gdtltr@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Gary D Duzan) (09/25/88)
This issue was too large to fit in a single note, so it will be split across two. As always, tell me how you like it so I can know whether to keep posting them. Gary Duzan Time Lord Third Regeneration Atari Enthusiast Extreme ------------------------ CUT HERE -------------------------- ======================================================================== -------| Syndicate ZMagazine Issue #123 September 14, 1988 |----- | HOT Atari News and Reviews | -----------------| American Publishing Enterprises, Inc |---------------- -----------------| Post Office Box 74 |---------------- -----------------| Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0074 |---------------- PUBLISHER GENERAL MANAGER ZMag EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR Ron Kovacs R. F. Mariano John Deegan Carlos Hernandez ========================================================================= Available on: * CompuServe * GEnie * Delphi * The Source * F-Net * ========================================================================= Copyright (c) 1988 APEInc, SPC -- All Rights Reserved -- CONTENTS _________________________________________________________________________ |*| Editors Desk......John Deegan |*| Reader Commentary ...D. LaFontaine |*| CounterPoint.......R. Swanson |*| Special Offer From The Source |*| Atari Users Convention News |*| CP/M BBS Command Help |*| CompuServe Rate Update |*| Gov. BBS Systems (Update) |*| PCP Update |*| GEnie Confrence Highlights %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Editors Desk by John Deegan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Official congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mihalik!!! A son arrived late afternoon on September 8, 1988. Best wishes from the staff of ZMagazine, ST-Report and AMy-Report. Happy second birthday to Jessica Kovacs on September 9th. Comdex is coming. We will provide as much coverage as possible. ST- Report will be covering with exclusive reports and we will print them here shortly after. Stay tuned for details. SURVEY UPDATE We want to thank everyone for responding to the Survey we printed a few weeks ago. We are looking into the suggestions and comments. If you missed the survey, don't fret! A special release will contain all of the survey questions along with a few more. More details on this special release next week. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Reader Commentary *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* by Dennis LaFontaine I have several comments to make about the reader comment in Zmag iss #119, they are in the same order as the original letter is... Yes, atari must do certain things, like advertise the REAL power of the ST, including on the spot credit financing (similar to the whirlpool plan or citi-bank method). Student discounts are on the way according to a spokesman that represents the dealer network head. 1. First off with color, can you say SPECTRUM??? (512 colors on screen at once). Can you say QUANTUM PAINTBOX??? (4096 colors on screen at once) Can you say DIGISPEC??? (24,386 colors on screen at once), Quantum even allows 32 colors in medium rez. All the above work on mmu's manufactured after early 1985, with no modifications to make inside, simply load and go! As for memory, I have personally seen an 8 meg ST in action, if at all possible, I will get the schematics on how to do it! Although the ST can do it, Atari still seems to be selling ST's under the 4 meg logo and the 16 colors logo. Both Digispec and Spectrum 512 can be obtained through Trio Engineering, or from The Catalog in Antic magazine. Quantum Paintbox is available from Eidersoft U.S.A Gray scaling is employed in many desktop publishing programs, it is also used by image scanners too. 2. Memory expansion without soldering is very easy. I wouldn't call two socket connections a 'TRICK' as you put it. Your statements about the mega is very valid though, I have still yet to see an expansion for their memory. 3. I am running a 520ST unmodified right now, after loading the raster fonts in, I have 398K free. Memory is not too much of a problem here. GDOS is great, it's about time it's available for the ST. 4. Good idea, bumper stickers are sort of like 'word of mouth' advertising. Atari would spend less money on stickers than they would on t.v. commercials. 5. I read an article about a dealer convention, student discounts were at issue, the general concensus showed everyone favored it, if this goes through, students will get approximately a 30% discount and will be eligible for the credit plan. And a reply to the editors note, I have read an article about a prototype card box that connects to a 520 or 1040 DMA port and it acts exactly like the mega-st internal card slot expander. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ COUNTER POINT TO REBUTTLE SWANSON'S SOAPBOX (huh?) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ by Rod Swanson Jim, Sorry that you take life so dang seriously. Swanson's Soapbox was written with the Atari user in mind, not anyone else. It is meant for information and amusment. Computer slamming IS HEALTHY if done with a sense of humor and if it is restricted to OUR OWN AUDIENCE. I did not upload this to the AMIGA section trying to cause trouble. Sorry you do not see this the way I do. If you would have paid attention to the article you would have noticed that the Amiga points were by someone who once sold both machines, not I. As for the JET review, I did not say anything that remotely suggests that WE SHOULD PIRATE the program. Please re-read the article more thoroughly again, without reading things into it that you imagine. Please focus your attention on the last 6 sentences!!. Again, sorry for offending a fellow 'ATARI' (?) user. STya later - Rod. PS. I will no longer pursue this subject so do not reply unless it is to yourself. No since in turning this thing into an argument. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Special Offer !!! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Special Offer From The SOURCE to readers of ST REPORT/ZMAGAZINE! Until December 31, 1988, The Source is making a special offer to readers of ST REPORT/ZMAGAZINE who want to signup for an account with *no*membership*fee*! And with this offer, you receive a $60 credit applied to your first year of usage. To take advantage of this offer, you'll need your credit card, call 1-800-336-3366 (in Virginia 1-703-821-6666). Tell the operator who answers you would like to signup under offer #7BL0U60. In addition, you may purchase The Source Manual for $12.95 (+$3.50 postage and handling). To signup for your account AND order the manual, tell the operator you'd like to signup under offer #7BM0U60. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FIRST CANADIAN ATARI USER CONVENTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOVEMBER 6, 1988 This is CANADA'S first and only Atari user convention this year. This convention is being put on and sponsored by "THE TORONTO ATARI FEDERATION" user group. This group has over 500 members both in the TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA area and across the country as well as having associate members from around the world. We have a 40 meg 24hr bulletin board 416-235-0318 that has everything anyone would require when using ATARI SYSTEMS. If anyone wants more info re our computer show leave a message on the board and we will be in touch. If this is not convenient contact the people listed below. This unique computer show is dedicated exclusively to ATARI COMPUTER SYSTEMS. This exciting new event promises to be jam packed with information, demonstrations, lectures and hands on work shops. One of the main exhibitors will be Atari Canada, showing off all the latest software as well as its new and innovative products. That's not all, there will be lots of retailers selling their wares as Special Low Convention prices, hardware and software manufacturers displaying their latest products, user groups talking to the crowds about Atari products and selling their PD software disks, lectures by knowledgeable speakers, seminars by prominent developers and even hands-on workshops where the registered participants can actually work on projects under the guidance of an expert. There will be something for everyone. From multi-player adventure games on the 8-bit to business applications for the Atari clones. So, if you are an Atari owner, or plan to be one or just looking for information, this is the place you will want to be. THE FIRST CANADIAN ATARI USERS CONVENTION is being held at THE SKYLINE TRIUMPH HOTEL located just off highway 401 on Keele Street. NOVEMBER 6TH, 1988 from 10:00am to 6:00pm. (Special hotel rates available) Phone: 1-800-268-1332. For more information contact: PRESS: (Mike Searl) ..........416/245-5543 EXHIBITORS: (Jim Jorritsma)...416/242-3413 PUBLIC INFO LINE..............416/425-5357 TAF ONLINE BBS (24hr)........416/235-0318 or call Jim Clark, President, Toronto Atari Federation 416/928-1143 For more information send all inquiries to: "TORONTO ATARI FEDERATION" 5334 Yonge Street 1527 WILLOWDALE ONTARIO CANADA M2N 6M2 ATTENTION "COMPUTER SHOW" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CP/M BBS Help Commands $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Ctsy Holly Park BBS (201) 757-1491 To get help type: DIR ? - to get a directory listing FOR ? - to find out what the files do FIND - to find out where the files are KMD - to learn how to upload & download LDIR - to get a directory listing of the INSIDE of a LBR TYPE - to list files to read them online UNARC - to get a directory listing of the INSIDE of an ARC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Some COMMANDS to get you started in CP/M: TYPE A-TWIT-.IS $N MAP KMD S RCPMBGNR.DOC NEW If you have a 40 column screen, DIR $4ADVNL If you have an 80 column screen, DIR $8ADVNL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This system is presently running under ZCPR2. To change drives, type: A0>B: you are on drive A, user 0 & want to go to drive B B0> you are now on drive B, ======================================= CompuServe PRIME/DAYTIME HOURS EXTENDED ======================================= Effective Sunday, Oct. 2, CompuServe's prime/daytime will be defined as 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. CompuServe's basic connect-time rates, which are the same as prime/standard and standard/evening rates, are unchanged. The one-hour lengthening of prime/daytime to 7 p.m. is to allow CompuServe's definition of daytime access to be consistent with that of its supplemental communications networks. The CompuServe network surcharge will continue as one rate for all time periods. For more information about CompuServe Information Service rates and network surcharges, type GO RATES at any prompt. NETWORK SURCHARGE ANNOUNCEMENT Due to increased network costs, CompuServe will adjust network surcharges effective Tuesday, Sept. 6. The CompuServe network surcharge will change from 25 cents to 30 cents per hour. CompuServe basic connect-time rates will remain the same. Members accessing CompuServe from overseas through Computer Sciences Corporation Infonet will incur a $50 per hour surcharge at all times. The TYMNET and Telenet prime/daytime surcharge will increase from $10 to $12 per hour, though the standard/evening access surcharge will remain the same. Members now using TYMNET or Telenet are encouraged to check the online phones list (GO PHONES) for a CompuServe network number in their area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Government Bulletin Boards (Update) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an update to the listing which appeared in ZMagazine last year. T H E E C O N O M I C B U L L E T I N B O A R D ======================================================= COMPUTER BULLETIN BOARDS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The Economic Bulletin Board ============================= Operating agency Office of Business Analysis Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U. S. Department of Commerce Contents Current economic news from DoC Economic Affairs(EA) agencies including press releases, economic indicators, official DoC summaries of economic news, information on how to obtain data tapes, and summaries of reports and studies produced by EA agencies. Also included are press releases issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Open to the public without charge. No preregistration required. Operated 24 hours a day, except when being serviced. Telephone (202) 377-3870 or (202) 377-0433 Full duplex, no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit, or Full duplex, even parity, 7 bit words, 1 stop bit 300 or 1200 baud. After connect, enter 1 or 2 returns to start State Data Center Bulletin Board ================================ Operating agency State and Regional Programs Staff Data User Services Division Bureau of the Census Contents News about new Census Bureau programs, Census publications, reference material for State Data Center personnel. For use of the Census Bureau staff and all State Data Center Components, including affiliates. Preregistration required - call information contact below. Operated 24 hours a day, except when being serviced. Full duplex, no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit, or Full duplex, even parity, 7 bit words, 1 stop bit 300 or 1200 baud. After connect, enter 1 or 2 returns to start Information Contact: John Rowe or Larry Carbaugh Bureau of the Census (301) 763-1580 Population Estimates Bulletin Board =================================== Operating agency Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates Population Division Bureau of the Census Contents Information and news about population and demographic projections. For use by members of the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates and members of the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Projections. No preregistration required. Usual hours of operation 5:00 PM to 6:30 AM Monday-Thursday, 24 hour operation from 5:00 PM Thursday to 6:30 AM Monday. No preregistration required. Full duplex, no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit. 300 baud. Telephone (301) 763-5225, After connected, enter "RUN" to start. CMIC Electronic Bulletin Board ============================== Operating agency Census Microcomputer Information Center, Office of the Director Bureau of the Census Contents Microcomputer news, software and hardware reviews, public domain software, training programs for Census and Commerce personnel. General microcomputer users; primarily internal Census Bureau personnel. No preregistration required. Operated 24 hours a day, except when being serviced. Phone (301) 763-4576. Full duplex, no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit, or Full duplex, even parity, 7 bit words, 1 stop bit 300 or 1200 baud. After connect, enter 1 or 2 returns to start Microcomputer Electronic Information Exchange (MEIE) ==================================================== Operating agency The Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology (ICST) The National Bureau of Standards Department of Commerce Contents Information on the acquisition, management, and use of small computers. Other files containing sources of information on topics such as: conferences, Federal publications and activities, user groups, other bulletin boards, etc. General microcomputer users. No preregistration required. Operated 24 hours a day, except when being serviced. Telephone: (301) 948-5718. Full duplex, no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit, or Full duplex, even parity, 7 bit words, 1 stop bit 300 or 1200 baud. After connect, enter 1 or 2 returns to start. If you do not receive a carrier after two rings, you should hang up and call again. Climate Assessment Bulletin Board ================================= Operating agency Climate Analysis Center National Weather Service Department of Commerce Contents Historical climate information - daily, weekly, and monthly, heating degree days, weekly climate bulletins. Users generally are Analysts using historical meteorological data. Operated 24 hours a day. Preregistration required. Call information contact below. Full duplex, no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit. Information Contact Vernon Patterson Climate Analysis Center Telephone: (301) 763-8071 East Coast Marine Users Bulletin Board ====================================== Operating agency National Weather Service U.S. Department of Commerce Contents Marine weather and nautical information for coastal waterways. Information includes data for bays and sounds, coastal waters, and offshore waters; tropical storm advisories; tidal information, and important weather, nautical, and fishing news. Data are primarily about the middle Atlantic region. Users are Commercial fishermen and other users of coastal waters. The bulletin board is open to the public and free of charge. Users must preregister by calling information contact below. Information about similar bulletin boards for other regions may also be obtained by calling the information contact. Operated 24 hours a day. Telephone (301) 454-8700. Full duplex, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit. 300 baud. Information Contact Ross Laporte National Weather Service (301) 899-3296 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PCP Coverage Areas &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& City: ATLANTA GA Area code: (404) ACWORTH 974 975 ALPHARETTA 442 475 664 751 772 ATLANTA 221-223 225 230 231 233 237-244 247 249 250 252 255-257 261 262 264 266 280 281 284 286 288 289 292 294 296 297 299 320 321 325 329 330-332 341 344 346 347 349-352 355 360-366 370-373 377 378 383 420 521 522-530 533 550 558 559 566 572 573 577 581 584 586 588 589 622 624 626 627 633 634 636 639 651 653 656 658 659 661 669 676 681 688 691 696 697 699 726-728 741 744 752 753 755 756 758 761-768 792 794 799 827 833 837 841-843 847 848 851 853 870-877 880 881 885 888 890 892 894 897-899 936 982 999 AUSTELL 739 941 944 948 BUFORD 932 945 CHAMBLEE 390-396 399 451 452 454 455 457 458 488 551 668 671 698 986 CONYERS 388 483 922 929 DALLAS 443 445 DOUGLASVL 489 920 942 949 DULUTH 476 497 623 FAIRBURN 774 964 969 FAYETTEVILLE 460 461 487 631 HAMPTON 946 JONESBORO 389 471 473 477 478 961 968 991 994 996 997 LAWRENCEVILLE 822 962 963 972 978 979 985 995 LITHONIA 482 LOGANVILLE 466 MARIETTA 421-429 494 565 578 971 973 977 MCDONOUGH 954 957 NORCROSS 242 246 263 368 441 446-449 662 PALMETTO 463 PANOLA 593 981 987 POWDERSPGS 439 943 ROSWELL 552 587 594 641 642 992 993 998 SMYRNA 333 431-436 438 835 852 859 933 951-953 955 956 980 984 988 STOCKBDG 474 STONE MT 469 498 879 TUCKER 279 381 491 493 496 564 621 921 923 925 934 938 939 WOODSTOCK 591 924 926 928 City: BOSTON MA Area code: (617) ARLINGTON 483 488 641 643 646 648 BELMONT 484 489 855 BOSTON 223 227 236 247 262 266 267 292 330 338 348 350 353 357 367 375 421 423 424 426 434 437 439 450 451 482 523 536 542 556 565 570-579 589 637 638 654 720 722-728 733 737 742 743 781 931 936 951 954-956 973 BRIGHTON 254 560 782 783 787 789 BROOKLINE 232 277 566 730-732 734 735 738 739 CAMBRIDGE 225 253 258 354 491 492 494-499 547 550 576 577 621 661 864 868 873 876 CHARLESTN 241 242 CHELSEA 884 889 DORCHESTER 265 282 287 288 436 825 929 EASTBOSTON 561 567 569 EVERETT 381 387 389 HYDE PARK 333 361 364 JAMAICA PL 323 325 327 469 522 524 983 MALDEN 321 322 324 382 397 979 MEDFORD 391 395 396 MELROSE 662 665 MILTON 296 298 696 698 NEWTON 243 244 332 527 552 558 964 965 969 QUINCY 328 471 472 479 770 773 786 847 984 REVERE 284 286 289 ROXBURY 427 442 445 541 SAUGUS 231 233 SO BOSTON 268 269 463 SOMERVILLE 623 625 628 629 666 776 WATERTOWN 923 924 926 972 WINTHROP 539 846 Area code: (617) BRAINTREE 380 843 848 849 DEDHAM 320 326 329 392 461 HINGHAM 740 749 HULL 925 LEXINGTON 271 274-276 280 377 860-863 981 LYNN 581 592-596 598 599 NEEDHAM 444 449 455 READING 942 944 STONEHAM 279 438 WAKEFIELD 245 246 WALTHAM 290 466 538 622 633 642 647 684 736 890 891-895 899 930 974 WELLESLEY 235 237 239 431 446 WEYMOUTH 331 335 337 340 WINCHESTER 721 729 WOBURN 932 933 935 938 City: CHICAGO IL Area code: (312) CHIC NEWCS 380 399 693 CHICAGO 204 207 222 225-227 235-237 241-243 245 247 248 252 254 261 263 265-269 271 275-281 285 287 288 292 294 302 306 321 322 324 326 327 329 332 334 337 341 342 346-348 353 363 368 372 373 376 378 379 384 407 410 413 417 419 421 427 431 434 435 436 440 443 444 454 461 463 467 471 472 476 477 478 486 489 493 507 509 514 521-523 525 527 528 533 536 538 539 542 548 549 558-561 565 567 580 583 588 591 592 606 609 621 622 624 626 630 633 637 638 641-645 648-650 661 663-667 670 684 701 702 704 707 712 715 716 718 722 726-728 732 733 737 738 744 745 750-753 760 762 765 769 770 772 776 778 781 782 784 786 787 791 793 796 797 802-808 814 817 819 822 826 828 829 836 842 845 847 853-856 861 871 875 876 878 880 883 886 889 890 899 902 903 906 907 908 915 917 918 921-930 935 936 938 939 942-944 947 951 955 975 977 984 987-989 993 996 997 CICERO 494 BELLWOOD 449 544 547 BERWYN 484 749 788 795 BROOKFIELD 387 485 CHICAGO 202 221 224 229 233 238 239 262 264 273 274 282-284 286 338 374 375 445 465 468 483 487 488 508 545 568 569 581 582 585 586 589 602 625 631 651 660 685 721 723 725 731 734-736 743 761-764 767 768 774-777 779 783 785 792 794 821 838 846 867 873 874 881 928 933 962 973 978 992 994 995 CICERO 652 656 780 863 EVANSTON 328 475 491 492 570 864 866 869 FOREST 209 366 771 FRANKLINPK 451 455 671 678 LA GRANGE 352 354 482 550 579 MAYWOOD 343-345 409 450 531 562 681 865 OAK LAWN 422-425 430 499 598 599 636 857 OAK PARK 383 386 524 848 PALOS PARK 974 PARK RIDGE 318 518 692 696 698 823 825 RIVERGROVE 452 453 456 457 RIVERSIDE 442 447 SKOKIE 470 647 673-679 965-967 982 SUMMIT 458 496 563 594 WESTERNSPG 246 WILLOWSPGS 839 WILMETTE 251 256 ALGONQUIN 658 ARLNGTNHTS 253 255 259 392 394 398 506 577 590 632 870 AURORA 801 820 844 851 859 892 896-898 BARRINGTON 304 381 382 BARTLETT 213 289 830 837 BATAVIA 406 840 879 BEECHER 946 BENSENVL 350 595 766 860 BLUEISLAND 371 385 388 389 396 535 597 687 CALUMET CY 730 862 868 891 CARY 516 639 CHIC OHARE 694 CHICAGO 601 646 686 CHICAGOHTS 481 503 709 720 747 748 754-758 CRETE 672 DEERFIELD 405 940 945 948 DESPLAINES 296-390 391 635 699 803 824 827 DOWNERSGRV 515 719 810 852 910 960 963 964 968 969 971 985 DUNDEE 426 428 551 ELGIN 695 697 741 742 888 931 ELK GROVE 228 364 437 439 593 640 806 952 956 981 ELMHURST 279 530 543 617 628 832-834 941 GENEVA 208 232 GLEN ELLYN 469 790 858 GLENCOE 835 GLENVIEW 657 724 729 998 GRAYS LAKE 223 HALF DAY 634 913 HARVEY 210 331 333 335 339 596 HIGHLANDPK 432 433 831 926 HINSDALE 218 323 325 571-575 654 655 789 850 887 920 954 986 990 HOMEWOOD 206 798 799 957 ITASCA 250 773 LAKEFOREST 234 295 615 LAKEZURICH 438 540 LANSING 418 474 895 LEMONT 257 739 759 972 LIBERTYVL 362 367 680 816 LOMBARD 495 620 627 629 691 916 932 953 MOKENA 479 MONEE 534 MUNDELEIN 566 949 NAPERVILLE 355 357 369 416 420 505 717 961 983 NORTHBROOK 205 272 291 402 480 498 502 564 OAK FOR SO 560 ORLAND 301 349 403 460 PALATINE 303 358 359 397 576 705 934 991 PALOS PARK 361 448 PEOTONE 258 RIVERDALE 841 849 ROSELLE 240 307 310 315 316 330 351 401 490 504 519 529 603 613 659 706 843 882 884 885 893 894 905 980 ST CHARLES 377 584 SUMMIT 914 THORNTON 877 TINLEYPARK 429 532 614 W CHICAGO 231 293 WARRENVL 393 WAUCONDA 526 WAUKEGAN 244 249 336 360 473 578 623 662 688 689 937 WHEATON 260 462 510 653 665 668 682 690 979 WHEELING 215 459 520 537 541 WINNETKA 441 446 501 ZION 746 872 Area code: (815) ELWOOD 423 424 FRANKFORT 469 JOLIET 722 723-729 740 741 744 773 774 LOCKPORT 834 838 886 MANHATTAN 478 NEW LENOX 485 PLAINFIELD 436 439 City: CLEVELAND OH Area code: (216) CLEVELAND 221 226 228 229 231 241 249 251 252 261 265-268 271 281 283 289 291 295 321 331 333 341 344 348 351 356 361-363 368 371 381-383 389 391 397 398 421 429-433 441 443-445 451 459 469 471 476 479 481 486 491 521-523 529 531 541 561 566 574 575 578 579 586 589 621-623 631 634 641 651 661 664 671 676 681 687 692 694 696 721 731 732 741 749 751 752 761 771 781 789 791 795 822 844 851 861 881 883 921 931 932 941 961 987 991 INDEPENDNC 447 524 642 MONTROSE 475 581 587 662 663 TERRACE 292 464 591 765 766 831 AURORA 562 995 BAINBRIDGE 543 BEDFORD 232 439 BEREA 234 243 826 BRECKSVL 526 838 BRUNSWICK 225 273 CHAGRINFLS 247 248 349 CHESTERLD 729 COLMBIASTA 236 GATESMILLS 423 HILLCREST 442 446 449 461 473 646 HINCKLEY 278 NOROYALTON 237 582 NORTHFIELD 467 468 656 OLMSTEDFLS 235 RICHFIELD 659 RUSSELL 338 STRONGSVL 238 572 TRINITY 734 777 779 835 871 892 TWINSBURG 425 487 VICTORY 842-845 884-886 888 WICKLIFFE 585 943 944 WILLOUGHBY 942 946 951 953 City: COLTON CA Area code: (714) COLTON 370 422 431 824 825 876 877 FONTANA 350 355 356 822 823 829 REDLANDS 335 790-799 RIALTO 820 873-875 RIVERSIDE 275 351 354 358-360 369 602 681-689 710 780-787 788 S BERNDINO 381-384 387 880-889 City: DALLAS TX Area code: (214) ADDISON 233 239 385-387 392 404 450 458 490 591 661 701 702 770 788 851 934 960 980 991 CARROLLTON 242 245 306 307 323 394 416 418 446 466 492 CEDAR HILL 291 299 DALLAS 220 290 302 309 319 320 321 324 327 328 330 331 333 337 339 340 341 343 348-353 357 358 360 361 363 368 369 371-376 381 388 391 398 421 426 428 464 503 520 521 522 526 528 553 559 565 573 590 630 631 634 637 638 649 651 653 655 658 670 688 689 691 692 696 698 706 720 739-742 744-750 754 760 761 767 781 787 809 812 819-821 823 824 826 827 828 841 844 855 871 879 880 890 891 902 904 905 920 922 939 941-944 946 948 951 953 954 956 969 977-979 987 999 DANIELDALE 224 228 De SOTO 217 223 230 DLS FW AIR 453 456 574 DUNCANVL 296 298 709 780 FARMRSBRCH 241 243 247 401 402 406 484 506 556 620 830 869 888 GARLAND 240 271 272 276 278 303 414 487 494 495 530 840 864 GRAND PRAR 229 260-264 266 269 384 397 504 533 558 601-603 606 609 616 641 642 647 660 676 799 808 850 909 913 933 949 957 988 992 993 HUTCHINS 225 IRVING 251-259 313 399 413 438 445 497 513 514 518 541 550 554 570 579 580 594 607 621 650 659 717 721 751 790 791 929 986 LANCASTER 218 227 LAWSON 222 LEWISVILLE 219 221 315-318 393 420 434 436 462 471 539 724 MESQUITE 216 285 288 289 N MESQUITE 270 279 613 681 686 PLANO 403 422-424 516 517 519 575 578 596 604 605 608 612 618 867 881 964 985 RENNER 248 250 380 733 931 RICHARDSON 231 234 235 238 301 437 470 480 644 669 680 690 699 705 783 907 952 995-997 ROWLETT 412 475 RYLIE 286 557 SEAGOVILLE 287 SUNNYVALE 203 226 WYLIE 442 Area code: (817) ARLINGTON 261 265 273 356 366 425 432 449 461 467 469 543 588 640 667 671 679 695 784 792 856 EULESS 267 268 355 540 963 967 FORT WORTH 429 589 654 884 930 GRAPEVINE 329 481 KELLER 379 KENNEDALE 572 MANSFIELD 477 NORICHLDHL 498 577 ROANOKE 430 961 962 City: DENVER CO Area code: (303) ARVADA 420-431 467 650 877 880 940 AURORA 340-344 360 361 363 364 366 367 371 373 551 BOULDER 440-444 447 449 492 494 497 499 530 581 786 924 938 939 966 BRIGHTON 654 659 BROOMFIELD 252 255 450-452 457 460 465 466 469 538 CASTLEROCK 660 681 688 COALCRKCYN 642 DENVER 270 281 291-299 320-322 329 331 333 355 370 375 377 388 393 394 398 399 433 455 458 477 480 534 556 571-573 575 592 595 620 623 624 628 629 631 639 691 692 698 722 733 744 753 756-760 777 778 780 782 820 821 825 826 830 831 832 837 839 844 851 860 861 863 866 869 871 888 892 893 894 896 899 922 934-937 964 965 DENVER NE 286-289 DENVER SW 969 980 985-989 DENVERSULL 337 368 369 671 680 690 693-696 699 720 745 750-752 755 766 ENGLEWOOD 761 762 781 788 789 891 EVERGREEN 670 674 GOLDEN 271 273 277-279 LAF LSVLE 665 666 673 LAKEWOOD 230-239 LITTLETON 220 266 290 470 649 694 721 730 740 741 770-773 779 790-799 850 855 889 890 930 933 971-973 977-979 LOOKOUT MT 526 MORRISON 697 PARKER 840 841 City: DETROIT MI Area code: (313) DETROIT 222-226 237 245 252 255 256 259 267 270-278 291 292 295 297 298 321-323 328 331 336 337 341-343 345 361 365 366 368 369-372 381-383 386 388 389 390 393 396 436 440-442 444 446 491 493 494 496 499 521 526 527 531-538 554 556 560-568 571 577 579 581 582 584 592-594 596 599 690 745 770 821-824 829 831-846 849 861-876 881-886 891-899 921-928 931-935 937 943 945 956 961-966 972 974 976 983 993 City: GLENDALE CA Area code: (818) BURBANK 565 566 569 840-843 845-848 953-955 972 GLENDALE 240-244 246 247 409 500 502 507 545 546 956 LA CRSCNTA 248 249 542 957 NO HOLLYWD 503 505 506 508 509 753 760-766 769 777 980 982 985 PASADENA 304 354 356 393 397-400 403 405 406 440 441 449 568 577 578 584 790-799 952 SUNLDTUJNG 352 353 951 SALHAMBRA 280-289 300 302 307-309 457 458 529 570-573 576 805 SIERRAMADR 351 355 SUN VALLEY 504 767 768 VAN NUYS 370 374-379 501 528 780-789 818 901-909 981 983 984 986-990 994 995 997 City: HARTFORD CT Area code: (203) BERLIN 828 829 BLOOMFIELD 242 243 286 726 CANTON 693 E HARTFORD 282 289 291 528 565 568 569 FARMINGTON 673-679 GLASTONBY 633 657 659 GRANBY 653 HARTFORD 240 241 244 246 247 249 252 273 275 277-280 293 520 522 524 525 527 545 547-549 560 566 660 722 724 725 727 728 841 930 936 951-954 MANCHESTER 643 645-649 NEWBRITAIN 223-225 229 826 827 NEWINGTON 665-667 ROCKVILLE 871 872 875 S WINDSOR 644 SIMSBURY 651 658 SUFFIELD 668 W HARTFORD 232 233 236 521 523 561 WETHERSFLD 257 258 529 563 721 WINDSOR 285 298 683 688 WINDSORLKS 623 627 654 City: HOUSTON TX Area code: (713) AIRLINE 445 447 448 591 820 847 878 931 999 ALDINE 442 449 590 985-987 ALIEF 495 498 530 561 568 575 879 933 983 ALVIN 331 388 APOLLO 280 282 283 480 483 486 488 ARCOLA 431 ATASCOCITA 852 BACLIFF 339 BAMMEL 440 444 537 580 583 586 893 BARKER 492 578 579 BAYTOWN 420-422 424 425 427 428 BEACH CITY 383 BLUE RIDGE 436-438 835 BUFFALO 293 493 496 497 531 556 558 584 589 596 870 CHANNELVW 452 457 CROSBY 328 CYPRESS 373 DEER PARK 476 478 479 884 930 994 DICKINSON 337 E HOUSTON 458 459 ELLINGTON 481 484 487 922 929 998 FRIENDSWD 482 996 GRENSPOINT 775 872-876 HIGHLANDS 426 HMBL SOHML 441 446 540 548 HOUSTON 220-229 235 236 237 241 247 257 266 270-272 284 285 295 390 432-434 439 450-453 455 460-462 464 465 467 468 472-475 477 520-529 535 541 546 549 551 552 571 599 620-623 626 627 629-631 633 635 636 639-641 643-645 649-684 686 688 690-699 720-723 726 728 729 731-734 738 739 741 744 747-751 754 757 759 762 763 771 772 774 776-799 824-827 831 833 834 836 840-842 844 845 850 853 861-866 868 869 871 877 880-883 888 891 895 920 921 923 924 926 928 932 939 940 941 943 944 946 947 951-954 956 957 960 961 963-969 971-975 977 978 981 984 988 991 993 995 HUFFMAN 324 JERSEY VLG 466 896 937 KATY 347 371 391 392 395 KEMAH 326 334 KINGWOOD 358-360 LA PORTE 470 471 LANGHAMCRK 463 550 855 859 LEAGUECITY 332 338 LIVERPOOL 393 LK HOUSTON 454 MANVEL 489 NASSAU BAY 333 335 PEARLAND 485 997 PINEHURST 356 PORTER 354 577 RCHMNDRSBG 341 342 SATSUMA 469 890 894 897 955 SEABROOK 474 SHELDON 456 SMITHRS LK 343 SPRING 350 353 363 364 367 STAFFORD 261 499 SUGAR LAND 240 242 263 269 274 277 278 490 491 494 563 565 980 TOMBALL 320 351 370 374 376 VLY LODGE 346 WESTFIELD 230 443 821 City: KANSAS CITY MO Area code: (816) EINDEPNDNC 795 796 GLADSTONE 436 452-455 459 468 INDEPENDNC 252 254 257 373 461 478 833 836 KANSAS CITY 221 223 231 234 241 242 245 247 274-276 283 333 346 361 363 374 391 395 421 426 435 444 471 472 474 483 497 523 531 556 561 572 576 591 654 698 753 756 757 759 821 822 842 844 861 871 881 921-924 926 931 932 968 995 997 LIBERTY 781 792 NASHUA 734 PARKVILLE 587 741 RAYTOWN 353 356 358 737 SO KAN CITY 761 763 765 767 941-943 966 TIFFNYSPGS 891 BELTON 322 331 348 BLUE SPGS 224 228 229 FERRELVIEW 243 464 466 GREENWOOD 537 LEESSUMMIT 251 524 525 LKLOTAWANA 578 SMITHVILLE 532 Area code: (913) BETHEL 299 334 788 KANSAS CITY 236 262 281 287 321 342 362 371 375 384 432 573 574 576 588 596 621 661 676 677 722 787 831 MELROSE 268 339 341 345 381 383 451 469 491 492 541 631 642 648 649 888 894 962 967 BASEHOR 724 BONNER SPG 422 441 721 OLATHE 764 780 782 791 829 STANLEY 681 897 City: LOSANGELES CA Area code: (213) LOS ANGELES 200 221-239 245 248 250-269 272 283 290-296 298-300 303 321 340-342 345 347 351 362 380-389 413 418 460-469 480-489 520 525 526 560 561-569 580-583 585-589 600 612-614 617 620-629 636 650-656 658 660-669 678 680-689 700 713 714 716-718 723 729-760 765 770-779 819 849 850-852 856 857 870-879 891 894 895 912 930-939 955 960 964 965 967-969 971 972 974 975 977 979 MONTEBELLO 720-722 724-728 888 BEVERLY HILLS 201 203 205 270-282 284 285 289 550-553 556 557 652 657 659 785 854 855 858 859 COMPTON 220 408 531 537 601-605 608 609 630-635 637-639 761 762 CULVER CITY 202 204 280 558 559 836-840 DOWNEY 803 806 861 862 869 904 922 923 927 928 940 GARDENA 213 217 323-327 329 512 515 516 527 532 538 712 715 719 780 HAWTHORNE 219 297 331 332 336 535 536 643 644 675 676 679 812-814 970 973 978 INGLEWOOD 215 216 330 337 338 410 412 417 419 568 641 642 645 646 649 670-674 677 MAR VISTA 301 305 306 313 390 391 397 398 578 821 822 823 827 PICORIVERA 692 695 699 801 908 942 948 949 WLOSANGELS 206-209 312 442-446 470-479 820 824-826 City: MIAMI FL Area code: (305) HOMESTEAD 224 230 245-248 257 258 MIAMI 221 223 226 227 250 261-264 266 270 271 274 279 284 285 324 325 326 342 347 350 353 358 361 362 364 371-377 379 381 382 385-387 397 399 441-449 460 470 477 520 526 529 530-532 534-536 538 541 543 544 545 547-560 573 576 577 579 590-596 598 599 633-635 637 638 642 643 649 661 662 663 665-667 670 672-674 681 685 687 688 691 693 696 751 754 756-759 762 769 789 794 795 821-823 825 835 836 854 856 858 861 864-866 868 871 873 874 882 883 884 885 887 888 891 893 895 899 939 953 993 995 NORTH DADE 343 354 542 620 621 623-625 651-654 770 787 829 931 932 935 937 940 944 945 947-949 952 956 PERRINE 232 233 235 238 251-253 255 378 City: MILWAUKEE WI Area code: (414) BIG BEND 662 CALEDONIA 835 CEDARBURG 375 377 HARTLAND 367 HENOMNEFLS 251-253 255 MILWAUKEE 221-229 254 256-259 263-265 271-278 281 282 287 289 291 321 327 332 342 344 345 347 351-355 357-359 362 372 374 382-384 399 421-423 425 438 442 444 445 447 449 453 456 461-464 466 471 475 476 481-483 527 529 535 541 543 545 546 562 575 643 645 647 649 671 672 678 744 747 761 762 764 765 768 769 771 774 778 781-786 791 792 796 797 799 844 871 873 874 931 933 935-937 955 961-964 MUSKEGO 679 PEWAUKEE 691 SUSSEX 246 THIENSVL 241-243 WAUKESHA 521 524 542 544 547-549 City: MINNEAPOLS MN Area code: (612) ANOKA 421 422 427 753 APPLE VALLEY 431 432 CHASKA 448 ELK RIVER 441 FARMINGTON 460 463 FOREST LAKE 464 HAMEL 478 HANOVER 498 HASTINGS 437 438 ISANTI 444 JORDAN 492 LAKEVILLE 469 MAPLE PLAIN 479 MINNEAPOLS 330-344 347-349 370-379 499 520-522 526 527 529 533-537 540 541 542 544-546 553 557 559-561 566 569 571 572 574 588 591 593 621-627 639 720-729 754 755 757 780-782 784 786 788 789 822-825 827-831 835 851 853 854 858 861 863 865-872 874 879 881 884 885 887 888 890 893-897 920 921 922 924-927 929 931-939 941 942 944 976 977 MOUND 472 NEW MARKET 461 OSSEO 420 424 425 493 PRIOR LAKE 440 447 ROCKFORD 477 ROGERS 428 ROSEMOUNT 423 S BURNSVLL 435 892 SCAND MARN 433 SHAKOPEE 445 496 SODERVILLE 434 ST MICHAEL 497 ST PAUL 220-224 227-229 290-293 296-298 450-452 454-459 481-490 620 631 633 635 636 638 641-649 681 687 688 690 696 698 699 731 733 735-739
gdtltr@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Gary D Duzan) (09/25/88)
----------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------------ 770-772 774 776-779 785 989 STBONIFACI 446 STCROIXBCH 436 STILL WATER 430 439 VICTORIA 443 WAYZATA 470 471 473-476 WH BEAR LK 426 429 653 WYOMING 462 City: NEWARK NJ Area code: (201) BAYONNE 339 436 437 823 858 BELLEVILLE 450 751 759 BLOOMFIELD 338 429 509 680 743 744 746 748 783 893 ELIZABETH 289 351-355 527 558 820 965 JERSEY CITY 309 332 333 420 432-435 451 547 626 653 656 659 714 792 795 798 860 915 963 KEARNY 955 991 997 998 LIVINGSTON 533 535 716 740 992 994 MILLBURN 376 379 467 564 912 NEWARK 242 243 259 268 318 344 371-375 399 430 456 465 468 480-485 565 578 589 596 621-624 642 643 645 648 649 690 705 733 824 877 923 926 961 NUTLEY 235 284 661 667 ORANGE 266 325 414 669 672-678 731 736 SO ORANGE 378 761-763 UNIONVILLE 686-688 851 964 VERONA 239 857 City: NEW YORK NY Area code: (212) BRONX NYC 220 231 292-295 298 299 304 305 320 324 325 328 364 365 367 378 379 402 409 430 491 515 518 519 538 542 543 547-549 562 579 583-585 588-590 597 601 617 652-655 665 671 681 711 716 731 733 740 792 796 798 822-824 828 829 842 863 881 882 884 885 892 893 901 904 920 931 933 960 991-994 NEW YORK 205-208 210 213 214 216 218 219 221-223 226-228 230 233-250 254 255 260 262 264-267 269 272 276 277 279 280 281 283 285 286 288-291 296 301-303 306-310 312-316 319 321-323 326 329 330 333-335 337 340 341 344 346-363 368-371 373 374 380 382 385 390-393 395-399 401 404 406-408 410 412-416 418-422 425 427 428 431-433 436 437 439 440 449 451 452 457 458-461 463-469 472 473 475 477 480-490 492 493 495 496 502-506 508-514 517 520-530 532-537 540 541 545 546 550-561 563 564 566-578 580-582 586 587 593-595 598 599 602 603 605-610 612-614 616 618-621 623 627-629 632 633 635 637 640-645 648-650 656 657 659 661-664 666-669 673-679 682-698 701-705 707-709 713-715 717 719 720 722 724 725 730 732 734-737 741 742 744-760 764-766 769 770 772 775-777 779 781 785 787 790 791 793-795 797 799 804 806-809 812 813 815 818-820 825-827 830-832 836-841 844 847 848 850 853-856 858 860-862 864-874 876-880 883 886-889 891 899 902 903 905 906-909 912 916 921-930 932 935 936 938 940-945 947 949 951-957 962-964 966-980 982-986 988 989 995-998 Area code: (718) BKLYN NYC 209 230 232-238 240 241 247 251-253 256-260 265 266 270 272 277 282 284 287 330-332 336 338 339 342 345 346 360 363 366 372-377 381 383-389 398 403 417 421 434-436 438 439 443 444 449 451-456 462 467 469 485 486 489 492 493 495 497-499 522 531 541 571 574 596 604 615 622 624 625 627 629 630 633 636 638 642 643 645-649 680 692 693 735 743 745 748 754-756 763 768 769 771 773 774 778 780 782 783 788 789 797 802 821 826 827 833 834 836 837 851-859 871 875 883 891 919 922 934 935 941 946 951 953 963 965 968 972 996 998 QUEENS NYC 204 217 224 225 229 244 261-263 267 268 271 274-276 278 279 291 296 297 318 321 322 326 327 335 337 341 343 347 349 352 353 357-359 361 380 392 395 397 423 424 426 428 429 441 445 446 454 457-459 461 463 464 465 468 470 471 474 476 478 479 481 482 507 520 523 525-529 539 544 545 557 565 575 591 592 626 631 632 634 639 641 644 651 656-659 670 672 699 706 712 721 723 726 728 729 738-740 746 760 762 764 767 776 779 784 786 793 803 805 830 831 835 843 845-849 868 886 894-899 917 932 937 939 945 949 955 956 961 962 969 977 978 990 995 997 STN IS NYC 273 317 351 356 390 442 447 448 494 667 698 720 727 761 816 948 966 967 970 979 981 983 984 987 City: OAKLAND CA Area code: (415) ALAMEDA 521-523 660 748 769 865 869 MORAGA 376 631 OAKLAND 261 263 265 268 271-273 339 351 352 357 420 425 428 430 436 437 444 446 448 451 452 464-466 482 483 486 524-536 539 540 547 548 549 559 562 568 569 577 596 632 633 635 636 638 639 642-645 649 652-655 658 667 678 762 763 766 832-836 839-841 843 845 848 849 860 874 891 893 895 987 999 ORINDA 253 254 SAN FRAN 227 243 255 264 267 274 282 285 338 346 362 391-399 421 431 433 434 441 442 445 474 477 478 495 541-546 550 552-558 561 563 565 567 576 597 621 622 624 626 627 641 647 648 668 673 695 739 764 765 768 771 772-777 781 788 821 822 824 826 861 863 864 882 885 894 896 921-923 928 929 931 936 951 953-957 972-974 978 979 981-986 989 990 995 996 998 BELVEDERE 435 789 LAFAYETTE 283 284 RICHMOND 222 223 231-237 374 620 970 SAN FRAN 239 330 333 334 337 467-469 584-587 755 756 761 991-994 997 City: PALO ALTO CA Area code: (415) LOS ALTOS 941 948 949 MOUNTAIN VIEW 336 691 694 940 960-969 PALO ALTO 321-329 354 385 424 473 493 494 496 497 723 725 852-859 926 REDWOOD CITY 361 363-369 780 SANCLSBLMT 591-595 598 WOODSIDE 851 FRMT NWRK 745 790-797 City: PHILA PA Area code: (215) PHILA 221-229 231 232 235 236 238 241-243 247 248 263 271 276 280 281 288 289 291 299 324 329 331-336 338 339 342 349 351 365 382 386 387 389 422-427 438 440 448 452 455-457 462-468 471-474 476 477 482 483 487 492 496 523 528 533 535 537 545 546 548 549 551-553 557 560 561 563 564 567-570 574 577 578 581 585 587 592 596 597 620 621 624 625 627 629 632 634 636 637 662 665 671 673 676 677 684-686 697 698 722 724-729 732 735 739 742-745 747 748 751 753 755 763 765 769 786 787 790 823 824 829 831 835 839 841-844 846 848 849 851 854 864 870 875 877-879 893-895 897-899 922-925 927 928 931 934 936 937 951 952 961 963 969 972 973 977 978 980 981 985 988 ARDMORE 642 645 649 896 BALACYNWYD 664 667 668 DARBYRIDSH 237 461 521 522 532 534 583 586 591 595 HAVERTOWN 446 449 789 853 LANSDOWNE 284 622 623 626 UPPERDARBY 259 352 734 AMBLER 283 540 542 628 641 643 646 653 BRYN MAWR 525-527 CHELTENHAM 379 663 CHESTER 447 485 494 497 499 872 874 876 CONSHOHCKN 825 828 834 941 CORNWELLS 639 EDDINGTON 244 245 638 ELKINSPARK 635 782 FLOURTOWN 233 836 HUNTGDNVLY 938 947 JENKINTOWN 572 576 881 884-887 MEDIA 565 566 891 NEWTOWN SQ 353 356 359 NORRISTOWN 265 270 272 275 277-279 337 350 354 480 531 539 630 631 768 920 962 SWARTHMORE 328 543 544 690 WAYNE 254 293 341 687 688 964 971 WILLOW GRV 657 659 784 830 WOODLYN 833 City: PHOENIX AZ Area code: (602) CHANDLER 732 759 786 821 895 899 940 961 963 GLENDALE 434 435 439 486 543 588 589 841-843 846 848 872 876 878 930 931 933 934 937-939 972-979 LITCHFLDPK 393 849 853 856 873 877 925 932 935 936 MESA 461 464 497 827 830 832-835 844 890 892 898 924 926 962 964 969 NO PHOENIX 371 395 482 493 563 678 788 789 861-864 866 867 869 870 879 942 943 944 971 992 993 995 997 PHOENIX 220-280 285 351 352 370 375-377 379 381 389 390 392 397 433 437 460 468 484 490 495 498 549 551 631 954-957 SCOTTSDALE 391 423 443 451 481 483 494 840 860 941 945-949 951-953 990 991 994 996 998 TEMPE 345 350 431 438 496 730 731 752 756 784 820 829 831 838 AGUA FRIA 546 566 583 584 DEER VALLEY 492 561 581 582 780 PARADISVLY 569 585 FT MCDOWEL 471 837 HIGLEY 987 988 SPSTNAPJCT 373 380 396 891 981-986 City: PORTLAND OR Area code: (503) PORTLAND 220-246 248-257 273-275 279-289 291-295 297 299 323 335 464 721 731 733 760 761 771 774 775 777 778 781 790 796 844 936 City: RTP NC Area code: (919) APEX 362 387 CARY 460 467 469 481 677 CHAPELHILL 929 932 933 942 962 966-968 CREEDMOOR 528 575 DURHAM 248 254 286 361 382 383 470 471 477 479 489 490 493 530 541 543 544 549 560 596 598 620 681-684 687 688 941 990-992 KNIGHTDALE 266 RALEIGH 662 664 733 737 740 755 772 779 781-783 787 790 821 828 829 831-834 836 839 840 846-848 850 851 856 859 860 870 872 876 878 880 881 890 899 976 WENDELL 365 ZEBULON 269 City: SALT LAKE UT Area code: (801) BOUNTIFUL 290 292 295 298 299 COTTONWOOD 943 944 947 DRAPER 571 572 FARMINGTON 451 HOLLADAY 272 273 277 278 942 KAYSVILLE 543 544 546 547 KEARNS 964-969 MAGNA 250-252 MIDVALE 255 561 562 565 566 569 576 MURRAY 261-269 287 RIVERTON 254 SALT LAKE 220 237 321 322 328 350 355 359 363 364 366 481-483 488 521 522 524 526 530-539 570 573 575 578-580 594-596 799 933 SALT LAKE 581-585 588 SALT LK SO 466-468 480 484-487 SALT LK W 972-975 977 City: SAN DIEGO CA Area code: (619) CHULAVISTA 413 420-429 476 482 575 585 661 690 691 CORONADO 408 435 437 522 545 EL CAJON 258 390 401 440-444 447-449 561 562 579 588 LA JOLLA 270 272-274 404 450 452-459 483 488 490 506 508 518 534 535 539 546 552 581 587 LA MESA 460-466 469 589 660 668-670 697 698 LINDVISTSD 268 277-279 290 292 492-496 502 541 560 565 569 571 573 576 580 694 MIRAMESASD 271 530 536 537 549 566 578 693 695 NATIONALCY 267 336 412 416 470 472 474 475 477 479 SAN DIEGO 221-226 229-239 260 262-266 275 276 280-289 291 293-299 406 407 417 419 491 505 507 514 524 525 527-529 531-533 540 542-544 547 548 553 556 557 559 563 570 574 582-584 586 594 692 696 699 701 702 717 980 990 City: SAN FRAN CA Area code: (415) ALAMEDA 521-523 660 748 769 865 869 BELVEDERE 435 789 OAKLAND 261 263 268 271-273 339 420 428 436 437 444 446 448 451 452 464-466 482 530-536 539 547 596 645 652-655 658 762 763 766 832 834-836 839 840 874 891 893 987 999 SAN FRAN 221 227 239 243 255 264 267 274 282 285 330 333 334 337 338 346 362 386 387 391-399 421 431 433 434 441 442 445 467-469 474 476-478 495 541-546 550 552-554 556-558 561 563-567 576 584-587 597 621 622 624 626 627 641 647 648 661 664 665 666 668 673 681 695 731 739 750-753 755 756 759 761 764 765 768 771-777 781 788 821 822 824 826 861 863 864 882 885 894 896 921-923 928 929 931 936 951 953-957 972-974 978 979 981-986 989-998 SAUSALITO 289 331 332 OAKLAND 265 486 524-529 540 548 549 559 642-644 649 841 843 845 848 849 860 PACIFICA 355 359 RICHMOND 222 223 231-237 374 620 970 SOSAN FRAN 244 266 583 588 589 742 871-873 875-878 952 City: SAN JOSE CA Area code: (408) CAMPBELL 370 371 374 377-379 559 866 879 LOS GATOS 353 354 356 358 395 399 SAN JOSE 221 224-227 234-238 241 243 244 246-249 251-253 255-259 262 263-270 272 274-277 279-289 291-299 365 432-437 446-448 452 453 463 473 491 492 496 534 553 554 562 575 578 629 723 725 727 729 748 765 864 865 920 922-927 942 943 945-947 957 970-974 977 978 980 982-988 993-998 SARATOGA 741 867 SUNNYVALE 245 522 524 720 721 730 732-739 742-747 749 752 756 773 991 992 Area code: (415) LOS ALTOS 941 948 949 MOUNTAINVW 336 691 694 940 960-969 City: SANTA ANA CA Area code: (714) ANAHEIM 239 321 414 490 491 502 517 520 533 535 630 632 635 666 742 743 745 758 762 764 772 774 776 778 956 991 999 GARDEN GRV 530 534 537 539 636 638 663 740 741 748 750 971 HNTNGTNBCH 536 840-843 846-848 960 962-965 968 969 IRVINE 250 253 261 474 476 551-553 559 651 660 726 727 733 752 756 757 786 833 851 852 854 856 857 863 955 975 NEWPORTBCH 509 515 548 631 640 642 644-646 650 673 675 720-723 759 760 ORANGE 282 283 385 516 532 538 633 634 637 639 712 744 746 747 749 771 921 937-939 974 978 997 998 SANTA ANA 241 258 259 418 432 433 475 505 513 531 540-547 549 550 554 556-558 567 568 641 647 648 662 664 665 667 669 691 708 730 731 751 754 755 775 832 834-836 838 839 850 953 954 957 966 972 973 977 979 SILVERADO 649 WESTMINSTR 372 890-898 CYPRESS 220 229 236 503 527 761 821 826 827 828 952 995 FULLERTON 441 447 449 519 525 526 680 732 738 773 870 871 879 992 City: SEATTLE WA Area code: (206) BELLEVUE 451 453-455 462 562 641 643 644 646 746 747 865 SEATTLE 223 224 234 281-286 292 296 322-326 328 329 340 343-346 358 382 386 421 441-443 447 448 461 464 467 522-527 543-545 547 548 583 587 621-626 628 632-634 655 682 684 721-723 725 727 728 762-764 767 772 781 782-784 789 932 935 937 938 947 948 953 955 969 972 977 982 986 989 991 993-998 BAINBDG IS 842 BOTHELL 481 483 485-489 788 DES MOINES 824 838 839 874 878 941 946 HALLS LAKE 670 672 742 743 745 771 774-776 778 ISSAQUAH 391 392 KENT 395 630 631 657 773 852 854 859 872 KIRKLAND 820-823 827 828 867-869 881-883 885 889 MAPLE VLY 432 RENTON 226 228 235 237 251 255 271 277 656 RICHMNDBCH 542 546 SEATTLE AD 232 233 236 SEATTLE NR 361-365 367 368 SEATTLE SR 241-244 246 248 394 431 433 575 City: ST LOUIS MO Area code: (314) BRIDGETON 232-234 291 298 344 731 739 777 895 FERGUSON 521 522 524 595 FLORISSANT 831 837-839 921 KIRKWOOD 821 822 957 965 966 LADUE 432 567 569 694 872 991 993 994 997 MEHLVILLE 487 892 894 OAKVILLE 846 OVERLAND 423 424 426-429 RIVERVIEW 388 867-869 SPANISH LK 355 653 741 ST LOUIS 231 235 241 247 261 263 277 289 321 331 342 351-353 361 362 367 371 381-383 385 389 421 425 436 444 454 481 531 533-535 539 542 544 553 554 571 572 577 578 621 622 631 638 644 645 647 652 658 664 679 721 725-727 746 747 752 768 771-773 776 781 823 826 829 832 848 854 855 862 863 865 879 889 941 963 964 969 973 982 WEBSTERGRV 961 962 968 ANTONIA 942 CHESTERFLD 532 891 CREVECOEUR 275 434 469 576 851 878 EUREKA 938 FENTON 343 349 HARVESTER 441 928 HIGH RIDGE 671 677 IMPERIAL 464 MANCHESTER 227 391 394 MAXVILLE 296 POND 458 PTGDESIOUX 899 SAPPINGTON 525 842 843 849 ST CHARLES 946 947 949 VALLEYPARK 225 Area code: (618) E ST LOUIS 271 274 337 482 GRANITE CY 451 452 797 City: TAMPA FL Area code: (813) TAMPA 221-229 231 232 234 236-242 247 248 251 253 254 258 259 264 272 273 276 286 287 289 620-623 626 628 671 677 830-832 835 837 839 840 870-879 882-889 931-933 935 960-963 968 969 971 972 974 977 978 980 985 988-990 TAMPA EAST 653 654 681 684 685 689 986 TAMPA NO 948 949 973 996 TAMPA SO 633 634 641 645 TAMPA WEST 854 855 920 City: WASHINGTON DC Area code: (202) WASHINGTON 223-226 228 232-234 244 245 252 254 259 265 267-269 272 275 282 287-289 291 293 296 298 324 326 328 331-334 337 338 342 343 346-348 357 362-364 366 371 373 374 376 377 382 383 387-389 392 393 395-399 404 426 429 432 433 447 452 453 456-458 462 463 466 467 472 473 475 477 479 483-485 488 523 526 529 535 537 539 541-547 554 561-563 566 574-576 581 582-584 586 592 597 613 623-626 628 632-639 646 647 651 653 655 659 662 663 665-669 673 675 676 678 679 682 686 687 692-697 707 714 722-728 732 737 745 746 752 755 756 763 767 775 778 783-786 789 797 822 825 828 829 832 833 835 837 842 844 857 861-863 865 872 877 879 882 885 887 889 895 896 898 928 936 939 941 943 944 947 954-957 962 965 966 991 994 996 999 Area code: (301) ASHTON 421 570 774 854 BERWYN 206 220 286 344 345 369 441 474 552 595 688 935 937 953 982 BETHESDA 227 229 295 320 365 380 469 480 492 493 496 530 564 571 650 652 654 656 657 680 897 951 961 986 BOWE GLNDL 249 261 262 390 464 470 621 629 794 858 970 973 CAPITOLHTS 336 350 420 423 449 499 568 599 702 735 736 763 899 925 967 981 CLINTON 238 297 372 856 868 888 GAITHERSBG 330 540 869 926 963 972 977 990 HYATTSVL 277 306 322 341 386 422 436 454 459 559 577 699 731 772 773 779 851-853 864 927 940 985 KENSINGTON 230 231 443 460 468 649 770 871 881 929 933 942 946 949 984 LAUREL 490 497 498 596 604 725 776 LAYHILL 236 384 598 890 924 989 MARLBORO 627 952 OXON HILL 248 283 292 505 567 630 753 839 843 870 894 ROCKVILLE 217 240 251 258 279 294 299 340 353 424 428 590 640 670 738 762 840 921 948 975 983 SILVER SPG 270 394 427 431 434 439 445 495 520 565 572 580 585 587-589 593 622 681 891 930 980 Area code: (703) ALEXANDRIA 274 325 355 360 370 379 548 549 550 553 578 660 664 671 683 751 765 768 769 780 795 820 823 824 836 838 875 931 960 971 998 ARLINGTON 235 243 247 276 284 329 358 461 486 521 522 524 525 527 528 557 558 643 684 685 739 756 799 841 845 850 892 920 922 954 974 979 BRADDOCK 250 266 278 830 DULLES 661 ENGLESIDE 339 440 455 781 FAIRFAX 239 242 246 260 264 273 280 323 425 487 591 631 691 733 758 759 764 834 934 978 FLS CHURCH 222 237 241 256 321 354 442 448 451 482 532-534 536 538 551 556 560 569 573 641 642 644 658 698 734 749 750 847-849 866 874 876 883 941 HERNDON 263 378 391 430 435 437 444 476 481 689 826 860 LORTON 690 MCLEAN 285 351 356 761 790 821 827 893 VIENNA 255 281 352 359 385 450 471 478 620 648 938 968 ``````````````````````````````````````` GEnie Confrence Highlights ``````````````````````````````````````` Please note that this confrence has been edited and displays only the highlights we feel are most important. For the full transcript of this confrence, read issue #52 of ST-Report, or download directly from the ST area on GEnie. ============================================================================ (C) 1988 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your information. =========================================================================== <[Holly] HS> Okay... welcome to our formal conference with some of our favorite Atari folks. You all pretty much know how this runs, but for those who don't.... if you have a question you'd like to ask, use the /RAI command to raise your hand and get into line. I will ack your raise with a private message and tell you who you'll follow so you know. I'll also try to give you some kind of warning when you're time is about to come up. When you're through with your question, please let me know via some kind of ack like GA (Go Ahead) or something... it makes things a little easier. Also, please remember that Neil and John are my guests tonight. Please treat them accordingly. *smile* In two weeks, we have Charles Johnson of G+Plus fame scheduled for a formal. I hope you'll make it... <[Holly] HS> Let's start by having each of our guests introduce themselves and let us know just what they do at our favorite computer company... *grin* <[Neil] NHARRIS> Sure. I've been with Atari Corp. for 4 years now, in a variety of roles, including publishing Atari Explorer, heading up PR, user group support, online support, advertising, product marketing, and sales for the east coast. My current assignment is with the Federated stores, specifically to bring them into the computer business. ga <[John @ Atari] TOWNS> I have been with Atari Corp for almost a year now. I work in the Technical Support Dept and handle a wide variety of tasks. Everything from Online support to Shows to Technical Support on the phones during the day. It makes it quite an interesting job and I get the opportunity to meet alot of interesting people. ga <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> I've been with Atari for almost three years. I was the first technical support guy at New Atari, and then I moved into other things, like shows, West Coast Editing of Atari Explorer, Internal and Developer documentation, and various product development stuff, making sure New Things are Good Things. ga <[David F.] D.FAIRWEATH1> Neil, does Atari have a definite strategy for increasing the ST's market share in the U.S. and will we see that strategy implemented before the ST becomes obsolete? Ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> Before implementing any strategy, the issue we're facing is product availability. We have been living from hand to mouth for some time now. The DRAM chip shortage hurts, because we prefer to hold the line on pricing and that limits how many chips we can buy and how many machines to make. Right now, the lion lion's share of the computers are going to Europe, to keep the hottest ST market in the world supplied. Once we can get more machines built, the US will get our fair share. At that point a strategy can be implemented. ga <[David F.] D.FAIRWEATH1> O.K. but is there a defined strategy already in waiting for that eventuality? gaga <[Neil] NHARRIS> Any strategy is time and market dependent. If we had machines to sell last year, we had a strategy ready. If we have machines this year, we have a strategy, but not the same one as last year, because the product is more mature now, with more and better applications, and because the market changes. Next year's strategy is likely to be different again. ga <[David F.] D.FAIRWEATH1> O.K. one last point... I think that when the time comes you should push the fact that with hardware and software emulation the ST is 3-way compatible with Mac and IBM. GA that's all. <[Neil] NHARRIS> I agree... as a selling point it is important. But when people buy the hardware, I know they'll find enough fine ST-native software so the compatibility issues are not a factor. ga <[Rick] R.GRIDLEY> Mark, do you have any comments on the 3rd party development of the 16mhz board? <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Not really...I'll have more to say when I see one. <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Last I heard, it was still being worked on... ga <[Rick] R.GRIDLEY> Neil, do you think that Atari owners are more concerned with the status of the parent company than other computer owners? ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> I think it is reasonable to be concerned with the company which makes your computer, particularly in the case of a custom operating system. Apple users are concerned with Apple. I doubt that most clone owners care much about their company, they watch IBM. Overall, it is healthy, because the company steers the future development of the product to a large extent. Atari welcomes user inquiries and constructive criticisms, and we act upon them more frequently than is widely known. We love ya, honest we do. ga <[Rick] R.GRIDLEY> Ok, (Grin) thanks and thanks to John with helping me with a problem about a year back. I am done thanks Holly <D.D.MARTIN> huggs, Neil 1. Any truth to the rumor that the laptop will be available by the end of the year? 2. IBM or MAC compatability is a _major_ factor NEIL. The portability of office<-->home is a great selling feature. And _we_ have a choice of the _best_ that is available in software to do the job at hand. ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> Any announcement of new hardware will have to wait for Comdex, sorry. Shipping times, too... <[Neil] NHARRIS> I agree that it is an important selling factor, but we won't let that overshadow the need for continuing development of TOS programs.] ga <D.D.MARTIN> Atari users are prone to say.. I love _MY_ Atari, but I don't know if I love Atari.... We all know we have the greatest personal computer folks at Atari do to.... so who's job is it to tell the others? ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> Mainly ours, of course. But, from a BUSINESS perspective, which is the only perspective that our boss takes, you have to look at the return on any promoting we do. Right now, we sell every computer we make. We'd love to have enough computers to sell where we would have to advertise in order to move them all. So, in the meantime, the grass roots, meaning the Atari community, has the main role. ga <[Darek] DAREKM> My question is a rehash of one already asked, but, why _not_ push the compatibility issue? The Mac, PC, and Atari 800 <grin> compatibility would interest a lot of people. Afterall, the 130XE looks very much like a 520, yet Atari rarely mixes ads of 8 bits and STs. However, you look in most Atari user group newsletters, and they mix the two computers all the time. Earlier tonight I was demoing my 8 bit drive to ST interface to a group of about 30 8 bit users (no ST users in the gruop) and about 1/4 of them indicated that they've thinking of getting an ST. When I showed them 8 bit software booting off an Indus GT, they all indicated they are _more_ interested. Wouldn't it be a great way to upload a lot of 520s and single sided drives, by having some kind of upgrade policy for 8 bit users to upgrade to the ST. I know you're short of DRAMs, but with the RAM of a Mega 4 you can unload 8 520s. ga oops, I meant to say "unload", not "upload" <[Neil] NHARRIS> The Mega uses 1 megabit DRAM chips. The ST uses 256K-bit chips. So, making a Mega does not impact production of ST's at all. There has definitely been a solid trend toward 8-bit Atari users moving up to the ST. But to reiterate, it is difficult to justify from a business sense, promoting a product when we don't have enough to satisfy the current demand. ga <[Darek] DAREKM> The 8 bit users indicated that one of the reasons that they'd like to upgrade is because the 8 bit software market is dead. I just see it as a great opportunity to get these potential ST owners before they get tired of waiting and buy a non-Atari 16 bit product. ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> I don't know how to sell our chairman on giving a special deal to anyone, even our most favorite customers, at this time. ga <[Norm] N.RECHTMAN1> Are there any plans to make a laser printer with more memory for 1040 users? and how about a desk jet copy? ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> I think a better answer is for 1040 users to get more RAM. The reason for that is this: if you have RAM in the laser printer, it ONLY helps you when you are printing. If you put it in the computer, then it is available for other jobs as well. 4 megabytes comes in mighty handy when you are spreadsheeting, or doing a Cyber animation. I am not aware of plans for an ink jet printer from Atari, but again, we are not here to announce products tonight. ga <[Norm] N.RECHTMAN1> that was just a suggestion. I would really like to see PC hardware addons ga <D.D.MARTIN> Three cheers for Atari taking the bull by the horns and making plans to move production back to the US of A!!! Neil, can you tell us how things are progressing with the proposed plant in Houston? ga <[Neil] NHARRIS> Well, our negotiating team is still terrorizing the folks in Texas. We expect some news shortly, but at the moment, nothing new to report at this time. ga <[Dan] GRIBNIF> I have two questions: First, what is the current status of the CD ROM? ga <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Most recent I heard is that we're trying to get some good applications together... Makes more sense than saying "Here's a CD-ROM player. Go to Tower Records and buy some CDs. Have a good time." It would be nice if there was something to _do_ with it first. we're working on it. ga <[Dan] GRIBNIF> Is that the only setback? Does it work with a Laser and HD yet? <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Yes. And headphones. :-) <[Dan] GRIBNIF> <smile> <[Neil] NHARRIS> There is a driver for the CD ROM that lets it be read by TOS applications as if it were a really big drive. You can open it from the desktop and read files directly. So now it is a fairly simple matter of getting software which reads the databases on the CD ROM disks and does something with it. ga <[Dan] GRIBNIF> (I was reffering to the rumored problems with other DMA devices) <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> I know several people with the setup you described. <[Dan] GRIBNIF> ok, thanks. The other question is one that Neil probably saw in my letter to Info-Atari16... I was curious as to how normal users (not developers) will be notified of TOS 1.4... <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Skywriting, blimps, dancing girls...(sorry, I couldn't resist.) and if they will also be provided with an "official" way of reporting bugs. ga <[John @ Atari] TOWNS> <grin> <[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Well, it's like this... People will find out through magazines, etc. And dealers will know about it. The plan is to polish up a little program we've got here that is used for developers to submit bug reports, and release that to the public too. <[Neil] NHARRIS> Through the dealers, primarily. And through all the communications at our disposal. <[Dan] GRIBNIF> "through magazines, etc??" Atari Explorer is still reviewing things that came out 8 months ago as NEW! <[John @ Atari] TOWNS> I believe that the information will also be published in the User's Group newsletter as well (Right, Neil?) <[Neil] NHARRIS> Like I said, through all the communications vehicles at our disposal. I tend to think the Atari community is very well wired together. ga <[Dan] GRIBNIF> ok, now THAT's more like what I wanted to hear <smile> <[Dan] GRIBNIF> yes, I tend to agree. Sorry about that comment a second ago sounding a bit huffy. ga. (sic. EOF)