[comp.sys.atari.8bit] XF551 notes

pjd@mandrill (dr. funk) (04/21/88)

Thanks for the response on the 551. UPS delivered mine on 4/19 (Tuesday)
in good shape. (Thanks Lyco - seven day turnaround.)

Yes, it ships with 2.5. The documentation is confusing as the specification
section in the 2.5 manual claims single sided operation (128K bytes.)
Hmmm.... Is this a typo Atari?

I enjoyed news of the 3.5" disk hack. I like this format better than
5.25 inch and will try it eventually. Keep those cards and letters

As I also have a 520ST, alternate use on the ST sounds good, too!
Maybe a shared disk? :-) Sure would make file transfers hum along.

Thanks, again, for the operating system recommends.

pj drongowski