[comp.sys.atari.8bit] User groups...

Cothrell@DOCKMASTER.ARPA (09/07/87)

does anyone know of a users group (8bitters) in the Baltimore, MD area.
or if there is a "clearing house" of user group addresses?  .  Scott
  (Cothrell -at Dockmaster.arpa ) /s/]

jhs@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (09/16/87)

The closest one is probably B.A.C.E., which stands for I dunno what but their
address is:

		Paul Freeman
		6502 Smokehouse Court  (neat address, eh?!)
		Columbia MD 21045

Paul's phone number is (301) 381-6642.  This group has over 60 PD disks
available, charges about $1 per disk plus some postage.

Another useful one is Novatari, the Northern Virginia Atari Users' Group,
c/o Earl Lilley, 821 Ninovan Road, Vienna, VA 22180.  They charge about $3 per
disk plus $1 per 3 disks to cover postage.  They also publish a very
worthwhile newlsetter called Current Notes.

-John Sangster, jhs@mitre-bedford.arpa

Ordania-DM@cup.portal.com (Charles K Hughes) (12/07/88)

   I am looking for members of Atari user groups outside the United States.  I
want to trade newsletters (Bay Area Atari User Group is my group) with other 
user groups.  If you belong to a user group, please send me your presidents 
name along with the address of your User Group.  A telephone number would be 
nice also.  Thanks.