MEAD.WBST311@XEROX.COM (11/20/87)
GVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGV Subject: Info-Atari8 Digest V87 #95 From: Info-Atari8 Digest <Info-Atari8@Score.Stanford.EDU> To: Info-Atari8 Distribution List: ; Reply-to: Return-Path: <Info-Atari8-Request@Score.Stanford.EDU> Redistributed: XeroxAtari8Users^.X Received: from Score.Stanford.EDU by Xerox.COM ; 03 NOV 87 14:33:35 PST Original-Date: Tue, 3 Nov 87 11:12:59 PST Errors-to: Info-Atari8-request@Score.Stanford.EDU Maint-Path: Info-Atari8-request@Score.Stanford.EDU GVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGV Info-Atari8 Digest Tuesday, November 3, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 95 This weeks Editor: Bill Westfield Today's Topics: compilers for Atari 8bit Re: FROST and Turbo BASIC questions... Several things Turbo BASIC runtime and compiler compatibility with SpartaDOS. cc8 documentation 1050 disk format ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 30 Oct 87 23:49:36 GMT From: pyramid!fmsrl7!nucleus!krastes@LLL-LCC.ARPA (David Krastes) Subject: compilers for Atari 8bit To: I have a 130XE with 320K ram and I am interested in programing it but basic is not the language of my choice for any real programing what languages are there available? what public domain conpilers are out for this machine (not including basic compilers) I would be expecialy interested in ones that use the extra memory. If there are any good pascal compilers I would appreciate it if someone would mail me a copy Thank you ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 87 01:18:06 GMT From:! (Mark Knutsen) Subject: Re: FROST and Turbo BASIC questions... To: In article <8710292249.AA12047@mitre-bedford.ARPA> jhs@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA writes: > Does anybody know if the Turbo BASIC compiler and runtime system work > > (a) on an 800 or upgraded 400? Yes. There is a special 800-only version. > > (b) on an XL/XE under SpartaDOS or DOS-XL or any other > DOS that uses portions of the RAM under ROM? Perhaps the 800 version will, but the XL version won't. -- _________________________________ Jersey ||| _____________________________ ARPA: | Atari / | \ | GEnie GE Mail: M.KNUTSEN UUCP: {...}!!knutsen | ||| Computer | The JACG BBS: (201)298-0161 --------------------------------- / | \ Group ----------------------------- "Yow! I'm the ONLY Atari 8-bit user at Rutgers University!" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Nov 87 16:35 EST From: John R. Dunning <> Subject: Several things To: A while ago, I posted an upgraded, bug-fixed etc version of Kermit-65. I haven't seen it appear in the archives, nor have I seen any mail about it. Does anyone know what happened? Did it disappear into hyperspace? I'll repost it if so. Second thing: I'm whipping up a new assembler for use in the C compiler project, and was wondering what sort of macro syntax anyone prefers? In particular, what does MAC/65 do? I gather from reading mail that a number of folk like that one. Any other favorites? Any particular kinds of macro capabilities in demand? Finally, in digging back thru old mail, I discovered a rumor that someone was going to come up with a relocatable object format. I haven't seen anything about it since; does anyone have any info about such a thing? If not, I'll finish my own design and use that. Thanks for any feedback. ------------------------------ Posted-From: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA To: Subject: Turbo BASIC runtime and compiler compatibility with SpartaDOS. Date: Mon, 02 Nov 87 18:19:00 EST From: jhs@mitre-bedford.ARPA Thanks to John DiMarco for supplying the following information. -John Sangster, ------- Forwarded Message From: "John D. DiMarco" <> Message-Id: <> To: jhs Subject: Re: FROST and Turbo BASIC questions... ------- The Turbo basic runtime and compiler systems do NOT work on an XL running spartados. John DiMarco Disclaimer: I take complete responsibility for anything I have written above. The University of Toronto can in no ihnp4!utzoo!utcsri!jdd way be responsible for anything I say. -------------------------end-of-forwarded-message----------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 87 18:25:02 GMT From: spdcc!m2c!ulowell!cg-atla! (Jim Saulnier X7097) Subject: cc8 documentation To: Could the author/distributor of the "cc8" C compiler please repost the documentation of same? I have searched my entire account and it seems to be gone. (Our system does that sometimes....takes things with it when it crashes, which is often, unfortunately.) Many thanx. -- Jim Saulnier ...!{decvax,ima,ism780c,ulowell,cgeuro,cg-f}!cg-atla!saulnier "Wow, it never did THAT before." ------------------------------ Date: 3 Nov 87 10:41 PST From: Jeff Makey <Makey@LOGICON.ARPA> To: info-atari8@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: 1050 disk format I am writing an exerciser for my (unmodified) Atari 1050 disk drive, and I would like to know what the "worst cast" pattern is that I should write to the disk to test for bad media. For the uninitiated, the worst case pattern is like alternating ones and zeroes, except that the particular method of encoding the ones and zeroes on the disk may mean that a different pattern is actually the "worst" case. Thus, even if you don't know which pattern is worst you could help me if you could tell me how ones and zeroes are physically stored on the disk. Thanks in advance. :: Jeff Makey Makey@LOGICON.ARPA ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari8 Digest ************************** -------