[comp.sys.atari.8bit] SX212 Atari 1200 baud modem for sale!

aegnor@bsu-cs.bsu.edu (David C. Powell) (08/11/89)

Hello all, I have on of the SX12(?) variety of modems made by Atari (I am
at work and can NOT remember the exact model number at the moment...;-) )

It is Hayes Compatible, has the RS232C (db25 connector) PLUS the SIO port
to hook directly into an 8-bit Atari, and it is 1200/300 baud.

I will sell the modem, (with the original box, manual etc.) + a copy of
Kermit WITH the SX handler built into it (so YOU 8-bitters can use
it right out of the box!) and the SIO cable for the following:

I would like to get $70.00 + shipping (should not be more than a couple
of bucks UPS ground...)  I paid $95.00 sans the cable/software last
year, so I think this price is fair.  I am also willing to take offers,
drop me a line and we will talk turkey!  [BUT if I can't get NEAR what I
want out of it, I will probably just keep it....]

                                  David C. Powell
                                  R.R.1  Box 391-A
                                  Eaton, IN 
				  Work Phone: (317) 285-1853:8-4 daily

*-David Powell :ARPA: aegnor@bsu-cs.bsu.edu--------------------------*
| \/ President :UUCP: <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee}!bsu-cs!aegnor       |  
| /\etwnk Industries, Ltd. :                                         |
*-"If it doesn't work, we DIDN'T do it!"-----------------------------*