[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Translator: JRD

UCI144@URIACC.BITNET (Bytor) (02/20/90)

Hello all, I was wondering if anybody who I sent the Translator
file to has downloaded it and got it to work? Also, to JRD:
Did you receive the copy I sent to you for FTP. I haven't seen
it on there and I was just wondering if you received it or not.
Also, are you going to update the Catalog and Index for the site?

* Scott C. Glynn                ***     aka Bytor, Snowdog, Cygnus *
* Univeristy of Rhode Island    ***     UCI144 at URIACC.BITNET    *
* Chemistry Major              * * *    mad scientest in training  *
* Class of 92                 *  *  *   2 years later than planned *