[net.music] Let's Discuss Music

wm@tekchips.UUCP (07/19/83)

Sure!  I'll be happy to discuss "Supper's Ready"
But why stop there?  How about "The Lamb".  Moving to
other groups, has anyone ever figured out just what
Michael Perlich is talking about in "Keyboard Tales"?
And what happened to him?  The album sounds like he
cracked up recording it.

			Wm Leler

rael@inuxe.UUCP (07/21/83)

   I thought we should "graduate" from "Supper's Ready" before we went
into discussing "The Lamb", but if people don't see the need, why not
discuss both? (BTW, these discussions are not restricted for old Genesis
songs, but I thought they'd be good to start the discussions)

Supper's Ready:
   I always had problems trying to figure out exactly who was telling the
story; was it just one person, or was there more than one narrator? I
thought it was a single person, but that theory always went to pieces when
"Willow Farm" came along since I could no longer follow the narration.
Well ... I've since then found out that "Willow Farm" was an older song
which was unrelated to Supper's Ready, but the guys decided to just put
it in the middle (for fun I guess, or maybe it was getting too heavy), so,
so much for trying to figure that part out.
   So, there seems to be a single narrator, but he is full of tricks. He
tricks you so much, that it is hard to tell if he's good or evil (what
do people think?).
   Enough for now (I've a lot more to say, but not all at once).
   I will try to post the lyrics to this song fairly soon, so that 
we all have a common base to discuss from.

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway: (have we opened Pandora's Box?)
   Hey! ... I'm RAEL.
   Is this album about a drug trip or not? Lines like "the children play
at home   with needles, needles and pins" and "I've got sunshine in my 
stomach" have me pretty well convinced that's what it is. A friend of
mine disagrees on this point. He believes there's more to RAEL than that. I
do too, but I still hold that the album is at least triggered by a trip.
   What is the significance of the Lamb (the animal); I have a hard time
believing that it just lies on Broadway and nothing else. Any ideas?
   Has anybody ever noticed the picture of the Raven carrying the tube
in one of the inner sleeves? Has anyone figured out what the other 
pictures are?
   Enough for now ... BTW, no lyrics for this one (there's just too much
to write).

					Biodegradable as ever,

PS: I'm hoping these discussions keep going and diversify, that way I'll
    be able to hear about music that is interesting enough to deserve a
    place in my collection, but I would otherwise not have know about.