[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Disk drive problem

arromdee@crabcake.cs.jhu.edu (Kenneth Arromdee) (09/01/90)

Hello...  can anyone help me?  I have an 800 (48K) with an Indus GT disk drive.
I occasionally get disk errors (#140) when the motor of the drive turns on.
(For instance, my modem is 300 baud, which means that file transfer is slow
enough that the drive motor completely stops between writing one sector and
the next, so I'm almost guaranteed to get the error for one of the sectors,
which makes file transfers virtually impossible.)  The error does not happen
once the drive starts spinning, so (for instance) copying files works fine.
"The cold war is over!  And we won!"
    --"Doonesbury", sarcastically, _before_ Eastern Europe fell in 1989....

Kenneth Arromdee (UUCP: ....!jhunix!arromdee; BITNET: arromdee@jhuvm;
     INTERNET: arromdee@cs.jhu.edu)