[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Internet archives

brian@caen.engin.umich.edu (Brian Holtz) (01/24/89)

In article <8901220434.AA08116@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, SHAFFERJ@BKNLVMS.BITNET (Jim Shaffer) writes:
> (II)  Who shouldn't use the BITNET archives?
>       --------------------------------------
>       Anyone with FTP access to the Internet archives.  

Ok, I'll bite: what's the IP address of the Internet 8bit archives?

arrom@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu (Ken Arromdee) (01/28/89)

>Ok, I'll bite: what's the IP address of the Internet 8bit archives?

And how does one get something put into the archives?
               EARTH                  --Kenneth Arromdee
           smog  |   bricks          UUCP: ....!jhunix!ins_akaa
        AIR     mud       FIRE   INTERNET: arromdee@crabcake.cs.jhu.edu
      soda water |   tequila       BITNET: g49i0188@jhuvm
               WATER           (please, no mail to arrom@aplcen)

ken@hpclkms.HP.COM (Kenneth Sumrall) (02/02/89)

/ hpclkms:comp.sys.atari.8bit / brian@caen.engin.umich.edu (Brian Holtz) /  8:39 am  Jan 23, 1989 /
>In article <8901220434.AA08116@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, SHAFFERJ@BKNLVMS.BITNET (Jim Shaffer) writes:
>> (II)  Who shouldn't use the BITNET archives?
>>       --------------------------------------
>>       Anyone with FTP access to the Internet archives.  
>Ok, I'll bite: what's the IP address of the Internet 8bit archives?

Since this is of general interest to the 8bit community, I decided to post
a response.  The internet 8bit archives are on (drum roll please)
score.stanford.edu.  According to my /etc/hosts file, score has two IP
addresses.  The lines in my hosts file are:       score.stanford.edu       score.stanford.edu

I haven't looked at the archives recently, but last time I looked, there was
quite a bit of stuff.

Ken "#include <stddsclm.h>" Sumrall