[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Taxes and the 800

krieg@jupiter.uucp (Andrew Krieg) (03/16/90)

Is it possible to do your income taxes on the 800 family?  By this I mean are
their any tax form programs or templates for spreadsheets that come out
yearly?  Or is this a dead end as far as 8-bit Ataris are concerned?
=	Andrew Krieg		2to1 Keeper	Marvel Historian	=
=		G.E. Medical Systems - CT - New Berlin, WI		=
= 	   	     USENET: krieg@jupiter.med.ge.com			=
=     "Big clocks are never wrong!!" - Bob Newhart in _Cold Turkey_	=

whoffman@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Walt Hoffman) (03/17/90)

In article <2317@mrsvr.UUCP> krieg@jupiter.UUCP (Andrew Krieg) writes:
>Is it possible to do your income taxes on the 800 family?  By this I mean are
>their any tax form programs or templates for spreadsheets that come out
>yearly?  Or is this a dead end as far as 8-bit Ataris are concerned?

Yes, you can do your taxes on an 800 computer.

The Tax Advantage is available for the 800 family of computers.  I saw this
demoed at a user group meeting and looked good if your tax situation is
somewhat complicated (rentals, farm, itemizing, etc.).  They don't have the
1040EZ form :-).  The program is available for a wide assortment of computers,
including the Atari ST and 800 family.  The Atari 8-bit version is sold by
mail order only from Double Eagle Software.  The other versions are sold 
through a distributor.  Toll-free order line 1-800-443-0100 Ext. 315M.  The
number for Double Eagle software is 213-212-6611.  I don't remember the exact
prices but the ST version is about $35 and the 8-bit version is about $25.

If the 8-bit version sells enough copies (600) this year, Double Eagle says
it will support a 1990 version for next year.


Walt Hoffman -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
whoffman@jato.jpl.nasa.gov or elroy!jato!whoffman@csvax.caltech.edu
  Galileo Orbiter Engineering Team  --  Real-Time Analyst
     "Jupiter...it's not just a goal, it's an adventure."

Ordania-DM@cup.portal.com (Charles K Hughes) (03/18/90)

RE: Doing taxes on the 8-bit...

  Antic (or Analog, one of the two) comes out with a yearly syncalc template
for doing taxes.  At least they did...I don't remember if they did it for 
this year (I know Analog didn't do it :).


kimes@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Kit Kimes) (03/19/90)

From article <27977@cup.portal.com>, by Ordania-DM@cup.portal.com (Charles K Hughes):
> RE: Doing taxes on the 8-bit...
>   Antic (or Analog, one of the two) comes out with a yearly syncalc template
> for doing taxes.  

It was Antic.  The problem was it was usually with their March issue and that
was a little late for most people.  Now that they have gone to a bi-monthly
release date, I don't know if it will be in the next issue (or if there will
be a next issue).  The other problem is that you must have SynCalc.  I don't
have and was never able to find a copy.

I have heard that there is a template for this years taxes up on the 
commercial BBS's.  I don't know if it is from Antic (or the same person
who wrote the one for Antic).

Kit Kimes
AT&T Bell Labs
Naperville, IL

rmrin@cbnewsk.ATT.COM (r.m.rickert) (03/22/90)

I found it very easy to do my taxes on the atari using syncalc (spreadsheet) andthen just copying the line-by-line instructions from the forms.  The only one itdoesn't work well on is Schedule D as this is too wide.

Dick Rickert  AT&T Consumer Products Laboratory