(Gary Duzan) (06/17/90)
In article <> (Ray Wilmott) writes: => =>2. Does anyone know of a comany that performs 256k upgrades on 800xl =>machines? I see ads for upgrades that you must install yourself =>(Rambo, etc), and also for "upgraded machines" (ie- either 130xe's =>with 512k, or 600xl's with 64k) in Antic, Explorer, Current Notes. =>Isn't there anyplace that either sells 256k 800xl's, or at least will =>perform a 256k upgrade to a machine if you send it to them? I very =>much want to upgrade my other 800xl, but having no such experience, =>don't want to attempt the operation myself. Any help much appreciated. => I believe that ICD used to offer installation of their Rambo XL for a fee. You should probably call them and ask about it. Gary Duzan Time Lord Third Regeneration Atari Enthusiast Extreme -- _o_ -------------------------- _o_ [|o o|] "My field is blood and guts programming." -- Me [|o o|] |_O_| "Don't listen to me; I never do." -- Doctor Who |_O_|