(Thomas Krueger) (10/14/87)
I would like to send out an informal quiz, to get your reactions and reasons to the following questions about your favorite power supplies in regards to vacuum tube preamps. Assume about 4 dual triodes, Ebb of 250, Ib of 15 ma per plate, Eb of 90V. 1) Do you prefer tube or solid state regulation devices and why? 2) Would you put a large (>100MFD) capacitor after the pass device? 3) Are two stages of regulation, assuming no decoupling (other than plate resistors) overkill? 4) Do you prefer active or passive regulation? 5) Assuming a pre-regulator, what about individual active regulators for each stage, or even each plate? If you don't post, I can summarise or send mail to any interested. Thanks, as always, for your time. - Tom Thomas Krueger, Univ WI Milwaukee, Computing Services, Electronics Shop +1 414 229 5172