has@eagle.ukc.ac.uk (H.A.Shaw) (09/15/87)
Can someone please send me information about the M6839 maths chip. This is what I know (or think I know :-)). It is an 8K by 8 (2764 or similar) ROM containing relocatable Motorola 6809 code to perform IEEE maths functions using single and double (32 and 64 bit) integer mathematics and single, double and extended (32, 64 and 80 bit) floating point mathematics. I have one, and would like to use it in a homebuilt M6809 system under FLEX. Functions include: +, -, *, /, %, floor(), ceil(), abs(), <, > and ==. conversions between: integer-single, integer-double, floating-single, floating-double, floating-extended and ASCII characters. Disassembly of some of the code indicates two entry points, one using stack based data, and the other using registers. The U.K. Motorola Reps. say that the chip's code had some bugs concerning the handling of execptions, and rounding errors, and it was never officially released, and therefore they cannot get me any information since it was never a true Motorola product. If someone has an old manual (I have an application note that talks about an "M6839 advansed users guide", or some such) I would be grateful. I am quite willing to pay the jacket price (plus Post+Packing) if neccessary. All I want is the information on how to use the program fully. It appears to have an error recovery system when it gets +/- infinity, Not-A-Numbers etc., but I don't know how to use it. All the information would be for my own personal use. Please respond via mail. Even if is just someone at Motorola saying that all of the documentation was burnt 5 years ago :-( I will finally find something out! Howard Shaw. Physics Lab, The University, Canterbury, Kent, U.K. tel: England-0227-764000 ext 3282/3487 try the following... (it changes so often I can't keep up anyway) <world>...!ukc!has has@ukc.uucp has@ukc.uk.ac