[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Atari 8 archives

"Mike_Beezley.Houston"@XEROX.COM (02/08/89)


Got a couple of questions if you don't mind:

List SUPERUNARC.UUE does not exist. Try sending a "List" command to get a
description of all lists.
I sent for this file and both ATARI8-F shows it as being available and the
VERBINDX shows it available but I still get the error msg above.

File "DDOT2DOC UUE" is not yet available.
Again both documents show it available but I get the above msg.

3	In the ATARI*-F list the 5th column over shows a FP or a P.. what does
that mean.  I've tried looking the documentation over several times to
avoid sending you a silly note asking for something that is already
explained and I can't for the life of me see the explaination.

4	The files that show a size of 0 I assume means they are somewhere but not
on TCSVM.  Can they be put online or should I look elsewhere for them?

Sorry to bug ya with all these questions but I am new here and I just need
to get a handle on things.  Thanks for your time and patience.


RCH@cup.portal.com (Ric C Helton) (02/10/89)

When I requested a file list from the archive server, the printout it sent
me was riddled with holes and promises.... and a few pieces of software
that unfortunately have been in my library for a while.....

Do the archives accept uploads? :-)

-Ric Helton   RCH@cup.portal.com   Freestyle BBS 404/546-8256

andrewh@dasys1.UUCP (andrew huie) (02/12/89)

Pardon my lack of experience, but can anyone give me instructions as to 
where and how I can get programs for my 8bit?  I especially need a
Uudecoder and a uuencoder--the versions of Yau and Yaue that I have appear
to have bugs in them.

Also, does anybody else have trouble unarcing files using SuperUnarc that
have been unarced on other machines?  I archived text files (in the crunched
format) on my UNIX machine, but upon getting them to my 8bit, they come out
garbled.  The problem does not appear to be in the file transfer process--
I uuencode the file, dl the file using Ascii file xfer (I don't trust Kermit
too much), then uudecode it.  SuperUnarc can't even recognize the individual

Any help would be appreciated.  Gracias.

Andrew H.

jrd@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.SYMBOLICS.COM (John R. Dunning) (02/13/89)

    Date: 10 Feb 89 11:36:42 GMT
    From: imagen!atari!portal!cup.portal.com!RCH@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU  (Ric C Helton)

    When I requested a file list from the archive server, the printout it sent
    me was riddled with holes and promises.... and a few pieces of software
    that unfortunately have been in my library for a while.....

Ok, here we go again.  Please, everybody, I know you're all anxious, but
things take (often unreasonable amounts of) time.

The state of the BITNET archives is as follows:  The LISTSERV is up and
running, and a small amount of the stuff in the Internet archives has
been loaded into it.  It does NOT, repeat NOT contain everything that
it's supposed to yet.  It's not possible for me to just shove everything
into it, as I don't have direct access to the BITNET, and the LISTSERV
software requires direct access for loading things into its database.

I have some volunteers to take over the work of inserting files into the
archive, and we're currently working on getting the LISTSERV to
understand that they're authorized to do so.  When things get going
again, I'll send another announcement.

    Do the archives accept uploads? :-)

Sure, just send 'em to me.  They'll get there eventually.