jthornto@fs0.ee.ubc.ca (THORNTON JOHAN A) (07/21/90)
Does anyone out there have source code for a basic monitor? It should have mem dump/modify. register modify, mini-assembler/disassembler and run with breakpoints and trace. Pointers to anonymous ftp sites also gratefully accepted. Thanks, all. ------- _/__/ ----------------------------------------------------- _| ___| E l e c t r i c a l | Johan Thornton, Esq. | | |_/ E n g i n E E r i n g |------------------------- |/| __| U n i v e r s i t y | jthornto@fs1.ee.ubc.ca |-| |/__ o f B r i t i s h |------------------------- | |_____| C o l u m b i a | This space for rent ---- |__|/_| ------------------------------------------------------