[comp.sys.atari.8bit] A lot of Atari 8 bit stuff for sale

Ordania-DM@cup.portal.com (Charles K Hughes) (05/29/91)

  Well, I've finally gotten around to buying a new computer, and in order
to afford this new habit, I have been informed by my spouse that I need
to alleviate myself of excess junk.  In other words, "GET THIS JUNK OUTA
HERE!" :)  Now, of course, Atari 8-bit stuff is NOT junk, but I do have a
wee bit of it, and since I'm unlikely to use all of it, I'm selling most
of it off.
  Listed below is everything that I am selling, with prices.  Anything with
a number in parenthesis after it means I have that number of those items.
If you don't like my prices, feel free to make an offer, the worst I'll do
is politely turn you down.  The items listed together for one price are
meant to be sold as a group, if noone makes a reasonable offer on them,
I'll consider breaking them apart. The prices do not include shipping.
  If you have any questions about the items, feel free to ask.


 $50  800xl - standard

 $75  800xl - hacker: RAM OS Switch, D6 & D7 pages usable as ram
                      External keyboard attached (NOT the upgrade)

 $40  800xl - broken keyboard

 $40  Atari 130xe - broken, with 4 keyboards (all broken)

 $25  Atari 800, w/48k

 $15  Atari 400, w/16k

 $25  1200XL mother board (4)

Disk Drives:

 $150  XF551 DDDS Disk Drive, Upgrade rom for 3.5" disk drive installed.

 $125  Indus GT DDSS Disk Drive, with write-protect switch (ask)

 $85  1050 EDSS Disk Drive

 $15  Atari 810, broken

Peripherals, High End:

 $400  ICD 256k MIO, 20 MB Hard Disk, SCSI-ST506 HD interface,
       Power Supply & Case, SCSI cable, 130XE-MIO interface

 $200  Magnavox RGB Display 80, XEP80 80-column/Printer Interface,
       video cables, & switch box (to switch between 40/80 column modes)

 $80  Atari 850 RS232 interface

Peripherals, Low End:

 $20 Atari 1030 modem

 $25 Atari direct connect Seikosha printer (slow, but it works)

 $10 Alien Voicebox (doesn't work, don't know why)
 $10 Atari 825 printer

 $5  Standard 410
 $2  Standard 410 - missing cassette cover
 $4  Atari 1010 - pause button broken off, no power supply
 $2  Unusual 410 - requires 6v DC input, no power supply


 $10 Trackballs (2)

 $2  Keypads (3, from 2600 Star Raiders Game)

 $15 CX85 Keypad

 $1  Joysticks, broken (lots)

 $5  Paddles (4)

  That's the end of the hardware, now for the list of software:

Cartridge languages:
 $50 SpartaDOS X - latest revision
 $35 RTime-8 - with battery socket

 $50 Basic XE/Mac 65 - single cart, no case
 $30 Basic XL
 $15 Action - no docs
 $15 Atari Assembler
 $5  Atari Basic

Cartridge games:
 $10 Adventure Creator
 $10 Battlezone
 $5  Super Breakout
 $5  Centipede
 $5  Pacman
 $5  Star Raiders (2)
 $5  Digdug
 $5  Missile Command
 $5  Jungle Hunt
 $5  Qbert
 $5  Gridrunner
 $5  Miner 2049er
 $5  Robotron
 $5  Serpentine
 $5  Star Trek
 $5  Computer Chess
 $5  Defender
 $5  Jumpman Jr.
 $5  Jumbo Jet Pilot

Miscellaneous Cartridges:
 $5  Atari Artist
 $5  Education System Master Cartridge
 $5  400/800 Diagnostic Cart

Disk Software:
 $10 Adventure Writer
 $10 Ultima II (missing map)
 $5  Superman
 $10 Ghost Busters
 $10 Mail Order Monsters
 $10 Seven Cities of Gold
 $10 Spy Versus Spy, Volumes I & II
 $5  Boulder Dash Construction Set
 $5  Antic MAPWARE
 $5  Antic RAMbrandt
 $5  Murder on the Zinderneuf
 $5  The Wizard and the Princess (hi-res adventure #2)
 $5  Lepus Revenge
 $5  Home Financial Management
 $10 SmartDOS
 $5  Atari Word Processor disks
 $1  Atari DOS 3 (2)
 $3  Antic DISK, July 1983
 $3  Antic DISK, November 1980
 $3  Antic DISK, Feb/Mar 1990
 $3  Analog DISK, July 1988
 $5  Filemanager 800+

Tape Software:

 $5   Tanktics
 $15  Telengard, Andromeda Conquest, Shamus, Conflict 2500,
           B-1 Nuclear Bomber, Galaxy, Voyager 1, Roadracer/Bowler,
           101 Programming Tips & Tricks, Introduction to Sound,
           Introduction to Graphics, Writing Programs Two, Super Cubes & Slip

 $15 Mapping the Atari, revised edition
 $15 De Re Atari
 $7  Compute's Second Book of Atari
 $10 Compute's Third Book of Atari
 $10 Machine Language for Beginners (2)
 $10 The second book of Machine Language
 $10 The Atari Basic Source Book
 $10 Inside Atari DOS
 $5  Programmers Reference Guide for the Atari 400/800 Computers
 $5  Your Atari Computer (good reference guide)
 $5  Atari Roots (guide to machine language)
 $5  The Atari Assembler
 $10 6502 Applications - Rodney Zaks
 $15 6502 Assembly Language Programming - Lance Leventhal
 $19 6502 Assembly Language Subroutines - Lance Leventhal
 $10 Top Down Assembly Language Programming for the 6502 - Ken Skier
 $5  Inside Atari Basic
 $5  Basic Exercises for the Atari
 $5  Atari Programming with 55 programs
 $5  Forth on the Atari
 $5  Program Descriptions 1 (for Hofacker software on your atari computer)
 $5  Visicalc package (no disk)

  Well, that's all of it, almost...  I have have a ton of paperwork
(magazines, copied articles, etc), a bunch of junk that I didn't bother
listing, and about 100 disks filled with PD stuff.  If you don't see
something you want, just ask, I might actually have it.  Also, if you
buy a lot, I'm willing to give you a discount (the size of the discount
depends on how much you buy :).

  Anyway, if you are interested in any of this, here is my address & phone:

  Charles Hughes
  555 E. Washington Ave, Apt #301
  Sunnyvale, CA 94086

  (408) 732-7749