[comp.sys.m68k] Looking for info on MC68K Exormacs peripherals

dlw@pdp.cs.OHIOU.EDU (Daniel Weigert) (04/18/87)

I've just become the proud owner of a Motorola Exormacs system. Unfortunately,
it only has 3 serial ports, and 32 Mb of disk space.   I'm looking for
a 100+ Mb SMD interface diskdrive and a 9 track or streaming tape backup.
I'm also looking for six or seven more ports, as I want to accomodate several users.
If you have any of the above for sale, or info on anything, please send me
email, or call me at (614)-597-7848 after 6:30 pm.  
Daniel Weigert  (614) 593-1242            
Computer Science Dept., Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979 
UUCP: cbatt!oucs!dlw ** Smart Mailers: dlw@pdp.cs.cascasc