[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Turbo-816

mike@mgc.uucp (Michael Blenkiron) (04/16/91)

After recently getting hold of an Atari 8-bit replacement  
CPU - Turbo 816 - at a bargain second-hand price, I'm very
interested in obtaining details of the manufacturers, or any
other information relating to the device generally.

I do believe it is a Canadian product, though I'm not sure
if the company is still in existance. Any help on the matter
would be greatly appreciated. Email only please. Ta!

parsons@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (Scott Parish) (04/18/91)

mike@mgc.uucp (Michael Blenkiron) writes:

>After recently getting hold of an Atari 8-bit replacement  
>CPU - Turbo 816 - at a bargain second-hand price, I'm very
>interested in obtaining details of the manufacturers, or any
>other information relating to the device generally.

Well, in case anyone else is wondering about this product, or other
products from Dataque.  Here's a current price sheet direct from Dataque 
via GEnie.  If you look hard enough at this list, you will notice they
are developing a C compiler for the 8-bit (Look down this article about
3/4 of the way).

Send me no questions, I'm only posting in case someone is interested they can
look for themselves.
    From: DataQue Software                 GEnie:      DataQue.1   (Daily)
          Post Office Box 134              Compuserve: 71777,3223  (Weekly)
          Ontario, OH  44862               DELPHI:     DataQue     (Daily)
    Subj: Product Information Release #91.04                     April 1991
    There are several new products in this release, some of which are
    still in development.  They are listed here, mainly to let you know
    that there ARE products still available for the Atari Classic

    Starting with this release, a simplified pricing structure has been
    implemented.  All prices are shown in US Dollars, for end user
    purchases.  See company policy at the end of this file for more
    information on the ordering procedures.

    Mono-Video 80: 
    This product is a 80 column monochrome video adapter which connects
    to the computer using the PBI connector.  With 130XE computers you
    will need a bus adapter, available from ICD, Inc.  for approx $20.

    The MV80 will connect to either a composite, or TTL CGA type
    monitor.  All needed software drivers for 80 column, and 40 column
    emulation are included in ROM on the card.  Multiple character sets
    are available via software control.  The MV80 is a text device
    only, so only the E: device is modified...  The S: device is still
    routed to ANTIC/GTIA.  More information will be made available when
    the product is shipping.

    MV80A      Monochrome 80 Column Adapter     ** ESTIMATED ** Cost $100.00

*** Specifications and prices listed are projected and are subject to change.
    Final specifications will be released when the product is available.
    This is projected to be available 3Q '91.

    The Turbo-816x is a 16-bit CPU upgrade for the Atari XL/XE
    computer.  This upgrade will add 16-bit working registers, a 24-bit
    address bus, and numerous new addressing modes and instructions. 
    All this new power is available to new programs written to take
    advantage of the new CPU, while maximum compatibility with current
    hardware, and software is maintained.

    Included with the Turbo-816x is a new operating system PROM, which
    can be installed to replace your current Atari OS, or using a
    switch circuit, used in addition to the Atari OS.  This OS chip,
    called the Turbo-OS provides system calls to take advantage of the
    new processor addressing.
    The Turbo-816x is clocked at the same speed as the original Atari
    CPU, so that current games and such will run at approximately the
    same speed as with the stock CPU.  Since the OS, Interrupts, and
    Floating Point package are more efficient than the stock OS,
    existing applications will realize a speed increase of 5-10% in
    addition to an increase that is proportional to their OS system
    call usage.

    The Turbo-816x comes packaged with the following: 
    - Turbo-816 adapter board for the XL/XE computer systems. 
    - Turbo-OS Operating System 28-pin PROM (2 for 1200XL). 
    - CPU ribbon cable with connectors. 
    - Installation guide.
    Included also are the following files on SSSD disk: 
    Turbo-816 expansion bus pinout. 
    Turbo-816 MAC/65 compatible macros for 65816 instructions. 
    Turbo-OS MAC/65 compatible include file. 
    Turbo-OS to Atari 400/800/XL/XE OS cross-ref guide. 
    Turbo-OS function call application information. 
    Turbo-OS memory map guide, menu features, and several example files.

    T816X-K    Turbo-816 Kit                                    Cost $110.00 

               Turbo-816 for the XL/XE computers.  Includes adapter
               board, connection cable, Turbo-OS PROM, installation and
               usage guide, programming information diskettes.  Please
               indicate which system (600xl, 800xl, 130xe, or 65xe). 
               To make room for added features the international
               character set, and cassette device handler have been
               removed from all versions of the Turbo-OS.  Installing
               the Dual-Prom option will allow use of the Atari OS in
               applications where those features are desired.
    T816X12-K  Turbo-816 for 1200XL                             Cost $130.00

               Same as XL/XE kit, except includes two PROMs for the
               1200XL.  Note: 1200XL function keys and lights are not
    T816IND    Installation w/Dual Prom Option                  Cost $45.00 
    T816I12D1  Installation into 1200XL (w/800XL Atari OS)      Cost $70.00
    T816I12D2  Installation into 1200XL (w/1200XL Atari OS)     Cost $65.00
               Includes installation of a Turbo-816 into an Atari 8-bit
               computer.  Units will be tested before the installation,
               and will not be modified if the unit does not pass all
               tests.  Price includes any needed sockets, wire and
               toggle switch.  Installations usually have a three to
               four day turn-around except 1200XL I12D1, which may take
               longer.  Please provide name, address, phone number AND
               sufficient return postage.
    TOS08      Turbo-OS PROM      $12.00  Upgrade OS to 1.311
    TOS08UG    Turbo-OS PROM      $22.00  Upgrade OS, and T816 board to 1.5

               Upgrade/replacement Turbo-OS PROM of the current version
               for the 600XL, 800XL, 130XE, 65XE or single PROM 1200XL. 
               Use 'UG' suffix for upgrading T816 and OS to current
               version.  You must return your T816 board for board

    T816-OSW   Turbo-OS source listing                          Cost $200.00 
               Turbo-OS listing includes a list file of the current
               version of the Turbo-OS.  It is available only as a
               listing file.  A signed non-disclosure form,must be
               included with the order.  Write for more information. 
               This is not for resale, and must be purchased directly
               by the developer.  Purchase does not grant any usage
               rights to the information contained within, other than
               for writing compatible applications.  Available on
               either Atari DOS 2.x, or MS-DOS formats.

    This program allows BASIC programmers to have reference data close
    by while they are programming.  This version is designed for DOS
    2.x and compatibles.  Among the functions included are:


    PRG-PAL1   Programmer's PAL                                 Cost $20.00
    PRG-SRC1   Source code for Programmer's PAL                 Cost $30.00

    These boards will hold two memory devices.  Supported types are
    62256 (32k SRAM), 66204 (128k SRAM), 27256 (32k EPROM), 27512 (64k
    EPROM), and 27010 (128k EPROM).  Information to configure the card
    for other devices is supplied.  Both devices should be the same
    size, although you may have one SRAM device, and one PROM device.
    Turbo-SRAM boards include a shunt selection guide, connection
    cable, protection sheath, and memory as specified by the part
    number suffix.  The cable included will support one memory card. 
    Turbo-SRAM is available without any installed RAM, 64k or SRAM, or
    128k of SRAM.

    TSRAM-0    0k Turbo-SRAM                                    Cost $35.00
    TSRAM-64   64k Turbo-SRAM                                   Cost $50.00
    TSRAM-128  128k Turbo-SRAM                                  Cost $70.00
    TSRAM-256  256k Turbo-SRAM                                  Cost $99.00

    Turbo-Calc is a cartridged based spreadsheet program for the Atari
    800/XL/XE/XEGS/T816 systems.  It will work with, or without a
    Turbo-816 installed.  The Turbo-816 is required to allow access to
    expanded RAM.  Turbo-Calc supports up to 104 columns and 99 rows of

    Source code for Turbo-Calc is also available seperately, Please
    specify either MS-DOS, or Atari DOS disk format, and whether you
    want 5.25" or 3.5" floppies.  The Turbo-View environment is not
    included in this source code package (see Turbo-View).
    T816-S16   Turbo-Calc                                       Cost $30.00
    T816-S16S  Turbo-Calc Source Code Listing (w/o Turbo-View)  Cost $20.00

    Turbo-View is a graphical operating environment, which uses the
    graphics 0 (antic 2) mode.  The source code supplied contains the
    windowing routines, and execution control algorithms.  Supplied
    also is the Turbo-View module of the Turbo-Calc program, to show an
    actual example of its use.  Purchase of source allows use in
    non-commercial programs.
    T816-V16S  Turbo-View source code (non-commercial use)      Cost $30.00

    This is an assembler which will run on any 8-bit Atari computer,
    and generate either 6502, or 65816 object code.  There is also an
    extended version for systems which have XE banked type upgrades. 
    This was written by Jeff Williams of Canada, and coined as the Alf

    T816-A8    Alf-Assembler for 6502/65816                     Cost $20.00

    TC8                                *** availability to be announced ***
    This is the high level language system you have been waiting for. 
    The C language is THE most popular language on large systems, and
    now you can also develop complex programs using C, without paying
    the severe code size, and speed penalties that 'other' high level
    languages for the Atari 8-bit have demanded.

    TC8 will be distributed on a bank selected cartridge, to allow all
    the features of the ANSI C language.  Not a small subset, but the
    real thing.  A full function library will also included on disk, to
    allow users to make changes to system functions.  Library source
    will be offered seperately.

    The system will have an integrated environment, which includes an
    editor, C compiler, assembler, linker, and librarian.  Other possible
    utilities which *may* be included are: A profiler, symbolic debugger,
    make utility, and project manager.
    TC8DC  Turbo-C8 Developer Cartridge        ** ESTIMATED ** Cost $55.00

*** Specifications and prices listed are projected and are subject to change.
    Final specifications will be released when the product is available.
    This is projected to be available 3Q '91.

    TBC-4000                           *** availability to be announced ***
    The TBC-4000 is a bank selected cartridge for all Atari 8-bit computer
    systems.  Many users have requested the availability of an easy to
    use banked cartridge, and here it is!

    The TBC-4000 has a socket for one JEDEC memory device.  This can be any
    EPROM from 2764 (8K byte) through 274000 (512K byte).  There is an 
    option socket for an 8-pin EEPROM (Electrically Eraseable EPROM).  This
    can be used to store user programmed defaults.  There are several of
    these EEPROMS available, from 256 bits, through 4K bits.

    To simplify programming, the TBC-4000 forces bank-0 into the upper
    half of the cartridge (4K bytes) at all times.  This removes the hassle
    of recalculating the cartridge checksum on the XL/XE's each time the
    bank is changed.  Also, bank-0 will always be the bank entered through
    the OS system reset/init, so you do not have to duplicate that code
    in each bank.  Since this bank is always accessible, your bank switching
    and other often used subroutines can be located here for optimum
    performance.  The lower 4K of the cartridge will power up randomly, so
    your bank-0 init code will have to initialize the select register.

    The price below does NOT include any EPROM or EEPROM memory device,
    and is for low volume (under 25) purchases.

    TBC-4000  Banked Program Cartrige      ** ESTIMATED COST UNDER $17.00

*** Specifications and prices listed are projected and are subject to change.
    Final specifications will be released when the product is available.
    This is projected to be available 3Q '91.

    MSDOS Cross-Development Products for the Atari 8-bit Systems:
    The following products are available for those programmers which
    have access to a IBM/PC or compatible computer, and would like to
    be able to develop code for their Atari 8-bit (and Turbo-816)

    These programs require a minimum of 256K of available RAM, and
    either MSDOS or PCDOS, version 3.0 or higher.  They will all work
    on 8088 through 80386 based machines.  A hard drive is recommended.

    The X816 assembler will produce code in either binary image (for
    EPROMS) or Atari binary load format.  Extended Turbo-816 object
    format is also supported for images which are to be loaded above
    the normal 6502 addressing range.

    X816    cross-assembler for 6502/65816              Cost $20.00

    D816 will accept either of the two binary forms for input, in
    addition it will accept the link file produced by X816 (or you can
    construct your own with a text editor) to add symbols to the

    D816    cross-disassembler for 6502/65816           Cost $15.00
    The TT utility will convert Ascii, and Atascii files from one
    format to another with several options.

    TT      text-translator                             Cost $10.00

    H2B and B2H are used to transfer binary images in an ascii form,
    and convert them back to binary images.  Many EPROM programmers use
    one of the supported hex formats.

    B2H     binary to intel/motorola hex and...
    H2B     intel/mot hex to binary translators         Cost $10.00
    A disk with all of the above (most recent versions of each) is
    available for $32.00 on 5.25" MSDOS diskettes.  If you would prefer
    a 3.5" diskette, please indicate such, and enclose an extra $2.00
    per diskette.
    We accept personal checks, Money Orders, or cashier's checks made
    out to DataQue Software.  Personal checks must clear before
    shipment is made.  If you would prefer a COD delivery, include
    $5.00 for special handling.  Shipments are shipped via parcel post
    unless special handling is noted.  Foreign orders must be a money
    order drawn on a US bank, in US funds, and require an additional
    $5.00 added to the total amount.  Any taxes are the responsibility
    of the purchaser.  All orders should include $4.00 to cover
    shipping and handling, except for installations, which should
    include return postage.  All prices are in US dollars and are
    subject to change without notice.
    DataQue warrants its products for 1 year on parts (hardware and
    media), and 90 days on labor.  Shipping to DataQue Software is the
    responsibility of the customer, and return postage is payed by
    DataQue.  Please include a complete description of the problem, and
    a phone number in case we need to contact you.


  Scott Parish  a.k.a.      |    "I don't believe it."   -- Luke Skywalker 
parsons@matt.ksu.ksu.edu    |    "That is why you fail." -- Yoda, Jedi Master