lazear@GATEWAY.MITRE.ORG (01/06/88)
Anybody seen an issue of ANTIC since the December one? I heard of ANALOG's problems with dual publishing and am patiently awaiting their next issue, but hadn't heard anything about ANTIC. Walt (
kimes@ihlpe.ATT.COM (Kit Kimes) (01/07/88)
In article <>, lazear@GATEWAY.MITRE.ORG writes: > Anybody seen an issue of ANTIC since the December one? > I heard of ANALOG's problems with dual publishing and am > patiently awaiting their next issue, but hadn't heard anything > about ANTIC. > I have received both the January and February issue of ANTIC although I simply haven't had the time to post an index of the articles as I have been doing for the past couple of years. I hope to resume later this month with the February issue although I do not plan to go back and post the January index. One of the highlights of the January issue was the disk bonus program called SuperCopy which is billed as one of the fastest and easiest multi-file disk copying programs ever published for the 8bit Atari. I have the disk but haven't tried this program yet. The featured applications program is TopShelf, an outstanding all-around database program that offers many powerful features and is easy to use. The January issue was also the annual shoppers guide with over 100 of the best products for the 8bit Ataris. If you are a fan of SSI's wargame simulations, you know that most games require you to use the keyboard numbers to move various directions. There is an article and patch to allow you to use your joystick to direct your forces. Hope this dispells any rumors of ANTIC's demise. I may have been the source of some of the doubts since I haven't posted the Index for the last two months. Sorry... Kit Kimes AT&T--Information Systems Labs ...ihnp4!ihlpe!kimes (James Franc Pirc) (01/08/88)
In article <> lazear@GATEWAY.MITRE.ORG writes: >Anybody seen an issue of ANTIC since the December one? >I heard of ANALOG's problems with dual publishing and am >patiently awaiting their next issue, but hadn't heard anything >about ANTIC. > I have received both January and, on Dec. 31, February issues. Thus they are sending them... James True : James Pirc ARPA : GEnie: JIM.PIRC