[comp.sys.atari.8bit] WordProcessors query.

jbanner@sol.uvic.ca (S. John Banner) (04/16/91)

    Hello, a freind of mine just recently got an atari (I don't even
know what kind, except I know it is not in the ST line), and very
shortly there after had to replace the printer.  Unfortunately, the
WordProcessor that came with the machine doesn't support the new
printer he got (I don't even remember which printer, helpfull
aren't I :-).  Anyhow, now he is looking for a new WordProcessor
that will deal with his printer, and as I am the local computer
wiz, the task fell to me...  So, knowing nothing, I am asking for
help from the best place I can think of.  Does anyone have any
suggestions?  Are there any available by FTP from somewhere (and if
so, how would I get it onto a disk for him?).  If there are
commercial suggestions, what sort of a price range are we looking
at (we are looking fairly low budget I understand).

		Thanks in advance,

                      S. John Banner

jbanner@uvvm.bitnet  (Please avoid this address if possible)


                      S. John Banner
