[comp.sys.m68k] summary 68020 cross-assembler on IBM PC

archambe@iros1.iro.umontreal.ca (Benoit Archambault) (08/29/88)

 With a full screen worth of text, it would have been nice to have at least 
gotten a short summary of what you found.  This might be usefull to others
who might be interested in the same thing, but not interested enough to make
a query like you did.

Stephen Samuel 	  (userzxcv@ualtamts.bitnet   or  alberta!edm!steve)
MS-DOS : CPM impersonates UNIX   **    OS/2 : IBM impersonates APPLE

	Yes Stephen, you're absolutely right. Thanks for pointing out my
	lack of curtousy. Here's a summary of the most interesting suggestions
	the following people gave me :

From micheal@modchg.UUCP :

Introl				Language Resources, Inc.
647 W. Virginia St.		4885 Riverbend Rd.
Milwaukee, Wi. 53204		Boulder, Co. 80301
(414) 276-2937			(303) 449-6809

Avocet Systems, Inc.
120 Union St.
PO Box 490
Rockport, Me. 04856
(800) 448-8500

There is also a public domain set of cross assemblers available
on the Motorola Microprocessor Group Freeware line, although the
line is often not available and the offerings seem to change on
an irregular basis.  At any rate, dial in with KERMIT or some
similar program, speak at 1200 bd or less, parity information
is not in my brain, call (512) 440-FREE.  Be persistent.  If
the software is not on-line when you call, leave a message for 
the sysop and they should respond by telling what its status is.

From ericw@sgi.com :

RAVEN Computer Systems	(page 301)	Microcomputer Tools Co.	(page 301)
Box 12116				912 Hastings Dr.
St. Paul, MN 55112			Concord, CA 94518
(612) 636-0365				(800) 443-0779 (in CA 415-825-4200)
Non-linking 68020/68881: $149.95	no info for specific processors

Enertec, Inc.		(page 301)	RELMS			(page 301)
Box 1312				PO Box 6719
Lansdale, PA 19446			San Jose, CA 95150
(215) 362-0966				(408) 265-5411
68020 X-asm, Linker, Librarian $495	Both linking and non-linking 68020.

Quelo, Inc.		(page 325)
2464 33rd West, Suite #173
Seattle, WA 98199
(206) 285-2528
68020 X-asm $750

	Those were found in the January issue of BYTE magazine (1988).

+ Benoit Archambault                                                         +
+ Universite de Montreal, Dep. I.R.O. Y-222, C.P. 6128, succursale A         +
+ Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3J7, (514) 343-7480, archambe@iro.umontreal.ca       +

+ Benoit Archambault                                                         +
+ Universite de Montreal, Dep. I.R.O. Y-222, C.P. 6128, succursale A         +
+ Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3J7, (514) 343-7480, archambe@iro.umontreal.ca       +