[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Atari 800 Complete System for Sale

pipprg@jhunix (Larry Campf) (04/18/89)

Greetings Atari Junkies !

I have some pretty 'vintage' equipment (all in top condition) for sale:

Atari  800  48K (wow) home computer w/GTIA graphic chip
       850  interface unit for printer/modem/etc
       830  acoustic coupler modem (300 baud)
       Touch Tablet drawing device
       BASIC, Starraiders, Artist, Telelink, PACMAN carts
Indus  GT 5.25" disk drive
Commodore 1702 Composite Color Monitor
Tons of disk software - great games, etc
Books, cables, wood computer desk.

all for $ 600.00

Any takers ? (I'll pay the shipping !)

Larry Campf
The Johns Hopkins University
Center for Communication Programs
527 St. Paul Place, Room 244
Baltimore, Maryland  21202
(301) 659-6258 work 
(301) 922-4956 home