[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Indiana Jones game on Atari 2600, help!

jms@tardis.Tymnet.COM (Joe Smith) (07/07/90)

A friend of mine is having problems with the Raiders of the Lost Ark game
on an Atari 2600.

"Harried grandmother of 8 needs explicit instructions on how to win the Indy
game before her grandkids drive her crazy."

Please send e-mail, as I don't read these newsgroups.
Joe Smith (408)922-6220 | SMTP: jms@tardis.tymnet.com or jms@gemini.tymnet.com
BT Tymnet Tech Services | UUCP: ...!{ames,pyramid}!oliveb!tymix!tardis!jms
PO Box 49019, MS-C41    | BIX: smithjoe | 12 PDP-10s still running! "POPJ P,"
San Jose, CA 95161-9019 | humorous dislaimer: "My Amiga speaks for me."