brett@pigpen (Brett S Bourbin) (08/05/88)
I have seen a few messages posted here about some of the old Atari manuals, and if anyone wishes to buy mine, I would be happy to sell them. I use to program on the 800 in assembly language, but I have moved up to a 68000 and only use the 8bitter to play some Lucasfilms games and M.U.L.E. I have the Technical Notes (Hardware Manual, OS Manual, and OS Source code), De Re Atari "All About Atari", Atari Assembly Manuals Inside Atari DOS which has the source code to DOS 2 along with the last four years of Antic and ANALOG magazines, but I think I will hold on to them, unless someone really wants them. The prices for this stuff, well, I don't really need it and if it would help someone else, all the better. I guess a small fee for shipping them out and a few dollars would be enough. I am not trying to make money off of this, just trying to let others get some good use out of the manuals, as I did. - Brett __ __ _ __ _ | || | / || || \ Brett S Bourbin | || || || || | INTERNET: brett@PIGPEN.UMD.EDU | || || || || | \_||_/ |__||__||__| Instructional Computing Programs College Park (David R. Richardson) (05/06/91)
I have seen references to various Atari manuals from the 800 days, including: The Operating System reference manual The Operating System source code manual Hardware Reference manual DOS reference manual DOS source code manual and so on. Can anyone tell me which of these actually exist, and which are just different names for the same book. A brief summary of what they contain would also be helpful. More importantly, does anyone know if it is still possible to order them, and if so how. If not, would anyone be willing to provide a photocopy (I would be happy to pay duplication and shipping costs)? Thanks, david richardson IFS Project, University of Michigan (313) 763-0594 (05/08/91)
The first three manuals come part of the Atari Tech. Ref. Notes package. That is the OS Ref Manual, OS source listing, and Hardware ref. Manual. This package is available for B&C COmputer Visions in CA. It is a $30 package? and is a must have for the ATari collector.... when ordering Pick up the 1200XL Ref notes Addition...for $12...this you will need to see some of the changes from the 400/800 os to the 1200XL os to the somewhat similiar XL/XE os. The Dos ref manual comes with whatever DOS you buy..2.0s, 2.0d?, 2.5.... The Dos Source manual is a COmplete source listing of Atari Dos 2.0s by Compute! Books many, many eons ago...Howeve, if they don't have it which is almost definite then try B&C...if you're very, very lucky! L8tr.