pete@wlbr.EATON.COM (Pete Lyall) (06/14/88)
Sorry about posting.. mailer delievery was shaky, and I have been trying to get this response back to Germany... ====================================================================== Received: by wlbr.EATON.COM (5.51/1.14) id AA24052; Mon, 13 Jun 88 11:08:34 PDT Message-Id: <8806131808.AA24052@wlbr.EATON.COM> To: Wolfgang Ocker <uunet!tmpmbx!weo%recco> Cc: wlbr!pete@tmpmbx, pete@wlbr Subject: Re: UUCP for OS-9/68000 In-Reply-To: Your message of Sat, 11 Jun 88 01:25:14 -0500. <8806110125.AA00018@recco.UUCP> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 88 11:08:30 -0700 From: pete@wlbr Wolfgang - Sorry to have failed to respond to the previous message... just after I received it, my primary drive died, and I lost your message. That is EXCELLENT news on DCP. We too are working on an OS9/6809 port of it, and some are working on an OSK version as well (Bob Santy ... used to work for Charles River Data Systems was involved.... Now I believe Simmule Turner will be picking up the 6809 work). We'd LOVE to have copies of your sources to speed the work at this end. I have no knowledge of NOTES, but we have started development on a primitive NEWS reader for OS9.. Thanks largely to Simmule Turner, we now have TERMCAP and CURSES operational on a 6809/LII system, as well as a rich suite of Unix tools. We'd be happy to share all that we have, mails & such willing. Pete -- Pete Lyall (OS9 Users Group VP)| DELPHI: OS9UGVP | Eaton Corp.(818)-706-5693 Compuserve: 76703,4230 (OS9 Sysop) OS9 (home): (805)-985-0632 (24hr./1200 baud) Internet: UUCP: {ihnp4,scgvax,jplgodo,voder}!wlbr!pete