[comp.sys.m68k] GNU sw

riku@field.fi (Riku Kalinen / Systems) (09/18/90)

I just finished the package (roadmap && diffs && config files) to port
gcc and other fancy stuff to Motorola delta '030 - based machines.

Package is currently on BETA test, so feedback is appreciated.

What you will need:
	porting package (gnu-bat.tar.Z)    (see later)
	gnu coff stuff (gnu-coff.tar.Z)       -"-

	gcc-1.37.1.tar.Z                   (standard gnu stuff)
	gas-1.36.tar.Z                        -"-

	patch(1)                           ('pd' stuff)
	compress(1)                           -"-

Instructions are also provided for getting emacs-18.55 working there.
Plain-vanilla svr3v6 should be enough to start with, though my test
site has also NSE 3.6 installed.

If You have BOS release equal or younger to FE03.50, you are out of luck.
The internal tables of 'c' compiler are too small to compile 'gcc' .

The stuff is available by anonymous ftp from
	funic.funet.fi ( .
Files you are interested are located at the directory
	/pub/gnu/unsupported/SysV-68k/ .

Files there include :-
	+CONTENTS.info		Description file.
	Road.Map		Instructions
	gnu-bat.tar.Z		Compressed tarfile.
				Contents discussed in Road.Map

Also, you should get the file gnu-coff.tar.Z
(for example, from funic.funet.fi:/pub/gnu/unsupported/ )

Uucp and/or tape distribution is impossible for this time.

Again, if You decide to try that out and run into some problems, I can not
guarantee any support. Any feedback is appreciated, though.

Good luck!

Riku "the bit" Kalinen                    E-Mail : riku@gandalf.Field.FI
FAE/Systems, Field Oy.                    Telex  : 122022 field sf
                                          Phone  : +358 0 757 1011
"Welcome to the party, pal!" (Die Hard)   G3 Fax : +358 0 798 853