[comp.sys.atari.8bit] contacting CDY Consulting

njd@ihlpm.ATT.COM (DiMasi) (01/29/88)

I tried to call CDY Consulting (maker of the OMNIVIEW  80-column  chip
and  software to use it) today (1/29/88).  The number I have for them,
from the latest (4/1/87) documentation I  have  from  them,  is  (214)
235-2146.   Calling   that  number  gave  me  a  "not  in  service  or
disconnected" message. I called Directory  Assistance  for  area  code
214, and asked for CDY Consulting in Richardson.  The D/A operator had
no listing.

Does anyone out there know where CDY moved to?  (I am assuming that he
just  moved,  and didn't "disappear.")  I tried sending him mail at an
e-mail address I have for him from ~last May,  but  got  no  reply  or
"error messages."

p.s. to John Sangster: if you saw my earlier article, and tried to send me 
mail, I didn't receive it.  Please post your e-mail address, or call me at 
(312) 790-3435 and leave it (please spell out "words") on my answ. machine
if no-one answers.  I need an alternate path, the one that's no good is:

Nick DiMasi
Uni'q Digital Technologies (Fox Valley Software subsidiary;
   ^          working as a contractor at AT&T Bell Labs in Naperville, IL)
(  | this is an accent mark, supposed to replace the dot over the 'i')