[comp.sys.atari.8bit] MIDI interface

root@ail.co.uk (Operator) (07/19/88)

Does anybody know where I can get a Midi Interface for an Atari
800XL (Preferably in the UK).

Michael Vines

foster_663@oscar.ccm.udel.edu (02/22/91)

	I was wondering if any one knew of a company which makes an interface
for MIDI (i.e. keyboards) conrtoll and sequencer programming. I own a 130XE 
and a 600XL so I could use the 'Expanded Cartridge Interface'.

	If no one knows where to find one, would it be possible to build
one which uses the joystick ports as output/input ? I have several old
ANTIC and ANALOG magazines which explain how to use the ports for some
types of computer controll of external devives (such as a speech synthesizer)
but none of them are very explicit.

	( I did hear a company called Hybrid Arts made one ONCE but...)

		Any info would be most helpful

		Sean Foster
		U of Delaware   (Dela  WHERE?)

terpin@acsu.buffalo.edu (christophe d terpin) (02/23/91)

In article <45418@nigel.ee.udel.edu> foster_663@oscar.ccm.udel.edu writes:
>	I was wondering if any one knew of a company which makes an interface
>for MIDI (i.e. keyboards) conrtoll and sequencer programming. I own a 130XE 
>and a 600XL so I could use the 'Expanded Cartridge Interface'.
>	If no one knows where to find one, would it be possible to build
>one which uses the joystick ports as output/input ? 
(stuff deleted)
I've built a simple MIDI interface that hooks to the SERIAL port
of my Atari 800 and my CASIO CZ synth.  Surprisingly, the serial port speed
can be boosted up to the 31K baud rate that MIDI requires by modifying
some of the POKEY registers.  The interface consists of a 7404 inverter chip,
 a transistor, several resistors, a serial port plug, and two midi plugs.

A few simple programs in assembly & basic are used to record and playback
through the synthesizer.  I've also written a CIO "V:" handler so that I can 
use it just like any other device from BASIC.

If anyone's interested, I can post the schematic and software.
	Christopher Terpin