[comp.sys.atari.8bit] TransKey - contacting DataQue

njd@cbnewsd.att.com (nick.j.dimasi) (06/19/91)

I rec'd e-mail from someone saying that he was interested in using an IBM
keyboard on his 8-bit, and to please send him the address of DataQue.  Due to
line noise, I accidentally deleted his mail - so I don't have his e-mail
address.  Since this is probably of general interest, I decided to post it.

Quick recap:  the TransKey IBM-keyboard-to-Atari-8bit adapter is available 
from DataQue.  

Even though the sale is supposed to be over, according to the
"Official ... Sale Details" article I downloaded, the solder-in version,
needed for XEs and other un-socketed 8-bits, is still under $50 [$47]; the
plug-in version is a bit more [$57].)

DataQue Software	GEnie: DataQue.1	BBS: (419) 529-5197
P.O. Box 134		Delphi: DATAQUE
Ontario, OH  44862	CIS: 71777,3223

I have no personal experience with or knowledge of TransKey.  (However, I 
do know that Chuck Steinman of DataQue is a widely-respected developer of 
8-bit software and hardware.)

Nick DiMasi			      | Fox Valley Software, Ltd.
nick@udt386.chi.il.us 		      | a subsidiary of
     [I'm not there as much]	      | Uniq Digital Technologies, Inc.
...att!odutsa!njd [I'm on here a lot] |
or njd@odutsa.att.com                 | under contract to AT&T Network Systems
DELPHI: TURBONICK		      | (Network Software Ctr., Lisle, IL)