[comp.sys.m68k] Monitor for 68k

ojr@itk.unit.no (Ornulf Rodseth) (02/23/91)

We are doing development for quite a few different types of 68000 and
68020 boards. The monitors supplied with the boards are of cause all
different and each have their own peculiarites and bugs. We would very
much want *one* common monitor for all our boards. Do anyone know
about a 68k monitor, written in C, reasonably portable, and preferably
public domain? I would also appreciate an ftp address for any such
beast. Please mail me, I'll summarize for the list if I get any
interesting answers.

Ornulf Jan Rodseth M.Sc.	ojr@itk.unit.no
SINTEF Automatic Control	+(47 7) 594351 (direct) / 594375 (switchboard)
N-7034 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY	+(47 7) 594399 (fax)