[comp.sys.m68k] any 68332 users out there???

rickc@agora.uucp (Rick Coates) (11/16/90)

Hello! Any 68332 users out there?

I bought the 68332 EVS promo deal, and while it does work (unlike the
last promo deal from Moto) I have some questions.  The '68332KIT 
Exercise Manual' has some examples (as well as listing typos!) but
although all the examples but one use the Time Processor Unit, not one
seems to use the interrupt capability of the TPU.  Seems kinda strange,
since TPU applications are probably going to rely on interrupts...

Here is a listing: what I am trying to do is set up channel 0 as an
input and interrupt on rising edges.  This works fine if I poll
the interrupt status register, but fails if I try to use interrupts.
I have successfully used the interrupt capability of the Programmable
Interval Timer, so I have gotten the system interrupt to work (for
example, the Vector Base Register is set to 0 by the debugger).

Any HELP! out there?

Many thanks in advance...

Rick Coates

(assembler listing follows...)

                        * test for input interrupt generation
                        * 90-11-14 R. Coates
		< ... TPU equates omitted from listing for brevity ... >
00006200                	ORG $6200
00006200 33fc 0008 00ff     move.w	#$0008,TPU_CFSR3	setup channel function: DIO on ch 0
00006208 33fc 0003 00ff     move.w	#$0003,TPU_CPR1		channel priority high for 0
00006210 33fc 0007 00ff     move.w	#$7,TPU_PRAM0_0		Detect rising edges on 0
00006218 33fc 0540 00ff     move.w	#$0540,TPU_TICR		Set for vector address of 0x100
                        *					Vector priority 5
00006220 21fc 0000 624a     move.l	#doint,$100		Interrupt vector for ch 0
00006228 33fc 0000 00ff     move.w	#$0,TPU_HSQR1		Host sequence update on transition
00006230 33fc 0001 00ff     move.w	#$1,TPU_CIER		Enable interrupt for ch 0
00006238 33fc 0003 00ff     move.w	#$3,TPU_HSRR1		HSR for 0
00006240 4286               clr.l	d6			clear event counter
00006242 f800 01c0 2100     lpstop	#$2100			Wait for interrupt
                        *					(set interrupt level to 1)
00006248 60f8               bra		start			next interrupt
                        * interrupt handler
0000624a 5286               addq.l	#$1,d6			increment event counter
0000624c 0c86 0000 0010     cmpi.l	#$10,d6			test for equal to 16
00006252 6600 0022          bne.w	morewait		not yet
00006256 4286               clr.l	d6			clear event counter
00006258 307c 6288          movea.w	#text,a0		set up message registers
0000625c 327c 6294          movea.w	#endtext,a1
                        * output message
00006260 0839 0000 00ff     btst.b	#$0,$fffc0c		wait for SCI
00006268 67f6               beq.b	sciloop
0000626a 13d8 00ff fc0f     move.b	(a0)+,$fffc0f		output character
00006270 b2c8               cmpa.w	a0,a1			check for end of message
00006272 6600 ffec          bne.w	sciloop
00006276 08b9 0000 00ff     bclr.b	#0,$fffe21		clear isr
0000627e 33fc 0001 00ff     move.w	#$1,TPU_CIER		Enable interrupt for ch 0
00006286 4e73               rte					return from exception
00006288 3136 2020 2045 	DC.B	'16   Edges'
         6467 6573
00006292 0d0a           	DC.W	$0d0a

 =====     0 Error(s)
 =====     0 Warning(s)

Rick Coates
Consulting H/W - S/W engineer

mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) (11/19/90)

 In a previous article, rickc@agora.uucp (Rick Coates) writes:
>Hello! Any 68332 users out there?
>I bought the 68332 EVS promo deal, and while it does work (unlike the
>last promo deal from Moto) I have some questions.  The '68332KIT 
>Exercise Manual' has some examples (as well as listing typos!) but
>although all the examples but one use the Time Processor Unit, not one
>seems to use the interrupt capability of the TPU.  Seems kinda strange,
>since TPU applications are probably going to rely on interrupts...

>Here is a listing: what I am trying to do is set up channel 0 as an
>input and interrupt on rising edges.  This works fine if I poll
>the interrupt status register, but fails if I try to use interrupts.
>I have successfully used the interrupt capability of the Programmable
>Interval Timer, so I have gotten the system interrupt to work (for
>example, the Vector Base Register is set to 0 by the debugger).

[  Listing deleted to save space   ]

Well, I managed to get the interrupts working for discrete I/O just last week.
I am looking for any transition instead of just a postive transition like you
are.  I looked at your init code, and it seems ok to me except for the following

1.  You should give channel 0 TPU priority only after you have intialized it
    and requested service.  This ensures that you are really set up before
    actually trying to do something.  I asked Motorola, and they said that
    was the proper way.  I didn't like it either, as it seems a bit screwy.
    What can I say?

2.  You are not clearing the interrupt properly in your interrupt routine.
    As per the TPU manual, revision .9, you should first read the interrupt
    status register, clear the bit from the value you read, and then write
    the modified value back to the interrupt status register.  It should
    look something like this:
      move.w      TPU_ISR,D0
      and.w       #$fe,D0
      move.w      D0,TPU_ISR

    This is documented on page 2-11 of the TPU manual mentioned.  It works for
    me.  Note that as soon as you do your initialization, you will get an
    interrupt from the TPU, even though you haven't really gotten a transition.
    You are supposed to know that this interupt is caused by initialization and
    either ignore it or handle it specially.  I don't enable the interrupt
    until after intialization is complete because I want to ignore the first
    interupt that is caused by such initialization.  If you don't clear the
    interupt as documented, I'm not sure what will happen.  I see that you
    are using the bclr.b opcode.  I don't know if that does what you want, since
    you are only clearing the low order word of the ISR.  The manual talks
    about doing most things coherently, which I take to mean that you should
    operate on words, not bytes when dealing with the TPU.  It should take the
    same amount of time to clear the whole word as compared to the byte, so
    try it with the bclr.w instruction, or use the technique listed above.
    Sometimes those neat little instructions like bclr have side effects that
    are a bit nasty.

3.  You talk about moving the VBR around.  Does your interrupt vectoring take
    that into account?  I haven't played with the VBR at all, so am not sure
    exactly what you can and can't do with it. 

>Rick Coates


Dave McMahan                            mcmahan@netcom.uucp

gould@motcid.UUCP (Adam Gould) (11/21/90)

This is really Dan DeClerck of Motorola international Subscriber group
in Arlington heights, Il.

Do all the manipulation of the TPU registers (including HSRV's) before
you set the priority, this will get it to work. To get more information
mail to me at:

