[comp.sys.atari.8bit] 1090xl expansion module

wilmott@utopia.rutgers.edu (Ray Wilmott) (04/07/91)

Just thought I'd pass along some old Atari vaporware tech notes
I happened to come across recently...


       The box consists of two main elements, the Buffer Box and the
     Expansion Box Chassis.  This document will concern itself with the
     hardware inside the Expansion Box Chassis as the Buffer Box is a simple
     signal buffer unit.  The Expansion Chassis contains a backplane, for
     option connection, a power supply and I/O channels.

       The I/O channels consist of two serial RS232C channels and one
     Centronics type parallel output port.  These functions are created by
     two 68B50 ACIAs, one 68B21 PIA, and a BR1943 baud rate generator.
     Figure 1 shows the locations of the devices in the memory map.  All the
     devices respond to Parallel Bus Device #6.

                       | Location    | Device            |
                       | D100H       | 68B50  Channel A  |
                       | D104H       | 68B50  Channel B  |
                       | D108H       | 68B21             |
                       | D110H       | 1943              |

                                    Figure 1

                          Parallel Channel Description

       The Parallel channel uses a 68B21 PIA.  There are 11 signals
     implemented in the Centronics Interface.  These signals are D0-D7, Data
     Strobe, Busy, and Fault.  The data lines use port A in the PIA and are
     output only.  Data Strobe is an output line from port B bit 4 which is
     used to strobe data to the printer.  This signal should be active after
     data is stable and the printer is not busy.  Busy is an input line of
     port B bit 5.  This input controls the flow of data to the printer; it
     should be checked before next data transmission.  Fault is an input of
     port B bit 6.  This input indicates if the printer had a fault (ie.
     paper out) and should always be checked.  Figure 2 shows the port
     assignments for the PIA.  The register types and control bits are the
     same as the standard Atari PIA used in current computers.

                  | Port  | Direction   | Description         |
                  | A0    | Output      | Data Bit 0          |
                  | A1    | Output      | Data Bit 1          |
                  | A2    | Output      | Data Bit 2          |
                  | A3    | Output      | Data Bit 3          |
                  | A4    | Output      | Data Bit 4          |
                  | A5    | Output      | Data Bit 5          |
                  | A6    | Output      | Data Bit 6          |
                  | A7    | Output      | Data Bit 7          |
                  | B0    | Input       | DSR' Channel A      |
                  | B1    | Output      | DTR' Channel A      |
                  | B2    | Output      | DTR' Channel B      |
                  | B3    | Input       | DSR' Channel B      |
                  | B4    | Output      | Data Strobe'        |
                  | B5    | Input       | Busy'               |
                  | B6    | Input       | Fault'              |
                  | B7    | Not Used    | Not Used            |
                                    Figure 2

                               Baud Rate Selection

       The baud rate for the two serial channels is created by a BR1943 baud
     rate generator.  This device creates two different baud rates using one
     write only register.  The upper four bits of this register controls the
     baud rate for Channel B, the lower four bits control Channel A.  Figure
     3 shows the four bit combinations for the 16 different baud rates.

                          Sel Value           Baud Rate
                          |   0000      |    50       |
                          |   0001      |    75       |
                          |   0010      |    110      |
                          |   0011      |    134.5    |
                          |   0100      |    150      |
                          |   0101      |    200      |
                          |   0110      |    300      |
                          |   0111      |    600      |
                          |   1000      |    1200     |
                          |   1001      |    1800     |
                          |   1010      |    2400     |
                          |   1011      |    3600     |
                          |   1100      |    4800     |
                          |   1101      |    7200     |
                          |   1110      |    9600     |
                          |   1111      |    19200    |
                                    Figure 3

                                 Serial Channels

       The two serial channels are a full RS-232C type.  These channels use
     the baud rates from above, handshake internal to the ACIA as well as
     extra handshake lines from the PIA.  The ACIA operation is described
     below as well as register locations.  The software should provide
     correct operation of the extra handshake lines for full modem control.

                           ACIA REGISTERS DESCRIPTION

       The ACIA has internal registers on the chip that are used for the
     status, control, receiving, and transmitting of data.  The content of
     each of the registers is summarized in Table 1.

     |Data|Transmit|Receive |Control           |Status           |
     |Bus |Data    |Data    |Register          |Register         |
     | #  |Register|Register|                  |                 |
     | 0  | Data 0 | Data 0 |C D Sel 1 CRO     |RDRF             |
     | 1  | Data 1 | Data 1 |C D Sel 2 CR1     |TDRE             |
     | 2  | Data 2 | Data 2 |Word Sel 1 CR2    |DCD'             |
     | 3  | Data 3 | Data 3 |Word Sel 2 CR3    |CTS'             |
     | 4  | Data 4 | Data 4 |Word Sel 3 CR4    |Frame Error      |
     | 5  | Data 5 | Data 5 |Transmit Con 1 CR5|Receiver Overrun |
     | 6  | Data 6 | Data 6 |Transmit Con 2 CR6|Parity Error     |
     | 7  | Data 7 | Data 7 |Rec Int En CR7    |Interrupt Request|

                                     Table 1
                      Definition of ACIA Register Contents

                          TRANSMIT DATA REGISTER (TDR)

       Data is written in the Transmit Data Register during the negative
     transition of the enable (E) when the ACIA has been addressed and RS .
     R/W is selected.  Writing data into the register causes the Transmit
     Data Register Empty bit in the Status Register to go low.  Data can
     then be transmitted.  If the transmitter is idling and no character is
     being transmitted, then the transfer will take place within one bit
     time of the trailing edge of the Write command.  If a character is
     being transmitted, the new data character will commence as soon as the
     previous character is complete.  The transfer of data causes the
     Transmit Data Register Empty (TDRE) bit to indicate empty.

                           RECEIVE DATA REGISTER (RDR)

       Data is automatically transferred to the empty Receive Data Register
     (RDR) from the receiver deserializer (a shift register) upon receiving
     a complete character.  This event causes the Receive Data Register Full
     bit (RDRF) in the status buffer to go high (full).  Data may then be
     read through the bus by addressing the ACIA and selecting the Receive
     Data Register with RS and R/W high when the ACIA is enabled.  The
     non-destructive read cycle causes the RDRF bit to be cleared to empty
     although the data is retained in the RDR.  The status is maintained by
     RDRF as to whether or not the data is current.  When the Receive Data
     Register is full, the automatic transfer of data from the Receiver
     Shift Register to the Data Register is inhibited and the RDR contents
     remain valid with its current status stored in the Status register.

                                CONTROL REGISTER

       The ACIA Control Register consists of eight bits of write-only buffer
     that are selected when RS and R/W are low.  This register controls the
     function of the receiver, transmitter, interrupt enables, and the
     Request-to-Send peripheral/modem control output.

       Counter Divide Select Bits (CR0 and CR1) - The counter Divide Select
     Bits (CR0 and CR1) determine the divide ratios utilized in both the
     transmitter and receiver sections of the ACIA.  Additionally, these
     bits are used to provide a master reset for the ACIA which clears the
     Status Register (except for external conditions on CTS and DCD) and
     initializes both the receiver and transmitter.  Master reset does not
     affect other Control Register bits.  Note that after power-on or a
     power fail/restart, these bits must be set high to reset the ACIA.
     After resetting, the clock divide ratio may be selected.  These counter
     select bits provide for the following clock divide ratios:

                          | CR1 | CR0 | Function      |
                          |  0  |  0  | Divide by 1   |
                          |  0  |  1  | Divide by 16  |
                          |  1  |  0  | Divide by 64  |
                          |  1  |  1  | Master Reset  |

       Word Select Bits (CR2, CR3, and CR4) - The Word Select bits are used
     to select word length, parity, and the number of stop bits.  The
     encoding format is as follows:

                 |CR4|CR3|CR2| Function                       |
                 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 Bits Even Parity 2 Stop Bits |
                 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 7 Bits Odd Parity  2 Stop Bits |
                 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 7 Bits Even Parity 1 Stop Bit  |
                 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7 Bits Odd Parity  1 Stop Bit  |
                 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 8 Bits 2 Stop Bits             |
                 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 8 Bits 1 Stop Bit              |
                 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 8 Bits Even Parity 1 Stop Bit  |
                 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 Bits Odd Parity  1 Stop Bit  |

       Word length, Parity Select, and Stop Bit changes are not buffered and
     therefore become effective immediately.

       Transmitter Control Bits (CR5 and CR6) - Two Transmitter Control bits
     provide for the control of the interrupt from the Transmit data
     Register Empty condition, the Request-to-Send (RTS) output, and the
     transmission of a Break level (space).  The following encoding format
     is used:

                     |CR6|CR5|Function                     |
                     | 0 | 0 |RTS'=LOW  Trans INT Disabled |
                     | 0 | 1 |RTS'=LOW  Trans INT Enabled  |
                     | 1 | 0 |RTS'=HIGH Trans INT Disabled |
                     | 1 | 1 |RTS'=LOW  Trans a BREAK CHAR |

       Receive Interrupt Enable Bit (CR7) - The following interrupts will be
     enabled by a high level in bit position 7 of the Control Register
     (CR7):  Receive Data Register Full, Overrun, or a low to high
     transition on the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal line.

                                 STATUS REGISTER

       Information on the status of the ACIA is available to the MPU by
     reading the ACIA Status Register.  This read-only register is selected
     when RS is low and R/W is high.  Information stored in this register
     indicates the status of the Transmit Data Register, the Receive Data
     Register and error logic, and the peripheral/modem status inputs of the

       Receive Data Register Full (RDRF), Bit 0 - Receive Data Register Full
     indicates that received data has been transferred to the Receive Data
     Register.  RDRF is cleared after an MPU read of the Receive Data
     Register or by a master reset.  The cleared or empty state indicates
     that the contents of the Receive Data Register are not current.  Data
     Carrier Detect being high also causes RDRF to indicate empty.

       Transmit Data Register Empty (TDRE), Bit 1 - The Transmit Data
     Register Empty bit being set high indicates that the Transmit Data
     Register contents have been transferred and that new data may be
     entered.  The low state indicates that the register is full and that
     transmission of a new character has not begun since the last write data

       Data Carrier Detect (DCD), Bit 2 - The Data Carrier Detect bit will
     be high when the DCD input from a modem has gone high to indicate that
     a carrier is not present.  This bit going high causes an Interrupt
     Request to be generated when the Receive Interrupt Enable is set.  It
     remains high after the DCD input is returned low until cleared by first
     reading the Status Register and then the Data Register or until a
     master reset occurs.  If the DCD input remains high after read status
     and read data or master reset has occured, the interrupt is cleared,
     the DCD status bit remains high and will follow the DCD input.

       Clear-to-Send (CTS), Bit 3 - The Clear-to-Send bit indicates the
     state of the Clear-to-Send input from a modem.  A low CTS indicates
     that there is a Clear-to-Send from the modem.  In the high state, the
     Transmit Data Register Empty bit is inhibited and the Clear-to-Send
     status bit will be high.  Master reset does not affect the
     Clear-to-Send Status bit.

       Framing Error (FE), Bit 4 - Framing error indicates that the received
     character is improperly framed by a start and a stop bit and is
     detected by the absence of the 1st stop bit.  This error indicates a
     synchronization error, faulty transmission, or a break condition.  The
     framing error flag is set or reset during the receive data transfer
     time.  Therefore, this error indicator is present throughout the time
     that the associated character is available.

       Receiver Overrun (OVRN), Bit 5 - Overrun is an error flag that
     indicates that one or more characters in the data stream were lost.
     That is, a character or a number of characters were received but not
     read from the Receive Data Register (RDR) prior to subsequent
     characters being received.  The overrun condition begins at the
     midpoint of the last bit of the second character received in succession
     without a read of the RDR having occurred.  The Overrun does not occur
     in the Status Register until the valid character prior to Overrun has
     been read.  The RDRF bit remains set until the Overrun is reset.
     Character synchronization is maintained during the Overrun condition.
     The Overrun indication is reset after the reading of data from the
     Receive Data Register or by a Master Reset.

       Parity Error (PE), Bit 6 - The parity error flag indicates that the
     number of highs (ones) in the character does not agree with the
     preselected odd or even parity.  Odd parity is defined to be when the
     total number of ones is odd.  The parity error indication will be
     present as long as the data character is in the RDR.  If no parity is
     selected, then both the transmitter parity generator output and the
     receiver parity check results are inhibited.

       Interrupt Request (IRQ), Bit 7 - The IRQ bit indicates the state of
     the IRQ output.  Any interrupt condition with its applicable enable
     will be indicated in this status bit.  Anytime the IRQ output is low
     the IRQ bit will be high to indicate the interrupt or service request
     status.  IRQ is cleared by a read operation to the Receive Data
     Register or a write operation to the Transmit Data Register.

                          Expansion Box Specifications


     1.0 Introduction

       The Expansion Box will be a buffered extension of the Parallel Bus
     Interface (P.B.I.) allowing system expansion and enhancement.  The bus
     will enable the consumer to connect a variety of different devices to
     the Parallel Bus Interface.  Some future devices are listed below.

       1) Disk Drive Controller-*
       2) Votrax-
       3) Modem (300 and/or 1200)-*
       4) Touch Tone Decoder-
       5) EPROM Programmer-
       6) B.S.R. Controller Interface-
       7) Relay Switch Card-
       8) IEEE 488 Control Card-*
       9) Real Time Clock-
      10) 80 Column Display-*
      11) Printer Spooler/Buffer-
      12) APPLE Card-*
      13) VCS Adapter Card-*
      14) A/D Converter Card-*
      15) Infra Red Interface-*
      16) Hard Disk Interface-*
      17) Music Card-
      18) Speech Recognition-*
      19) Ram Disk-*
      20) Battery Back-up CMOS RAM-
      21) Corvus Interface-*
      22) Ethernet Interface-*

      * indicates a smart device.

     1.1 Product Objectives

       A. To provide future system expansion.
       B. To provide multiple device access to the P.B.I.
       C. To provide an interface standard to envoke interest from
     peripheral manufacturers in developing P.B.I. Devices.

     1.2 References

       Sweet 16 Expansion Box Specification, A. Chopra
       P.B.I. Specification, S. Miller
       SURELY O.S. Rom Specification, S. Scheiman R. Nordin
       Software Implementation of Parallel Devices, R. Nordin

     2.0 Product Description

       The Expansion Box will provide two RS-232C Serial Channels and one
     Centronics type Parallel Output Port in addition to eight (8) expansion
     slots.  The connection to the XL-Series computer is made through the
     Parallel Bus Interface.  Devices that plug into the P.B.I. are called
     Parallel Bus Devices (P.B.D.).  The Expansion Box is a P.B.D..  The
     Interface in the Expansion Box to the expansion devices is called the
     Expansion Box Interface (E.B.I.).  Modules that plug into the expansion
     slots will be called Expansion Box Devices (E.B.D.).

     2.1 Mechanical

     2.1.1 Appearance

       The Expansion Box should match the styling of the current XL product
     line.  The Box should have all connections from devices, power, and bus
     signals in the rear of the box.  The power switch and power indicator
     light should be placed on the front panel.

     2.2.2 Design Concepts

       The Expansion Box should not require more than one square foot of
     table space.  It should also be able to support a 13 inch color
     television.  The top must be easily removable so the user can access
     the option cards, but not be able to access the power supply or come in
     contact with the Line Voltage.  The Box will support eight 9 by 5 inch
     option cards (see figure 1).

                        ------------------------------  -
                        |                            |  |
                        |                            |  |
                        |                            |  |
                        |                            |
                        |                            |  5
                        |                            |
                        |                            |  |
                        |                            |  |
                        |                            |  |
                        ------------------       -----  -
                                         |       |

                                         | <- 3.15 ->|
                        | <----------- 9 ----------> |

                        (all measurements are in inches)

                           Figure 1  P.B.D. Card Size

     2.2 Electrical

     2.2.1 Expansion Box Interface

       The E.B.I. contains all the signals in the P.B.I. plus power for the
     E.B.D..  The description of the E.B.I. in this document is similar to
     that of the P.B.I. but note the differences in timing and loading. Connector

       The Expansion Box Interface signals will be accessible through a
     50-pin connector.  This connector is an AMP type 67987-4.  It will mate
     to a standard card edge with gold plated fingers at .100 inch centers.

                        EXTSEL' |2    1| GND
                        A1      |4    3| A0
                        A3      |6    5| A2
                        A5      |8    7| A4
                        GND     |10   9| A6
                        A8      |12  11| A7
                        A10     |14  13| A9
                        A12     |16  15| A11
                        A14     |18  17| A13
                        A15     |20  19| GND
                        D1      |22  21| D0
                        D3      |24  23| D2
                        D5      |26  25| D4
                        D7      |28  27| D6
                        GND     |30  29| GND
                        GND     |32  31| B02
                        RST'    |34  33| +5 VDC
                        RDY     |36  35| IRQ'
                        EXTENB' |38  37| -12 VDC
                        REF'    |40  39| +12 VDC
                        GND     |42  41| CAS'
                        RAS'    |44  43| MPD'
                        LR/W'   |46  45| GND
                        +5 VDC  |48  47| +5 VDC
                        GND     |50  49| AUDIO

                      Figure 2  Expansion Socket Signals

       Shown in Figure 2 is the pin-out of the connector looking into the
     expansion box.  The signal pin numbers and signal names are described

       Pin 2   EXTSEL'   External Select (Input) ==> This open collector
     line is generated internally by the Expansion Box Device (E.B.D.).
     This signal should be active low whenever EXTENB is active and the
     E.B.D. is selected and there is a valid E.B.D. address on the bus.
     EXTSEL' causes a CAS' inhibit on the main board allowing a remapping
     process.  Although an E.B.D. can be mapped in any VALID RAM location,
     these devices should follow the ATARI guidelines for E.B.D. locations
     so future ATARI devices can be used.  The drive device should be
     capable of sinking 10mA.

       Pin 3   A0   Address Line 0 (Output) ==> Address line 0 is a buffered
     output from the microprocessor.

       Pin 4   A1   Address Line 1.  Same as above.

       Pin 5   A2   Address Line 2.  Same as above.

       Pin 6   A3   Address Line 3.  Same as above.

       Pin 7   A4   Address Line 4.  Same as above.

       Pin 8   A5   Address Line 5.  Same as above.

       Pin 9   A6   Address Line 6.  Same as above.

       Pin 11  A7   Address Line 7.  Same as above.

       Pin 12  A8   Address Line 8.  Same as above.

       Pin 13  A9   Address Line 9.  Same as above.

       Pin 14  A10  Address Line 10.  Same as above.

       Pin 15  A11  Address Line 11.  Same as above.

       Pin 16  A12  Address Line 12.  Same as above.

       Pin 17  A13  Address Line 13.  Same as above.

       Pin 18  A14  Address Line 14.  Same as above.

       Pin 20  A15  Address Line 15.  Same as above.

       Pin 21  D0   Data Line 0 (Bi-directional) ==> Data line 0 is a
     buffered bi-directional data line.

       Pin 22  D1   Data Line 1.  Same as above.

       Pin 23  D2   Data Line 2.  Same as above.

       Pin 24  D3   Data Line 3.  Same as above.

       Pin 25  D4   Data Line 4.  Same as above.

       Pin 26  D5   Data Line 5.  Same as above.

       Pin 27  D6   Data Line 6.  same as above.

       Pin 28  D7   Data Line 7.  Same as above.

       Pin 31  B02   Buffered Phase 2 Clock (Output) ==> This clock output
     line is a buffered phase 2 clock from the processor.

       Pin 34  RST'   Reset (Output) ==> Reset is an active low signal which
     occurs either on power-up or by depressing the reset key on the

       Pin 35  IRQ'   Interrupt Request (Input) ==> This open collector line
     creates an interrupt on the microprocessor.  The interrupt can then
     invoke the handler ROM or other service routines for the E.B.D..  The
     driving device should be capable of sinking 10mA.

       Pin 36  RDY   Ready (Input) ==> This open collector input signal
     allows the E.B.D. to halt the microprocessor ONLY during read cycles.
     This will extend the read cycle for slow peripherals.  The driving
     device should be capable of sinking 10mA.

       Pin 38  EXTENB   External Decoder Enable (Output) ==> This output
     goes high when there is a valid ram access.  Any E.B.D. can map during
     a valid EXTENB but the E.B.D. should only map in according to ATARI
     specified address locations.

       Pin 40  REF'   Refresh (Output) ==> This output can be for refresh
     timing on volatile memories connected to the E.B.I..

       Pin 41  CAS'   Column Address Strobe (Output) ==> This output can be
     used for access of DRAM external to the computer.  Due to timing
     restrictions caution should be taken when using this signal in the
     expansion box.

       Pin 43  MPD'   Math Pack Disable (Input) ==> This open collector
     input is used to disable the math pack section of the OS ROM
     (D800H-DFFFH).  This should be done when the E.B.D. is selected and has
     a handler resident.  The driving device should be capable of sinking

       Pin 44  RAS'   Row Address Strobe (Output) ==> This output can be
     used for access of DRAM external to the computer.  Due to timing
     restrictions caution should be taken when using this signal in the
     expansion box.

       Pin 46  LR/W'   Latched Read Write (Output) ==> This output is active
     high for a read cycle and active low for a write cycle.

       Pin 49  AUDIO   Audio In (Input) ==> This line is tied directly to
     the audio summation network of the computer.  The audio signal input is
     100 mV peak to peak with 4.7K ohm source impedance.

       Pins 1,10,19,29,30,32,42,45,50 are Ground (GND).

       Pins 33,47,48 are +5 Volts.

       Pin 37 is -12 Volts.

       Pin 39 is +12 Volts. Interface Requirements

       For peripherals to interface through the E.B.I. to the computer the
     following requirements must be followed. D.C. Characteristics

       All E.B.I. outputs from the Buffer Box have the capability of driving
     TTL load.

       All E.B.I. open collector input lines must be able to sink 10mA (min)
     at .4V (max).

       All E.B.I. non-open collector input lines except AUDIO must have the
     drive capability of 48mA at logic 0 (Iol) and -15mA at logic 1 (Ioh).

       All E.B.I. signals except AUDIO will be at standard TTL logic levels.

       The AUDIO input line must drive a 4.7K Ohm source impedance with a
     100mV peak to peak signal. Hardware Device Protocol

       The E.B.I. is designed to support two types of devices.  The first is
     an Expansion Box Peripheral (E.B.P.) and the second is an External
     Application Cartridge (E.A.C.). Expansion Bus Peripherals (E.B.P.)

       The E.B.P.s have the following characteristics:

       1.  The interface between the E.B.P. and the CPU is defined through
     the handler/OS resident in the OS ROM.  The OS can support 8 devices at
     one time with only one enabled during any given interval.

       2.  Every E.B.P. has a unique handler that resides in the CPU memory
     from D800H-DFFFH.  The ROMS containing the code for these handlers are
     physically resident on the respective E.B.P.s.  To access this handler,
     the math pack must be disabled with MPD'.  When the math pack is
     disabled (this should happen whenever the E.B.P. is selected and has an
     external handler) the computer will generate EXTENB for the math pack
     area.  The E.B.P. must generate the correct EXTENB/EXTSEL' protocol.
     If the device does not generate EXTSEL' the CPU will access (in the 64K
     computers) an unused area of ram.  This area should not be used since
     all computers of this series do not have that area of ram.

       3.  The location D1FFH in the CPU memory map is reserved for passing
     control information between the CPU and the E.B.P.s.  The CPU selects
     one of the E.B.P. devices by writing a "1" into the desired bit in
     location D1FFH.  The device can be deselected by writing a "0" into the
     desired bit.

                      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
                    | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |

       Therefore the CPU can then access 8 devices, one at a time.  If the
     IRQ' line is pulled "low" the CPU can read the status for location
     D1FFH and locate the requesting E.B.P..  A "1" in a bit Ix (where x=0
     to 7) corresponds to an interrupt in E.B.P. x.  If the bit is a "0"
     then the device has not caused the interrupt.  The E.B.P. must clear
     the interrupt flag when the interrupt is being serviced.

                      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
                    | I7 | I6 | I5 | I4 | I3 | I2 | I1 | I0 |

       4.  An E.B.P. should assert MPD' only when it is selected.  An E.B.P.
     should assert EXTSEL' only when it is selected and if EXTENB' is

       5.  An E.B.P. may respond to any selects D0 through D7.  It is
     recommended that the E.B.P.s have configuration switches to allow them
     to respond to any one of the selects.  Some of the computer systems use
     the E.B.I. to support internal devices therefore the user should check
     each manual for device locations.  If the system has devices in
     specific locations, those are reserved in that computer.

       6.  An E.B.P. handler may respond to addresses in the region
     D800H-DFFFH only when it is selected.

       7.  A peripheral may respond to addresses in the region D100H to
     D1FEH only when selected.

       8.  The E.B.P.s will have software priority over the SIO peripheral
     when they are addressed generically.

       9.  Data transfer between the CPU and the E.B.P. is under the control
     of the peripheral handler for the E.B.P.s.  The peripheral handler may
     or may not be in the E.B.P.  Data transfer is handled by a combination
     of code in the O.S. and the E.B.P.

       10.  The E.B.P.s shall work if a cartridge is present in the
     cartridge slot.

       11.  The CPU address space from D600H to D7FFH is reserved for E.B.I.
     devices as follows:

                         Device   Range         Size
                         ------   -----         ----
                         D0       D600H-D61FH   32 Bytes
                         D1       D620H-D63FH   32 Bytes
                         D2       D640H-D65FH   32 Bytes
                         D3       D660H-D67FH   32 Bytes
                         D4       D680H-D69FH   32 Bytes
                         D5       D6A0H-D6BFH   32 Bytes
                         D6       D6C0H-D6DFH   32 Bytes
                         D7       D6E0H-D6FFH   32 Bytes

       The region from D700H to D7FFH is reserved for use by ATARI.  The CPU
     address space from D600H to D7FFH is always mapped to the E.B.I. and
     does not require the EXTENB/EXTSEL' protocol.  Some units may have
     devices mapped on the E.B.I.; these devices are only active when
     selected but care must be taken when using a unit with onboard devices. External Application Cartridges

       The "External Application Cartridge" (EAC) is a generalization of the
     E.B.P..  They have the following characteristics:

       1.  An EAC can reside at any or all of the locations in the region
     0000H to BFFFH for which the EXTENB is generated.  They may respond to
     these addresses only when "opened".

       2.  The EACs must be opened by the protocol given for the E.B.P.s.

       3.  The EACs must conform to the EXTENB/EXTSEL' protocol.

       4.  The EACs must have a handler (resident at location D800H-DFFFH)
     that controls their operation.  The EACs must conform to conditions (4)
     through (11) of section III. B. above.

       5.  The EACs will work if a cartridge is present in the internal
     cartridge slot.

     2.2.2 I/O Channels

       The expansion box contains two RS-232C serial channels and one
     Centronics type parallel printer channel.  Both the serial and parallel
     channels are preset to device #6.  This device cannot be used in the
     Expansion Box. Serial Channel Description

       The Expansion Box will have two RS-232C Asynchronous serial channels
     capable of simultaneous two way communication.  Both channels should be
     addressable through software via CIO using the same format as the
     serial channels in the ATARI 850.  The baud rate will be software
     selectable from 16 baud rates (see Table 1).  The baud rates of the two
     channels are to be independent of each other.

                            Sel Value     Baud Rate
                          |    0000    |    50       |
                          |    0001    |    75       |
                          |    0010    |    110      |
                          |    0011    |    134.5    |
                          |    0100    |    150      |
                          |    0101    |    200      |
                          |    0110    |    300      |
                          |    0111    |    600      |
                          |    1000    |    1200     |
                          |    1001    |    1800     |
                          |    1010    |    2400     |
                          |    1011    |    3600     |
                          |    1100    |    4800     |
                          |    1101    |    7200     |
                          |    1110    |    9600     |
                          |    1111    |    19200    |

                       Table 1  Baud Rate Selection Chart Parallel Channel Description

       The basic Parallel Channel is to support a Centronics type parallel
     printer.  To do this the following signals are supported.

       D0-D7     Data Lines
       DS'       Data Strobe
       BUSY      Busy Input
       FA'       Fault Input

     2.2.3 Buffer Box

       To allow connection to the XL-series computer, the Expansion Box will
     use a buffer box connected to the back of the computer.  This Buffer
     Box will be able to drive a 3 foot long cable and the Expansion Box.
     The power used by the Buffer Box will be supplied by the Expansion Box
     on the Reserved Pins of the cable.  The connectors used will be the
     standard 50 pin P.B.I. connectors.

     2.2.4 Power Supply

       The Expansion Box power supply will have sufficient output to drive
     each slot with .75 Amps at +5 VDC, .1 Amps at +12 VDC, and .1 Amps at
     -12 VDC.  Table 2 shows max operating current limits of the supply.  A
     fan might be necessary to provide cooling in the Expansion Box.

                             +5 VDC        6.75 Amps
                             +12 VDC       1.0 Amps
                             -12 VDC       1.0 Amps

                                     Table 2

     2.3 Software

     2.3.1 Expansion Bus Protocol

       The Software handlers and application programs written for use
     with/in the Expansion Box must follow standard Protocol defined by "The
     Software Implementation of Parallel Device Handlers and Drivers" by
     Rick Nordin.  A Designers guide to interfacing devices to the PBI and
     Expansion Box will also contain the required documentation concerning
     the protocol.

     2.3.2 I/O Channel Handlers

       The handler used in the Expansion Box I/O channel will conform to the
     above specifications as well as providing support for the printer as a
     standard CIO device call.

     2.4 Product Performance

       This section will specify the projected performance of the Expansion
     Box.  The environmental and reliability information that is included is
     targeted from the Sweet 16 specification.

     2.4.1 Environmental

       Operating Environment

       Temperature =
       Maximum:          45 degrees C
       Minimum:          10 degrees C

       Humidity =
       Maximum:          90% R.H.  (Non Condensing)
       Minimum:          15% R.H.

       Altitude =
       Maximum:          3000 Meters (9840 feet) (720 millibars)
       Minimum:          -60 Meters  (-197 feet) below sea level

       Non-Operating Environment

       Temperature =
       Maximum:          60 degrees C
       Minimum:          -30 degrees C

       Humidity =
       Maximum:          90% R.H.
       Minimum:          0%  R.H.

       Should condensing occur, unit must be dried off before operation.

       Altitude =        Same as operating

     2.4.2 Endurance Levels

       ESD Susceptibility

       No product damage or data loss with 10 KV to 20 KV discharge at any
     point accessible to the user except the connectors.


       Operation:         .1g +- 10%  5 to 500Hz
       Resonance Search:  Sine scan 5-100 Hz dwell on resonances
                          1.0g for 10 minutes.

       Transportation:    100 to 300 cycles per minute 2 directions 90
     degrees apart, 30 minutes; each frequency to be such as to raise
     package from the table 0.06 in., acceleration to be 1.0g (min)  No
     Damage should result.

       Impact Test:       Free fall distance of 24 in. on corner, edge, and
     all 6 faces.  No damage should occur to a packed unit.

       Random Vibration:  0.04g 2Hz 15 minutes; 10 to 1000Hz 6.3g RMS

       Thermal Shock:     10 degrees C for 3 hours power on raise
     temperature, 5 degrees per minute to 45 degrees C for 5 hours power off
     drop temperature 5 degrees C per minute to 10 degrees C.  Repeat cycle
     5 times no damage

     2.4.3 MTBF & MTTR

       The targeted MTBF for the Expansion Box is 8000 hours continuous
     power-on at 25 degrees C.

       The targeted MTTR for the unit is 5 minutes.

     2.4.4 Compliances

       UL 114 & UL 94HB
       CSA C22.2 No. 154
       FCC Docket 20780, Part 15, Subpart J, Class B

                          Expansion Box Specifications


       Below are the changes to the document of the same name dated 7/27/83.

     1.2 Assumptions

     1.2.1 Product Reasoning

       This product is intended to add a strategic marketing dimension to
     the Atari home computer line by providing expansion capability.

     1.2.2 Manufacturing

       It is assumed that the Expansion Box will be manufactured by some, as
     yet unspecified, overseas vendor.

     1.2.3 Strategic Fit

       This product is intended to broaden Atari's image as a complete
     computer supplier.  This is done by offering an expansion path for
     computer users to grow with their systems.  A line of option cards will
     allow even the most sophisticated users to advance to an advanced

     1.2.4 Product History

       As of the date of this document the expansion box has been redefined
     as a smart device rather than an extension of the Parallel Interface
     Bus.  This was done to facilitate third party vendors in the
     implementation of option cards.  This will also allow for easy
     interfacing of the Expansion Box to the current 400/800 installed base.
     This choice should create added sales of this device as well as showing
     the public Atari will not leave current users unsupported!  In addition
     to the above features, a RFI problem is also reduced creating a faster
     path to bring the product to market.

     1.3 References

       Sweet 16 Expansion Box Specification, A. Chopra
       P.B.I. Specification, S. Miller
       SURELY O.S. Rom Specification, S. Scheiman, R. Nordin
       Software Implementation of Parallel Devices, R. Nordin
       Sweetpea Product Specification, D. Lang
       JULIE FIFO Specification, S. Miller

 Hardware Device Protocol

       The hardware protocol for the Expansion Box is similar to the
     Expansion Bus Interface on the computer in that each card is selected
     through a common register.  There will also be device handlers on each
     card in a fixed location of memory.  The bus timing is configured so
     any type of device can be easily interfaced to the Expansion Box.  For
     complete interfacing requirements a third party vendor document will be
     created with examples of interfacing methods.

     2.2.3 Processor Card CPU

       The CPU for the Expansion Box will use a 6502 operating at 1 MHz.
     This is done for software compatibility with current developmental
     tools.  The placement of the CPU on a card allows the user to swap
     other CPU cards for the 6502 card. ROM

       There is provision for 8 K Bytes of monitor Rom on the processor
     card.  This ROM can also be disabled by asserting ROMDIS' line on the
     bus.  The ROM will be located at E000H-FFFFH. RAM

       There is provision for 2 K Bytes of general purpose RAM on the
     processor card.  The RAM can be disabled by asserting RAMDIS' line.
     This will allow for remapping of page 0 and 1 to swap tasks in and out
     without moving large areas of memory.  The RAM will be located at the
     bottom of the memory space. Serial Channel Description

       The processor card will have two RS-232C asynchronous serial
     channels, capable of simultaneous two way communication.  Both channels
     are addressable through the CIO in the operating system of the Atari
     computer.  The baud rates for the channels are found in table 1.  Both
     channels have independent transmit and receive baud rates.  One of the
     two serial ports will be jumperable to allow operation as a SIO port
     for operation with current Atari 400/800 units.



       Table 1 Bus Interface

       The Bus Interface for the processor card will support the load
     requirements of the Expansion Bus and follow the protocol of the Bus

     2.2.4 Computer Interface

       The Expansion Box will interface with the Atari XL product line
     through an interface unit connected to the Parallel Expansion Bus.  The
     interface unit will contain a JULIE FIFO interface chip designed to
     allow communications between the XL computers and the Expansion Box.
     In addition the interface unit will have a 2K handler rom for the
     P.B.I. and one LS-TTL decoder chip.  Power for the interface unit will
     be provided by the expansion box.  The Interface will be connected to
     the Expansion Box via a 26 conductor double shielded cable.  The cable
     is to be 3 feet in total length.

     2.2.5 Power Supply

       Shown below are the total power requirements.

       +5  VDC       4.5 Amps
       +12 VDC       0.5 Amps
       -12 VDC       0.5 Amps
       +9  VDC       0.2 Amps unregulated

     2.2.6 Memory Map

                 FFFF +----+
                      |    |
                      |    | 8K System ROM
                      |    |
                 E000 +----+
                      |    | I/O Space
                 D000 +----+
                      |    | Apple Board Space
                 C000 +----+
                      |    |
                      |    |
                 A000 |    |
                      |    |
                      |    |
                 8000 |    |
                      |    |
                 6000 |    | Free Memory Space
                      |    |
                 4000 |    |
                      |    |
                 2000 |    |
                      |    |
                 0800 +----+ 2K RAM
                 0000 +----+

                     System Map

                 DFFF +----+ Device select and INT status
                      |    |
                      |    |
                 DC00 |    |
                      |    |
                      |    |
                 D800 |    | Open Device I/O Area
                      |    |
                      |    |
                 D400 |    |
                      |    |
                      |    |
                      |    | CPU Interface, UART, Parallel Printer
                 D000 +----+

                      I/O Map

     3.0 Future Enhancements

       The future enhancements include a SIO card to allow operation with
     the current Atari 400/800 line as well as the option cards stated in
     the introduction.  As of this document no option cards are defined.

     4.0 Cost Targets

       The targeted standard cost for this unit is $125.  This cost will
     include the processor card with 2 serial channels and the interface to
     the current XL product line.

     5.0 Packaging

     5.1 Inner Packing

       The inner packing must protect the Expansion Box and accessories from
     10 drops from 24 inches on any of six surfaces, three edges radiating
     from one corner without any internal damage.  The inner packing must
     also protect the Expansion Box and accessories from vibrations of 30
     minutes each, 2 directions 90 degrees apart, 100-300 cycles per minute.
     Packing must leave the surface 0.06 inches at some time, again leaving
     no damage.

     5.2 Display Carton

       The display carton should be a six sided 24 pt. SBS (white chipboard)
     folding carton, printed in 4 colors plus PMS877 silver, with UV or
     other abrasion resistance coating.  All graphics will be specified by

     5.3 Shrink Wrap

       The fully packaged product will be shrink wrapped to prevent damage
     and pilferage.

     5.4 Shipping Carton

       The weight and type of corrugate as well as the number of products
     per shipping carton are to be specified by Atari.

     5.5 Carton Contents

       * Expansion Box Unit
       * Interface Unit for XL computers
       * Interface Cable
       * 2 RS-232C Cables
       * Processor Card
       * Owners Manual and Warranty card
       * Atari products catalog

     5.6 Product Name

       The proposed official name is "Atari Expansion Box".

     6.0 Manual Requirements

       The unit will include an owners manual to be specified by Atari.

                          Expansion Box Specifications


            Below are the changes to the documents of the same name
          dated 7/27/83 and 10/14/83 respectively.

          1.0 Introduction

            The Expansion Box is an extension device providing support
          of expansion cards for the Atari Computer line.  This device
          provides Atari systems with expansion and enhancement.  The
          bus enables the consumer to connect a variety of different
          devices to the Expansion Box Interface (E.B.I.).  Some
          devices are listed below.

            1) RAM EXPANSION
            3) Z-80 PROCESSOR

          2.1.1 Appearance

            The Expansion Box matches the styling of the current XL
          product line.  The Box has all connections to devices and
          power in the rear of the box.  A flat cable (connected to the
          front of the box) connects the Expansion Box to all
          PBI-equipped computers.

          2.1.2 Design Concepts

            The Expansion Box requires less than one square foot of
          table space.  The top is easily removable so the user can
          access the option cards.  The Box supports five 9 by 5 inch
          option cards.  To remove the top of the box, the AC adaptor
          must be unplugged from the box.

          2.2.1 Architectural Overview

            The expansion box contains a triple-output power supply
          providing regulated +12 volts and -12 volts and +10 volts
          unregulated.  Also provided is a half-wave rectified AC
          waveform (for power-line frequency reference only) and +5
          volts (for reference only).

            The address bus, data bus and control lines are buffered by
          the expansion box and bussed to the five edge connectors


            The Expansion Box Interface signals are accessible through
          a 50-pin connector.  This connector is an AMP type
          2-530843-9.  It mates to a standard card edge with gold
          plated fingers at .100 inch centers.

 D.C. Characteristics

            All E.B.I. outputs have the drive capability of 24mA at
          logic 0 (Iol) and -6mA at logic 1 (Ioh).

            All E.B.I. open collector input lines must be able to sink
          10mA (min) at .4V (max).

            All E.B.I. non-open collecotr input lines except AUDIO must
          have the drive capability of 24mA at logic 0 (Iol) and -6mA
          at logic 1 (Ioh).

            All E.B.I. signals except AUDIO will be at standard TTL
          logic levels.

            The AUDIO input line must drive a 4.7KOhm source impedance
          with a 100mV peak to peak signal.

            Each expansion box card should not load any E.B.I. output
          line with more than three standard TTL loads.

 A.C. Characteristics

            All specifications are referenced to the standard 2 MHz
          6502 specifications.

            The signal PHASE2 is the 6502 clock at the processor.

 Materials Requirements

            Contact fingers shall be plated with nickel of the
          low-stress type, Class II per federal specification QQ-N290A.
          Nickel plate thickness shall be 100 +/- 25 microinches.  The
          nickel plating shall be overplated with gold type II (23+
          karat), 15 microinches minimum (130-200 knoop hardness) or 10
          microinches minimum (201 or over knoop hardness).  Impurities
          shall not exceed .1%, not including metallic hardeners.
          Roughness shall be less than 50 microinches.

          2.2.3 Power Supply

            The power supply is comprised of an external AC adaptor
          capable of providing 40VA at 9.5 vAC to the Expansion Box and
          an internal rectifier/filter/regulator system.  This system

            +10 vDC  UNREGULATED (+40% or -15%) at .5A per card slot.
            +12 vDC  REGULATED (+ or - 4%) at 30mA per card slot.
            -12 vDC  REGULATED (+ or - 4%) at 30mA per card slot.
            +5 VREF  REGULATED (+ or - 4%) as a reference only.
            AC - a 60 Hz reference only.

            Total supply current capacity is five times the per card
          slot amounts.

            It is recommended that the Expansion Box NOT be operated
          with the cover removed for safety reasons and to comply with
          radiated emissions standards.

          3.0 Notes

          3.1 RAM 64KMR

            The RAM 64KMR module is designed to be used in the
          expansion box.  However, it does not completely adhere to the
          E.B.I. protocol since it will allow RAM to be selected in
          lieu of the O/S (when used in the "1064 mode".)


            The memory space from D100H to D1AFH is available for use
          by most applications.  This space should be used by a device
          with the device select bit enabling its use.  If the device
          select bit is not used, there is potential bus conflict
          between E.B.D.s.  The remainder of the I/O space between
          D1B0H and D1FFH is mapped as follows:

            D1B0H - D1C7H   Speech/Modem/Disk Registers
            D1C8H - D1CEH   Atari Reserved
            D1CFH           Alternate Interrupt Register (1450 only)
            D1D0H - D1DFH   Audio Registers
            D1E0H - D1E7H   Atari Reserved
            D1E8H - D1EFH   Parallel/Serial Registers
            D1F0H - D1F7H   Alternate CPU Registers
            D1F8H - D1FDH   80 Column Video Registers
            D1FEH           RAM Bank Select Register
            D1FFH           E.B.D. Select/Interrupt Register


     1.0  Introduction:

       The Parallel Bus Interface (PBI) is provided on the S-16 to support
     high speed peripherals, communication devices and cartridges.

       The objective of the PBI is two-fold:

       (1)  To provide for future system improvement and expansion of the

       (2)  To provide a simplified interface standard that will envoke
     interest from peripheral manufacturers in making peripherals for the

       The physical connection of the peripherals to the S-16 is conceived
     of being through a unit called the "Expansion Box".  Roughly, the
     "Expansion Box" provides a low cost, easy-to-use multiple access
     mechanism to the PBI.  It consists of electronics necessary to
     implement the interface protocol between the CPU and the Parallel Bus
     peripherals.  Further details of the Expansion box are TBD.

       This document gives a logical definition of the pins on the PBI.  It
     defines the characteristics of devices that can be supported on the

       The electrical specifications of the PBI signals and the details of
     the PBI protocol are in the S-16 Product Specification.


       The Parallel Bus Interface Connector is a 50 pin connector (See
     figure 5.2.9) with the following signals.

       PIN 3 through PIN 18 are A0 through A15 respectively.  These are the
     CPU address lines.  The CPU addresses the Parallel Bus Interface
     devices using these lines.

       PIN 19 through PIN 26 are D0 through D7 respectively.  These are the
     processor data lines.  The CPU transmits and receives data and control
     information from the Parallel Bus Interface devices on these lines.

       PINS 35, 36, and 37: are COMM A, COMM B, and COMM C select lines
     respectively.  The Parallel Bus Interface devices lie in the CPU memory
     map.  Three 256 byte segments of the CPU memory map are reserved for
     control of the parallel bus devices.  COMM A selects the segment from
     D600 to D6FF.  COMM B selects the segment from D700 to D7FF.  COMM C
     selects the segment from D100 to D1FF.  COMM A, COMM B, and COMM C are
     low when active.

       PIN 31 is for the Buffered Phase 2 Clock (B02) Output to the Parallel
     Bus Interface devices.

       PINS 2, 44, 45, and 46 are not connected.

       PIN 29 is the IRQ (Interrupt Request) input from the Parallel Bus
     Interface devices.  A PBI device can pull this input low to invoke the
     device handler that services the parallel bus device.  This input is
     "open drain".

       PIN 32 is the Read/Write (R/W) Output to the Parallel Bus Interface
     devices.  This line is "high" for a read cycle.  It is low for a write

       PIN 34 is the PoWeR ON (PWRON) Input from the Parallel Bus Interface
     devices.  This input will allow the implementation of the "auto-wakeup"
     feature in future enhancements of the S-16.  This signal is "low" when

       PIN 38 is reserved for future expansion.

       PIN 33 is Power on Reset (POR) ouput to the Parallel Bus Interface
     devices.  This output resets any device so designed on power up and
     when the RESET key on the S-16 keyboard is hit.

       PIN 49 is audio in and out signal from/to the Parallel Bus devices.
     This line is connected directly to the audio summation network of the
     S-16.  This audio signal is a 1 volt peak to peak.

       PIN 39 is the MODSEN (Module Sense) input from the Parallel Bus
     Interface Modules.  This input is pulled low whenever a Parallel Bus
     Interface module is connected to the PBI.

       PINS 47 and 48 are GROUND.

       PIN 28 is External Decoder Enable (EXTENB) Output.  This output goes
     high when an address on the CPU bus is an allowed address for a PBI
     device.  The S-16 generates the EXTENB signal for all segments of the
     CPU memory map except:

       (a)  The Active segments of the O.S. ROM.  Any disabled segments of
     the O.S. ROM generate the EXTENB signal when addressed.

       (b)  The region occupied by the internal cartridge (if present).

       PIN 27 is the External Select (EXTSEL) Input.  This input is
     generated by the (external) decoder resident in the PBI device.  This
     signal should go low whenever the EXTENB is enabled and the PBI device
     uses the address generated on the CPU Bus.  This input is used to
     disable the S-16 decoder for the duration of the current bus cycle.

       PIN 30 is the RDY input to the S-16.  A slow PBI device can extend
     the CPU bus cycle by pulling this line low when it is addressed.

       PIN 40 is the Refresh (REF) output.  This output may be used for the
     refresh timing of volitile memories connected to the PBI.

       PIN 1 and PIN 50 are shield grounds.

       PIN 41 is Auto-run Present (ARP) pin.  This pin goes high whenever an
     auto-run cartridge is present at the PBI.  All auto-run cartridges
     should pull this line to the "high" state internally.

       PIN 42 is Auto-run Disable (ARD) pin.  This pin goes high whenever a
     cartridge is present in the internal cartridge slot.  The Auto-run
     cartridge should disable their decoder whenever this line is in the
     "high" state.

       PIN 43 is Math Pak Disable (MPD) input from the PBI devices.  This
     input is pulled to the "low" state whenever a Parallel Bus Peripheral
     is selected by the CPU (the enable bit in location D1FDH is set).

                    SHIELD GND |-1    2-| N/C
                            A0 |-3    4-| A1
                            A2 |-5    6-| A3
                            A4 |-7    8-| A5
                            A6 |-9   10-| A7
                            A8 |-11  12-| A9
                           A10 |-13  14-| A11
                           A12 |-15  16-| A13
                           A14 |-17  18-| A15
                            D0 |-19  20-| D1
                            D2 |-21  22-| D3
                            D4 |-23  24-| D5
                            D6 |-25  26-| D7
                        EXTSEL |-27  28-| EXTENB
                           IRQ |-29  30-| RDY
                           B02 |-31  32-| R/W
                           POR |-33  34-| PWRON
                        COMM A |-35  36-| COMM B
                        COMM C |-37  38-| P0
                        MODSEN |-39  40-| REF
                           ARP |-41  42-| ARD
                           MPD |-43  44-| N/C
                           N/C |-45  46-| N/C
                           GND |-47  48-| GND
                         AUDIO |-49  50-| SHIELD GND

                       FIGURE 5.2.9  PBI Connector

     3.0  Parallel Bus Devices

       The Parallel bus will support 3 types of devices:

     3.1  Auto-Run Cartridges:

       These cartridges are functionally identical to those that plug into
     the cartridge slot of the S-16 except that they can be up to 32K Bytes
     in size (in 4K Byte increments).  The top address for these cartridges
     must be BFFFH and they must assert the "AUTO-RUN PRESENT" line when
     inserted into the expansion box.  The auto-run cartridges work under
     the following constraints:

       (a) Only one such cartridge will work at a time.

       (b) If a cartridge is present in the internal cartridge slot, the
     auto-run cartridge is ignored by the S-16.

       (c) If no cartridge is present in the internal cartridge slot the
     auto-run cartridges operate in a manner identical to the cartridge slot
     cartridges.  No additional handlers or O.S. changes are needed.

       (d) If an auto-run cartridge is present in the expansion slot, any
     "External Application" cartridges (See Sec. 3.3) plugged into the
     Expansion box will be disabled.

       (e) The Auto-run cartridges conform to the EXTSEL/EXTENB protocol
     (have their own decoder).

       (f) The Auto-run cartridges must disable their decoder if the
     "Auto-run Disable" output of the S-16 is active.

     3.2  Parallel Bus Peripherals (PBPs)

       The PBPs have the following characteristics:

       (a) They interface to the S-16 through a well defined handler/O.S.
     interface.  The code for this interface is resident in CPU memory
     location D600H to D7FFH (COMM A & COMM B areas).  The ROM containing
     this code is physically located on the expansion box.

       The S-16 O.S. can support up to 8 PBPs.

       (b) Each PBP has a unique handler that resides in the CPU memory
     space at locations D800H to DFFFH.  The ROM(s) containing the code for
     these handlers are physically resident on the respective peripheral
     boards (The memory space occupied by the handlers actually contains the
     Math-pak within the S-16.  The Math-pak is disabled whenever any PBP is
     enabled. (See (c) below).

       (c) Locations D1FDH thru D1FFH (in COMM C space) in the CPU memory
     map are reserved for passing control information between the S-16 and
     the PBPs.

       Location D1FDH is Slot-Select location with the following bit

                          7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
                        | X | X | X | X | E | I | I | I |

       E = Enable bit.  The S-16 sets this bit to logic 1 whenever the O.S.
     wishes to communicate with a device in the slot whose I.D. is specified
     by III.  When the Enable bit is set to logic 1 the S-16 disables the
     Math-pak and maps the region from D800H to DFFFH to the expansion box.
     The Enable bit is latched in the expansion box and it must be set to
     logic "0" to disable the PBPs.

       III = SLOT I.D.  The S-16 O.S. can support a maximum of 8 PBPs.  The
     slot I.D. is latched in the expansion box and a slot remains selected
     till a different slot I.D. is generated or the enable bit is set to
     logic 0.

       X = Don't Care.

       The Slot I.D. decoder is physically located on the expansion box.
     location D1FEH is Interrupt vector location with the following bit

                         7   6   5   4   3    2   1   0
                       | X | X | X | X | IR | I | I | I |

       IR = Interrupt Request.  This bit, when logic 1, indicates to the
     S-16 O.S. that a device in the Expansion box has interrupted.  When
     this bit is logic 0, no device in the expansion box has interrupt.

       III = is the slot I.D. of the highest priority slot that generates
     the interrupt.  The S-16 O.S. assumes that the slots have fixed
     priority.  The slot with an I.D. of 7 has the highest priority.

       X = Don't Care.

       The priority encoder is physically located on the expansion box.
     Location D1FFH is un-encoded interrupt location with the following bit

                      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
                    | I7 | I6 | I5 | I4 | I3 | I2 | I1 | I0 |

       IX (X = 0 to 7):  This bit is set to logic 1 whenever a device in
     slot X generates an interrupt.  This bit is cleared by the interrupt
     servicing routine for the device in slot X.

       The un-encoded interrupt location allows an application program to
     mask the interrupts from the specific slots.  With the masking
     arrangement, an application program may ignore the fixed priority by
     slots and implement its own priority scheme.

       (d) A peripheral handler may respond to address in the region
     D800H-DFFFH only when the slot in which it resides is selected.
     Location D800H contains the device I.D. of a PBP.  If a slot that
     contains no peripheral is selected, address D800H should return FFH as

       The peripheral handlers must conform to the EXTSEL/EXTENB protocol as
     specified in the S-16 Product Specifications.

       (e) A peripheral may respond to address in the region D100H to D1FCH
     only when the slot in which it resides is selected.

       (f) The PBPs will have priority over the SIO peripheral when they are
     addressed generically.

       (g) The data between the S-16 and a PBP is passed under control of
     the peripheral handler for the PBPs.

       (h) The PBPs will work if an auto-run cartridge or an internal
     cartridge is present in the system.

     3.3  "External Application" Cartridges:

       The External Application Cartridge are a generalization of the
     auto-run cartridges and the PBPs.  They have the following

       (a) An "External Applications" Cartridge (EAC) can reside at any or
     all of the address in the region 4000H to BFFFH.  They may respond to
     these addresses only when "opened".

       (b) The EACs must be "opened" by the S-16 through the slot select
     location in the same way as the PBPs.

       (c) The EACs must conform to the EXTENB/EXTSEL protocol.

       (d) The EACs must have a "handler" (resident in locations D800H to
     DFFFH) that controls their operation.  The EACs must conform to
     conditions (d) and (e) of section 3.2 above.

       (e) The EACs will work only if no auto-run cartridge is enabled in
     the expansion box.  The EACs must input the AUTO-RUN DISABLE line to
     ascertain that the Auto-run cartridge is disabled before asserting
     themselves on the Expansion Bus.

       (f) The EACs may work even if a cartridge is present in the internal
     cartridge slot.

     4.0  assumptions

       (a) The above description of the PBI devices assumes that there is a
     mechanism in the Expansion Box that prevents more than one auto-run
     cartridge from being turned on at a time on the PBI.  This mechanism
     may be a daisy chain priority scheme by slots or the auto-run
     cartridges may be specified to work in only one of the 8 possible

       (b) The above description also assumes that there is a power shut-off
     interlock switch on the internal cartridge door.