATA 204,141,7,6,160,6 4190 DATA 177,203,141,4,6,200 4200 DATA 177,203,141,5,6,24 4210 DATA 144,22,24,165,203,105 4220 DATA 8,133,203,144,2,230 4230 DATA 204,202,208,192,169,255 4240 DATA 133,212,133,213,96,234 4250 DATA 173,0,6,133,204,173 4260 DATA 1,6,133,205,160,0 4270 DATA 132,213,177,204,56,233 4280 DATA 32,41,63,133,212,208 4290 DATA 24,165,6,240,19,173 4300 DATA 6,6,133,208,173,7 4310 DATA 6,133,209,160,4,169 4320 DATA 0,145,208,200,145,208 4330 DATA 96,165,6,240,43,173 4340 DATA 4,6,56,229,212,173 4350 DATA 5,6,229,213,16,9 4360 DATA 169,255,133,212,133,213 4370 DATA 32,54,185,173,6,6 4380 DATA 133,208,173,7,6,133 4390 DATA 209,169,0,160,5,145 4400 DATA 208,136,165,212,145,208 4410 DATA 230,204,208,2,230,205 4420 DATA 173,2,6,133,206,173 4430 DATA 4,7,108,7,3,6 4440 DATA 133,207,166,212,160,1 4450 DATA 177,204,56,233,32,133 4460 DATA 203,6,203,6,203,136 4470 DATA 177,204,56,233,32,6 4480 DATA 203,42,6,203,42,145 4490 DATA 206,202,240,68,169,0 4500 DATA 133,208,160,2,177,204 4510 DATA 56,233,32,41,63,74 4520 DATA 102,208,74,102,208,5 4530 DATA 203,136,145,206,202,240 4540 DATA 41,160,3,177,204,56 4550 DATA 233,32,41,63,5,208 4560 DATA 136,145,206,202,240,24 4570 DATA 24,165,204,105,4,133 4580 DATA 204,144,2,230,205,24 4590 DATA 165,206,105,3,133,206 4600 DATA 144,162,230,207,176,158 4610 DATA 96,224,2,225,2,0 --------------------------------yau.uue-------------------------------- begin 666 YAU.COM M__\ , (P3+=7__\#4&Q2 ! 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H,&@@@C @y M?#!,%SE/<&5N(&5R<F]R(&]N(&]U=&9I;&4Z( @,38@63:P0ZT\-/#VHBN@y M-B E-:(MH#8@)35,M#A">71E(&-O=6YT(#T@ $-H96-K<W5M(#T@(W@ 56YEy M>'!E8W1E9"!%3T8AFP"BG* X("@P(#\WHH"@." H,*D!A=6I (74(*K9(+;=y MK04PA=6I (74(*K9(-O:(+;=K0,PA=2M!#"%U2"JV2#FV* L?-(*7\@"C#(y M:,D $/(@?#"BCJ X("@PK0<P(((PK08P(((P('PP(#\WK:\ST -,6S<@/S=@y (___@ N$"6S< y end ---------------------------yau.dox-------------------------------------- Yau can be run two ways: either from the command line, if you're using DOS XL, or by prompting for its own commands. In either case, the form of the command line to Yau is 'source-file [target-file]' where target file is optional. Examples: If you ARE running DOS XL, you could type: YAU D1:FOO.UUE D1:FOO.COM If you aren't running DOS XL, or you are but didn't give Yau any args when you started it up, it will prompt, as: YAU> which you could answer D1:FOO.UUE D1:FOO.COM You could say YAU FOO D2: to decode a file on D1: to a the resultant file on D2:. You could say YAU FOO BAR to override whatever's in the 'begin' line, and put the result into BAR.COM. Finally, if YAU senses that it's running under DOS XL, it'll inherit the default device spec, so you're not stuck do- ing everything on D1:. Yau keeps a byte count and simple 16 bit checksum while it's decoding; when it's done with a file, it will display them, as: Byte count = 2099 Checksum = #x1FC0 The byte count is in decimal, the checksum is in hex; the #x is to remind you that it's hex, in case it's not obvious from the va- lue. The checksum is the running unsigned sum of all the bytes in the resultant file, truncated to 16 bits. YAUE: Yet Another UU Encoder. Yaue is a companion program to Yau. It takes binary files (pro- grams, archives, etc) and encodes them into text suitable for sending through predatory mail systems, etc. The byte count and checksums for this release are: Yau: 2134. bytes, #x39F2 checksum. Yaue: 1988. bytes, #xE74D checksum. I guess that's about it. Happy coding! - JRD NOTE to spartaDOS users: Command line is supported, though not as completely as for DOS XL. If you assume no defaults, you will be satisfied with the results! -RC