gdtltr@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Gary D Duzan) (06/24/89)
Well, it's here and it's in. I was scared off by the dual PROM option. I
didn't feel like trying to piggyback my new OS on the old OS. Could get messy.
Anyway, it seems to be acting a bit wierd with some of my stuff. Part of this
may have to do with my MIO. BOBTERM seems to freeze every once in a while and
then mysteriously restart. Kermit65 tends to repeat itself, sending lines of
text over again once in a while. This is probably a quirk in the Turbo-OS's
R: handler. Speed seems to have increased, since BOBTERM only waited about 1/3
the time I told it to when dialing. Fear not, however, the jiffy clock seems
to have been preserved. I will have a more complete report later.
Gary Duzan
Time Lord
Third Regeneration
Atari Enthusiast Extreme
_o_ _o_
[|o o|] "Two hearts are better than one." -- Yes [|o o|]
|_O_| "Don't listen to me; I never do." -- Doctor Who |_O_|
clf3678@ultb.UUCP (C.L. Freemesser) (06/26/89)
In article <3879@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> gdtltr@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Gary D Duzan) writes: > > Well, it's here and it's in. I was scared off by the dual PROM option. I >didn't feel like trying to piggyback my new OS on the old OS. Could get messy. >Anyway, it seems to be acting a bit wierd with some of my stuff. Part of this >may have to do with my MIO. BOBTERM seems to freeze every once in a while and >then mysteriously restart. > Gary Duzan > Time Lord > Third Regeneration > Atari Enthusiast Extreme > (Rest deleted) I happen to know that Bob Puff (author of BobTerm) has a Turbo 8-16 board for development, and any problems he has with the two will be fixed. How do I know? Because he lives 1/2 mile away from me! If you have any questions for him, or about his goodies, leave a message to me and I'll relay the problem/question to him. Chris Freemesser, Rochester Institute of Technology | What I like : BITNET: %clf3678@RITVAX | 1) My Atari ST USENET: Just reply and hope it gets through | 2) My '77 Mercury "Another brilliant mind ruined by higher education" | 3) Coke Classic (Charles K Hughes) (06/27/89)
Re: Chris and 816 and BOBTERM system says yours doesn't exist so I am posting this on the net in the hopes that you will see it. BOBTERM problems - 1) needs a way to clear the buffer without closing the file. 2) keyboard handler routines need to be corrected to work CORRECTLY with the spartados keyboard buffer. Others as I find them. :) One last thing, please send me mail, I should be able to reply to your mail. Ordania-DM
Gary, WOW!! Can you give me the address of the company and their phone number so that I can write them and get one (I assume that the 800XL can be upgraded?) I would also like to know the price and any other bugs found since your posting. All I have heard was rumor until NOW!! I also wouldn't mind talking to you about other new 8-bit products that I (unfortunatly) have no idea about (within last 6 months). College makes it hard to keep current!! By the way I watch the doctor also. Paul Amonson BITNET: AMONSON@IDCSVAX P.S. I think that 8-bit Ataris are under rated!!!
Gary, Thanks for the address but I am reconsidering because of cost. I am not rich and I think I need a new disk drive. Mine is beginning to break down (sometimes it just quits and I have to jar it to get it working again!). Its an old (1983) and WELL used 1050. I can't complain, it lasted longer than I first thought it would (it gets real heavy use). So I think I will get a 551 and wait to see what improvements are made in the Turbo-816, or in its price. Charles, Currently I have a Atari 800XL w/ 256K (Rambo), a 1050 disk drive (almost), a Star NX1000 printer w/ P:R: Connection, and a used Mercury modem (1200 baud). I am running MYDOS 4.5 and am considering SDX (input wanted on SDX!!). I have read the reviews and am disappointed that ICD decided to go to a MS-DOS style after MS-DOS started going towards a UNIX like shell. I am a UNIX guru so would have been more happy with a UNIX like interface. I don't know about you but I've worked on CMS, VMS, MS-DOS, UNIX (both system V and Berkley), and Atari DOSes. And, although its not perfect, UNIX is the best of all of them. So what does your system consist of? Do you own SDX? I would like to know about it from a REAL user and not a review in some magazine. Paul Amonson BITNET: AMONSON@IDCSVAX P.S. Oh, and thanks for any help you (or anyone) can give me.
gdtltr@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Gary D Duzan) (07/01/89)
In article <8906300342.AA28172@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> AMONSON@IDCSVAX.BITNET writes: =>Gary, => => Thanks for the address but I am reconsidering because of cost. I am =>not rich and I think I need a new disk drive. Mine is beginning to break =>down (sometimes it just quits and I have to jar it to get it working again!). =>Its an old (1983) and WELL used 1050. I can't complain, it lasted longer =>than I first thought it would (it gets real heavy use). So I think I will get =>a 551 and wait to see what improvements are made in the Turbo-816, or in its =>price. => Understandable. A Turbo-816 is no good if you can't load programs into your system. => =>Charles, => => Currently I have a Atari 800XL w/ 256K (Rambo), a 1050 disk drive =>(almost), a Star NX1000 printer w/ P:R: Connection, and a used Mercury modem =>(1200 baud). I am running MYDOS 4.5 and am considering SDX (input wanted on =>SDX!!). I have read the reviews and am disappointed that ICD decided to go =>to a MS-DOS style after MS-DOS started going towards a UNIX like shell. I am =>a UNIX guru so would have been more happy with a UNIX like interface. I don't =>know about you but I've worked on CMS, VMS, MS-DOS, UNIX (both system V and =>Berkley), and Atari DOSes. And, although its not perfect, UNIX is the best of =>all of them. => So what does your system consist of? Do you own SDX? I would like to =>know about it from a REAL user and not a review in some magazine. => => Paul Amonson => BITNET: AMONSON@IDCSVAX => =>P.S. Oh, and thanks for any help you (or anyone) can give me. I'm not Charles, but I own an SDX. It isn't bad at all. I am getting really spoiled having ARC at my fingertips at all times. If you are getting an XF551, SDX would be a good choice. It supports the increased size & speed of the 551 with no problem (note: I don't have a 551. This is an ICD claim which I have not heard disputed). The interface is nicer than SDCS 3.2d & does resemble MS-DOS. Devices such as E:, R:, D:, P: etc. are not supported in the command processor. CON:, COM:, DSK:, and PRN: are used instead. Note: COM: had no default driver & does not recognise the R: driver. Therefore, there is currently no way to call the R: device from the command processor in SDX. In the command processor, drive letters may be used instead of numbers. D1:, D2:, ..., D9: can be written A:, B:, ..., I:. From programs, you can use DA: instead of D1: & so on. You can also use DCON: instead of E:, DPRN: instead of P:, etc. There is an additional device, CAR:, which is a ROMdisk on the cartridge. This is where the Command Processor, device drivers, and built-in utilities lie (e.g. ARC). Like MS-DOS, SDX has environment variables. PATHs are quite useful. PATH defaults to "CAR:" so that you don't have to type "CAR:ARC". Two other variables, "BASIC" and "CAR" act like MEM.SAV. When you return from BASIC, if the "BASIC" variable is set, your work area is saved to the filename in the variable. "CAR" is similar in function. BASIC and CAR are different commands in SDX. "BASIC" refers to the built-in Atari BASIC while CAR refers to the cartridge piggybacked on top of the SDX cartridge. Therefore, theoretically, you can work with Action!, switch to BASIC, and then go back to Action! without losing anything. I/O redirection is handled differently from 3.2d. Batch files now only executed command processor commands & don't redirect the E: device. To execute a command & redirect the input/output from/to a file, just add <</>> and the filename to the command. For example "DIR >>PRN:" will list a directory to the printer. "BASIC <<PROGDATA.LST" will go to basic and act like an ENTER "D:PROGDATA.LST". Pipes are not supported. SDX has a slightly different (though compatable) directory structure than (to) 3.2d. It allows you to have over 1000 files in a directory. There is also an archive bit for doing backups. A new menu program comes in the ROMdisk for those tasks for which one is appropriate. Unlike the SDCS MENU.COM, it is not supposed to replace the CP. For those who are familiar with it, the SDX MENU is a lot like XTREE on MS-DOS machines. It can be quite handy in moving files around. The only major concern about the SDX is the lack of technical reference. I have been told (though I don't remember where) that ICD is aware of the problem & will try to put something out. It seems most of their technical documention is in ML source code comments. If you have any questions about the SDX, feel free to ask. Gary Duzan Time Lord Third Regeneration Atari Enthusiast Extreme -- _o_ _o_ [|o o|] "Two hearts are better than one." -- Yes [|o o|] |_O_| "Don't listen to me; I never do." -- Doctor Who |_O_| (Charles K Hughes) (07/01/89)
Paul Amonson writes:
Thanks for the address but I am reconsidering because of cost. I am
not rich and I think I need a new disk drive. Mine is beginning to break
down (sometimes it just quits and I have to jar it to get it working again!).
Its an old (1983) and WELL used 1050. I can't complain, it lasted longer
than I first thought it would (it gets real heavy use). So I think I will get
a 551 and wait to see what improvements are made in the Turbo-816, or in its
Currently I have a Atari 800XL w/ 256K (Rambo), a 1050 disk drive
(almost), a Star NX1000 printer w/ P:R: Connection, and a used Mercury modem
(1200 baud). I am running MYDOS 4.5 and am considering SDX (input wanted on
SDX!!). I have read the reviews and am disappointed that ICD decided to go
to a MS-DOS style after MS-DOS started going towards a UNIX like shell. I am
a UNIX guru so would have been more happy with a UNIX like interface. I don't
know about you but I've worked on CMS, VMS, MS-DOS, UNIX (both system V and
Berkley), and Atari DOSes. And, although its not perfect, UNIX is the best of
all of them.
So what does your system consist of? Do you own SDX? I would like to
know about it from a REAL user and not a review in some magazine.
Paul Amonson
P.S. Oh, and thanks for any help you (or anyone) can give me.
Paul - my system consists of: 130xe, 256k MIO, 2 20meg hard drives, indus
disk drive, xf551 disk drive, supra 2400 baud modem, panasonic kxp1091i
printer, magnavox color monitor, xep80, SDX, Rtime 8, Basic XE, MAc65, and
about 10megs of software.
SDX (for me) is a great DOS. It appears to be very MS-DOSy :) but I like
the command line interface [and yes, I would prefer UNIX myself] which MYDOS
and the other Atari doses don't have. There are a few problems with the SDX
but these are related to the software I like to use, and not really the fault
of SDX. I haven't used any Atari DOS in well over 2 years, so I can't really
compare the two, but if you like UNIX you will love SDX compared to Mydos or
any other Atari DOS.
Your 1050 can be repaired [in all likelihood] for a mere $50 +tax+shipping
and handling. American technavision, and Best Electronics both sell a tandon
drive mechanism that replaces the 1050 drive mech and this replacement seems
to fix most problems. Another possibility is to call Atari Customer Service
and ask about their repair/replace/exchange policy on 1050 drives. Atari has
a very good exchange policy with regard to this type of thing, they will
exchange a 1027 printer for the XDM? printer for only $75, so they might
exchange the drive also.
Oh, one last thing...I bought a surplus keyboard (it's a wonder the things
you can find in silicon valley) and rewired it and then connected it to my
130xe via a 3 foot cable. I now have a detached keyboard that is a world
better than any keyboard has ever been for the atari, and I am talking about
all the Atari machines. My old keyboard is still connected also and it works
fine...anyone for a 4 player game of mule? :)
aka Charles Hughes