[comp.sys.m68k] 683xx survey

glenn@ready.com (Glenn Kasten) (04/25/91)

I am interested in finding out how people are planning on using the
683xx series of processors in new designs.  This series includes the
68302, 68332, and 68340 (at least).  If you would please mail your
answers to me, then I will summarize the results and post them to this
newsgroup in two weeks.  The summary will not include the names or
companies of those who respond.  Thank you!

Note: the questions are phrased in the future tense.  If you already
have a 683xxx design, just change the questions to present tense.

1. Why are you considering using the 683xx series?

2. Which processor(s) in the 683xx series do you plan on using in your design?

3. Is this a custom design, or do you plan on using a commercial board?

4. If you plan on using a commercial board, which one(s) are you considering?

5. If this is a custom design, how much RAM/EPROM will it have?

6. Is this a uniprocessor or multiprocessor design?

7. If multiprocessor, are all processors of the same kind (symmetric), or
   is there a mixture of different type of processors (asymmetric)?
   In the latter case, please state which other processors will be used.

7. If multiprocessor, do the processors communicate by shared memory,
   serial line, or other?

8. Which host development system(s) will you use?

9. What method of downloading from the development system to the target
   will you use (Ethernet, serial, parallel, shared memory, etc.)?

10. Will you use an in-circuit emulator?  If so, which one?

11. Do you view the 683xx as simply a cheap 680xx (that is, you don't plan to
    make extensive use of the integrated I/O)?

12. If you do plan on making use of the integrated I/O, which types of I/O
    are most important?

Glenn Kasten
Ready Systems 470 Potrero Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 
glenn@ready.com (408) 522-7357 
Glenn Kasten
Ready Systems 470 Potrero Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 
glenn@ready.com (408) 522-7357