[comp.sys.atari.8bit] WEFAX and other radio-modem projects

RCH@cup.portal.com (Ric C Helton) (05/21/89)

In digging around in old Antic mags, I found details for a WEFAX
weather map receiver project... You receive the radio fax signal
with a radio-modem, and view the weather maps on the screen or
print them out.

I have a couple of questions from people who built the interface... like 
what was your total cost (shortwave receiver, modem, parts, etc),
what problems did you encounter receiving the fax signals, etc?
Are there many things sent fax now?  The article mentions AP photos
and the like being sent on certain frequencies at various times....
Thanks for email or net replies!
 __  Ric Helton      RCH@cup.portal.com
 \/  PO Box 2133, Athens, GA 30612-0133

arg@netcom.UUCP (Greg Argendeli) (05/23/89)

**While reading USENET, I Discovered something written by RCH....**

*I have a couple of questions from people who built the interface... like 
*what was your total cost (shortwave receiver, modem, parts, etc),
*what problems did you encounter receiving the fax signals, etc?
*Are there many things sent fax now?  The article mentions AP photos
*and the like being sent on certain frequencies at various times....
*Thanks for email or net replies!
* __  Ric Helton      RCH@cup.portal.com
* \/  PO Box 2133, Athens, GA 30612-0133

If you can call Long-Distance, contact Mike Delaney on the Bay Area Atari
Users Group BBS (408) 986-0215.  He has built the interface (nice pictures

I have tried building it, but failed (lack of a PC-board probably caused
problems.).  Mike has a pc-board, and I'm sure he'd be willing to send
you one.

*Greg Argendeli                   | Available in one of these fine flavors! *
*Technical Resource Coordinator;  | dlb!netcom!arg      netcom!nusjarg!arg  *
*National University, San Jose, CA| nusjarg!nusjecs!arg nusdecs!nusjecs!arg *
*My employeer knows not of what I speak, and has no relation to these words *

cfchiesa@bsu-cs.bsu.edu (Christopher Chiesa) (05/25/89)

In article <1276@netcom.UUCP>, arg@netcom.UUCP (Greg Argendeli) writes:

> *I have a couple of questions from people who built the interface... like 
> *what was your total cost (shortwave receiver, modem, parts, etc),
> *what problems did you encounter receiving the fax signals, etc?
> *Are there many things sent fax now?  The article mentions AP photos
> *and the like being sent on certain frequencies at various times....
> *Thanks for email or net replies!
> * __  Ric Helton      RCH@cup.portal.com
> * \/  PO Box 2133, Athens, GA 30612-0133

I must have missed earlier postings on this subject: this sounds NEAT!  
Can someone summarize or digest the articles (I hope someone saved them) and
E-mail them to me either here or at 


?  Thanks in advance.  (I've just gotten started hanging around with a 
ham enthusiast and we were just brainstorming this sort of thing the other
night!  :-)

Chris Chiesa
UUCP: <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee,uunet}!bsu-cs!cfchiesa 