[sci.electronics] reversed chinese ad

kottke@puff.wisc.edu (Rich Kottke) (10/03/87)

[lineater? what linea

   While paging through a copy of the IEEE Spectrum, I noticed a possibly
humerous error.  On the bottom of page 62 of the Sept. 87 issue, there is
an ad done entirely in Chinese (I think.  Maybe Korean for all I know).
   Anyway, If you look closely at the ad, you can tell that the entire thing
is backwards, because they use the same symbols for numbers as we do, and all
of the numbers in the ad are backwards!

   I wonder if anyone out there who can read this thing (in a mirror of
of course :-> ) could tell me what it says.  I am curious.



D A R N!  I T    W O N ' T   W O R K !
(Psst. Hey, Rich.  try plugging it in first)