[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Emulating an Atari 8-bit

w-darekm@microsoft.UUCP (Darek Mihocka) (09/26/89)

In article <22445@cup.portal.com> Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com writes:
>Victor Kan asks about writing an Atari 8-bit computer emulator (simulator)..
>The person to talk to would be Darek Mihocka.  He's written a highly
>successful 8-bit emulator that runs on the Atari ST. Unfortunately I don't
>think he reads the 8-bit newsgroup, but he's active on the ST newsgroup,
>as well as all of the major national information services.
>I'm afraid I don't know his e-mail address on UseNet, but I'm sure a message
>in the ST newsgroup will catch his attention...

Yes, I am here on Usenet. 

Victor (and all others interested),

The ST Xformer is an Atari 800/800XL/130XE emulator that has been in the
public domain for 2 years now. I recently released the 130XE emulator
into the public domain, and it is up on services like Compuserve, GEnie,
Delphi, and most Atari bulletin boards. Due to the huge size of the ARCed
files, I am not going to attempt to upload it here. The full ST Xformer
package fills up an 800K disk, and I have uploaded several more megabytes
of Xformer-ready 8-bit software to those same services.

For the last year, ST Xformer was a shareware program, and for a $20
donation I would send the user the latest version of the software, and a
user's manual, and provide almost free updates (and there have been many).
Also available, not from me, is the ST Xformer Cable, which allows almost
any 8-bit disk drive and printer to connect directly to the ST, so that 8-bit
disks can be used on the ST. The Xformer cable is available from dealers,
BEST Electronics, BRE software, or directly from Innovative Concepts,
31172 Shawn Drive, Warren Michigan for about $20. Call them at (313)-293-0730.

A few weeks ago I decided to the end the Xformer shareware offer. The software
is not in the public domain, as well as source code, and anyone who still
wants to get the user's manual, pinouts for the cable (to build your own),
or software on a disk, can get it from me for $10, although feel free to
send $20 if you want <grin>.

My mailing address is:
     Box 2624, Station B
     Kitchener, Ontario
     N2H 6N2

My phone number (evenings) is (206)-883-6770 (for the next few weeks).

The reason I decided to "drop" the Xformer is because I cannot in all honesty
encourage any 8-bit user to waste their money on the Atari ST. The machine
was good once, but by today's standards it is a bottom of the line toy.
To make matters worse, Atari has been screwing the users with their lack of
support, constant vaporware announcements, and inability to actually ship
a new machine after 2 years of promises. 

So it's up to you. I have tons of ST Xformer disks and manuals still left,
but if you do not yet own an ST, DO NOT BUY IT!!!! For the same price, you
can get a very good PC or AT compatible computer. That is where the future
is. Heck, get a Mac. Anything but an Atari. The Tramiels have ripped off
enough people as it is already.

Finally, to comment on Victor's idea to emulate the Atari 8-bit on an
Intel processor, go for it! The 8088 family is better suited for emulating
a 6502 than a 68000, and a 286 or 386 would allow you to emulate it in 
real time. The biggest problems would be with the wide variety of screen
cards on the PCs. You'd have to pick a graphics mode that most cards
can support, while not going to the lowest 320x200 4 color mode. Also,
sound would be a problem, since most PCs only have the one built in 
speaker. You can find the source code for ST Xformer on most boards, and
if not, write to me and I can send it to you.

After 9 years of owning an Atari 400, an 800XL, several 130XEs, and several
STs, and watching the company go downhill because of bad management, I've
had enough. I will continue to support my other ST products, since people
using those would already have STs anyway, and I want to support other users.

Darek Mihocka                   ST Xformer II              CIS: (out of order)
Box 2624, Station B            Quick Utilities                   GEnie: DAREKM
Kitchener, Ontario          MegaBlit   SSG   SPX                DELPHI: DAREKM
N2H 6N2                   Shareware, not Vaporware                 BIX: darekm
Canada      Blitter chip sucks!     CheapNet: ...!uw-beaver!microsoft!w-darekm
(519)-747-0386     A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so JUST SAY NO TO TOS.
Opinions expressed are my own and not those of anyone not named Darek Mihocka.

mitchell@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Evan Mitchell) (09/26/89)

BTW, does anybody know of a an 8-bit Atari emulator for the Amiga.  Alot of
Amiga owners own Atari 8-bits as well.  I would love to play Mule and World
Karate Championship again...


|    Evan Jay Mitchell                 EECS/ERL Industrial Liaison Program    |
|    mitchell@janus.berkeley.edu       University of California at Berkeley   |
|    Phone: (415) 643-6687                                                    |
|              "Think, it ain't illegal...yet!" - George Clinton              |

sandy47@ucsco.UCSC.EDU (90784000) (09/26/89)

Subject: Re: Simulating an Atari 8 bit in a HLL
Summary: Can help with books. 
References: <1274@xyzzy.UUCP>
Reply-To: sandy47@ucsco.UCSC.EDU (Larry McElhiney)
Distribution: usa
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
Keywords: simulating, C, HLL

I currently have several operating 800's and 400's with several drives.  I have
most of the books which were produced for the 800 during its life.

I will compile a list and send via email or US Snail if you are interested,
prices will be very low and some I'll donate.  You pay postage on all you
are interested in receiving.

Quick list:

		ALL of Compute Atari Books 
		( Mapping the Atari, Atari Source Book, Inside Atari DOS, etc.)

		Two sets of complete Atari 400/800 Tech. Ref. Notes with:
			OS User's Manual
			OS Source Listing
			Hardware Manual

		De Re Atari and other Chris Crawford stuff

		Most of SoftSide and Compute (Atari) magazine issues.

Also have everything PD for the Atari up through about 1985 on disk.  Got into
Mac at that time and still use that and Atari ST about equally now.

Worse comes to worse and you need to contact me outside the net:

Larry McElhiney
1385 7th Avenue #10 
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

(408) 426-5858 x358 (W)
(408) 475-8027      (H)

arromdee@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Kenneth Arromdee) (09/27/89)

In article <9222@saturn.ucsc.edu> sandy47@ucsco.UCSC.EDU (90784000) writes:
>Also have everything PD for the Atari up through about 1985 on disk.  ...

Hmm...  can you post any of it?
"The workers ceased to be afraid of the bosses.  It's as if they suddenly
 threw off their chains." -- a Soviet journalist, about the Donruss coal strike

Kenneth Arromdee (UUCP: ....!jhunix!arromdee; BITNET: arromdee@jhuvm;
     INTERNET: arromdee@crabcake.cs.jhu.edu)

dbl@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (David Lawson) (10/01/89)

In article <31517@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU>, mitchell@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Evan Mitchell) writes:
> BTW, does anybody know of a an 8-bit Atari emulator for the Amiga.  Alot of
> Amiga owners own Atari 8-bits as well.  I would love to play Mule and World
> Karate Championship again...
> -Evan
    I heard a rumor about one a year and a half ago but that was about it.
I even thought of writing one, really, the Amiga's roots are the Atari 800
not the C64 (bleck!! and thank God!).  PM Graphics are in the Amiga as
hardware sprites, 4 channel sound, and display list interrupts (read 
Copper List), and vertical blanks.  If the two machine had been produced by
the same company, growth/upgrade path couldn't have been more logical. If
anyone does come acros one, let me know, I'd love to play Star Raiders again.

Dave Lawson  dbl@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu
Computer Science GTA
West Virginia University