(Stan Lackey) (05/06/89)
Hi, guys! It's me and my stupid PC-to-Atari trash again! Well, if you want to read more than this drivel, post something! Chris Chiesa sent me a program via Email that looked like it indeed initialized a disk, then transferred PC files to Atari format. Only problem was it was Mydos format, which I don't know from a hole in the ground. So, I put some ascii files on the disk and will attempt to reverse-engineer Mydos format over the weekend. Also, it seems to only understand only non-XF551 drives. (A Percom one and the ATR8000 or something like that?) I wrote using the default (I don't even know which one it picked) and will attempt to read on the XF551. When I took a directory, it looked like it gave back the starting sector and the number of sectors. I will start with that. Wish me luck (or send me information on the Mydos format!) (Or both.) -Stan (05/08/89)
As far as I can tell, the Mydos format is upward compatible with the Atari SSDD format. I can say for sure that the program works for me on my 800XL and Indus GT, and both OSS DOS XL and Smart DOS have absolutely no trouble reading the disks written on my 360K standard IBM drives.
"Wayne_Nichols.WBST208P"@XEROX.COM (05/11/89)
If someone really has a PC program to write to Atari disks, could they please post it? One was posted to the net a few months ago, but my attempts to uudecode and then decompress it do not reproduce the file correctly (I could tell by looking at some of the text messages; besides, it won't run). I would like a version that is ARC'd and then uuencoded. I have an XF551, and Indus, and a Rana. I can use DOS 2.0, DOS 2.5, DOS XL, and SmartDOS. I keep hoping that I can find *something* to write on Atari disks from a PC. Note: The recent note that the desired program was on the Xanadu BBS produced frustrating results. I could not find such a program; they only allow downloads after you have done an upload; they do not accept uploads which are already on other local BBSes; and they prefer text uploads, as opposed to programs. This adds up to a very small chance of getting what I want from Xanadu, if it even exists there at all. Arghh.