usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (12/01/88)
Wanted - 800 XL (with the Rev B keyboard. Has "tall" keys and a sort of pebbled surface on the keycaps) and a clean, working 1050 drive. This is for a friend, strictly for entertainment. No "extras" are needed/ wanted. Will pay around $160 for both (the going rate in mid-michigan) Additional features, again, while not wanted, will help make the sale at that price. The "crummy keyboard" machines are going to need to have something really wonderful to make up for the awful keyboard. Speaking of good keyboards - Howard's XL he has for sale has one: I know, I went through a bunch of BS to get it for him! (Howard: Hpope you like the J.T. keys better! Personally, this Amiga 2000 kicks. All it takes is money...) Interested parties should leave a message on my Lansing BBS, The Club, at (517) 372-3131. Uninterested parties should call the Club II in Detroit, as I just received the usage reports and the 8 bit crew there is well managed and hoppin' (313) 334-8877. The Club II still has the life history of memory upgrade software online, including 1 huge ARC file that is the combination of everything we've ever recieved. With memory prices the way they are, will upgrades ever be the same? Still, well worth it to stick Japan for it's insane trading policies. Terry Conklin uunet!frith!conklin (Howard Chu) (12/06/88)
In article <1205@cps3xx.UUCP> conklin@frith.UUCP (Terry Conklin) writes:
%Wanted - 800 XL (with the Rev B keyboard. Has "tall" keys and a sort of
%pebbled surface on the keycaps) and a clean, working 1050 drive.
%This is for a friend, strictly for entertainment. No "extras" are needed/
Geeze Terry, mebbe we could've wheeled and dealed and got the system
sold that way. Ah well...
By the way, I seem to have takers for the CPU & 1050 already, so I'm
no longer offering up the system here.
%Speaking of good keyboards - Howard's XL he has for sale has one: I know, I
%went through a bunch of BS to get it for him!
%(Howard: Hpope you like the J.T. keys better! Personally, this Amiga 2000
% kicks. All it takes is money...)
(Well y'know, my Mega-4 ain't too shabby neither... }-)
/_ , ,_. Howard Chu
/ /(_/(__ University of Michigan
/ Computing Center College of LS&A
' Unix Project Information Systems